? of the day: Who are your favorite local artists?
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 01:54.

We all talk about the importance of the creative class and supporting the arts - hopefully we all go to gallery openings every chance we have (future question, how often do you go to openings... feel free to comment) - but artists eat by selling art, not giving away wine. So. when did you last buy a work of local art? Do you push your friends to buy local art? Your business? What artists - who do you like? Plug them - promote some artists... include their URLs if they have websites - add their openings and studio shows to the realneo calendar!!!
Vince Packard - cannibol.com
Vince Packard, who is based in Kent, Ohio, is gaining attention on an international level, but still a well-kept secret here:
If you'd rather go in person to see / buy Vince's art, you can contact him through the Standing Rock Cultural Arts Center: http://standingrock.net
Vince's father is Ray Packard, a well-known Akron artist. Vince has many pieces of art, paintings, sculptures, modified antiques, etc. that you can purchase and display, or he can make custom pieces.
A large and impressive collaboration put together by Vince Packard is on public display outside of Standing Rock Cultural Arts - the Lost Animal Graveyard displays life-sized tombstones for extinct animals that once roamed Ohio. Photos here:
Cherokee artist Edwin George's massive mural depicting Ohio animals from a Native American perspective is the backdrop for the Lost Ohio Graveyard - It spans the entire side of the building next door to the graveyard. The mural was painted in 2005.
Arabella Proffer-Vendetta very cool artists, cool website too!
There are so many artists I could list and I have a lot to say about all of them! There's Viktor Schreckengost who turns 100 this year, print maker Pamela Dodds, Neon artist Dana Patterson, sculptor Charmaine Spencer, painter Douglass Max Utter, installation artist Jason Lee, textile artist Lilian Tyrrell. For now I will choose Arabella Proffer-Vendetta because I love her work and she has a lot of work up on line that you can see right now. (www.arabellaproffer.com)
Arabella Proffer-Vendetta is a portrait painter who works in the Gothic-Realist style (I made that term up, but it fits) I won't say any more, her website is excellent -- go visit, download some wall paper, commission a portrait or two.
cleveland artists
Nominate your favorite artist, designer, writer, choreographer for The Cleveland Arts Prize www.clevelandartsprize.org and come buy some art at HeightsArts
March 4 - April 16, 2006
Collector's Choice, Third Annual
15 artists, three works each (and more in reserve).
$200 to $600 with at least one piece by each artist at $200.
Christi Birchfield
David Brichford
Catherine Butler
Jeff Chiplis
Bonnie Dolin
Gretchen Goss
Margaret Kimura
Jean Kubota Cassill
Lisa Meek
Robert Muller
Michael Romanik
Lisa Schonberg
Kevin Snipes
Mark Sudduth
Print, drawing
Neon Sculpture
Chine-collée prints
Oil pastel paintings
Cloisoné enamel
Printmaking; monoprint and relief woodcuts
Opening Reception Saturday, March 4, 6–9 pm
Through April 15. Gallery hours Wed–Sat, 12–9 pm, Sunday, 1-5.
Photo: Jeff Chiplis’s neon piece We BE
Favorite local artists... I'll start with Dana Paterson
my fave neo artists
music, dead or alive
new lou reeds
dead boys
rocket from the tombs
mikey machine
carlos jones
first light
perfect guy
the very knees
the six parts seven
the black keys
finless brown
i will think more about visual art now........and get back to you