help raise NEO's profile with a quick online effort...

Submitted by Sandy Kristin P... on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 07:30.

I'm going to try one more time, since my previous call for help only yielded two responses (thanks, you two!), and since there is some recently posted information on what is coming down the pipeline out of Seattle in terms of developing local sites based on 43places.
Here's what to do:  create a free account on 43things, add this goal to your list of 43 things to do, and make an entry under that goal with "Cleveland" in the title. That will get us on the list of the first 15 cities to receive local sites in the next iteration of 43places.

Please read the rest of my entry at BFD...

Update: Success! We have a team of more than 10 people, and we will be the second city to get access to the next, local, version of 43places. I have made a list of the team members over at listofbests (which is another sister site).