Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 12/28/2012 - 05:50.
(Americans with Disabilities Act - "let the shameful wall of exclusion finaly come tumbling down" stated president bush july 26, 1990 - as he signed into law the ada - with thousands of so called disabled humans and service canines on the white house lawn - the larges group of people by far ever gathered on the white house lawn - after many years of fighting the corruption ignorance discrimination self interest etc. aganist the ada - and before finaly with thousands of disabled people climbing the many capitol steps with out wheel chairs by crawling step by step as they do every day in life - people on their backs pushing them selves up and on their stomachs pushing them selves knee by knee arm by arm and entering and chaining them selves to each other and their wheel chairs that were brought in for them and not leaving under threat of arrest - and the congress was in session at that time and finaly passed the Americans with Disabilities Act)
U.S. Department of Justice
Americans with Disabilities Act
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Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title II and Title III
(Published in the Federal Register, September 15, 2010,
and taking effect on March 15, 2011)
(Updated April 1, 2011)
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
(New November 15, 2010)
Amendment of Title II and Title III Regulations:
Extension of Compliance Date for Existing Pools
(New May 21, 2012)
Questions and Answers: Accessibility Requirements for Existing Swimming Pools at Hotels and Other Public Accommodations (HTML) | (PDF)
(New May 24, 2012)
Updated Document -- ADA Requirements: Accessible Pools -
Means of Entry and Exit (HTML) | (PDF)
(Updated May 24, 2012)
Re-Broadcast of May 2012 Webinars
Accessible Pools: Means of Entry and Exit
Existing Pools under Titles II and III under the ADA
ADA Update:
A Primer for Small Business (HTML) | (PDF)
An illustrated guide to help small businesses understand
the new and updated requirements of the revised ADA regulations.
(Updated March 16, 2011)
Revised ADA Requirements: Ticket Sales (HTML) | (PDF)
(New July 7, 2011)
Revised ADA Requirements: Service Animals (HTML) | (PDF)
(New July 6, 2011)
Revised ADA Requirements:
Effective Date and Compliance Date (HTML) | PDF
(New February 16, 2011)
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Updated December 7, 2010)
Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA
Movie Captioning and Video Description
Accessibility of Next Generation 9-1-1
Equipment and Furniture
(new agreement October 16, 2012)
Cities, towns, and counties across America take steps
to make programs, services, and facilities accessible
Tool Kit For State And Local Governments

U.S. Attorney Program for ADA Enforcement
Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative
(updated August 14, 2012)

(updated September 12, 2012)
Olmstead: Community Integration for Everyone
The Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision Olmstead v. L.C.
June 22, 1999
(updated September 13, 2012)
1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design

Access To Medical Care For
Individuals With Mobility Disabilities
New from the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services
(New July 22, 2010)

ADA Business Connection
Information for Businesses including ADA Publications,
ADA Business Briefs, Design Standards, and ADA Regulations

Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities --
an online ADA course for businesses

ADA Video Gallery
Ten Employment Myths
My Country
Ten Small Business Mistakes,
Police Response to People with Disabilities,
ADA Signing Ceremony

ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters
An ADA Guide for Local Governments:
Making Community Emergency Preparedness
and Response Programs Accessible
to People with Disabilities
PCA Tool Kit: Chapter 7
Emergency Management Under Title II of the ADA

ADA Checklist for Polling Places

My Country: Online Streaming Video
Order DVD online
or by calling the ADA Information Line

ADA Information for Law Enforcement
Police Response to People With Disabilities
Toll-Free ADA Information Line
Call to obtain answers to general and technical questions about the ADA and to order technical assistance materials:
800-514-0301 (voice) 800-514-0383 (TTY)
ADA Regulations and Technical Assistance Materials
View or download Department of Justice ADA regulations and technical assistance documents for businesses, and state and local governments including the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
View or download settlement agreements and consent decrees, ADA Status Reports: Enforcing the ADA, and ADA briefs.
Latest Status Report: (posted August 9, 2012)
Enforcing the ADA, A Status Report, April - June 2011
Technical Assistance Program
The ADA requires the Department to provide technical assistance to businesses, State and local governments, and individuals with responsibilities and rights under the law.
Certification of State and Local Building Codes
The Department is authorized to certify building codes that meet or exceed the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
New or Proposed Regulations
Amendment of Americans With Disabilities Act Title II and Title III Regulations: Extension of Compliance Date for Existing Pools (New May 21, 2012)
Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title II and Title III (Updated May 21, 2012)
ADA Update: A Primer for Small Business (HTML) | (PDF) (updated March 16, 2011)
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Updated December 7, 2010)
- Accessibility of Web Information and Services Provided by Entities Covered by the ADA
- Movie Captioning and Video Description
- Accessibility of Next Generation 9-1-1
- Equipment and Furniture
Notice of Public Hearing (Updated November 2, 2010)
The Department will hold three public hearings on the Advanced Notices of Proposed Rulemaking published in the Federal Register on July 26, 2010.
ADA Mediation Program
Other Items of Interest
Department of Justice Section 508 Home Page
Disability Rights Online News (new December 8, 2011)
A monthly update about the Civil Rights Division's activities in the area of disability rights.
Letter to States Regarding Illegal Exclusion of Individuals with HIV/AIDS from Occupational Training and State Licensing (new May 5, 2011)
Memorandum to Federal Agency Civil Rights Directors and General Counsels concerning use of the 2010 ADA Standards under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as an alternative accessibility standard. (new April 1, 2011)
Letter to the Asian American Hotel Owners Association regarding accessible entry and exit for swimming pools and spas (HTML)
Letter to the American Hotel and Lodging Association regarding accessible entry and exit for swimming pools and spas (HTML)
Frequently Asked Questions about Filing an ADA Complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (new August 2, 2010)
Complaint: The United States District Court For The District Of Nebraska (QuikTrip Corporation) re: ensuring accessibility of hundreds of gas stations, convenience stores, truck stops, and travel centers; fueling and other types of assistance; independent licensed architect certification; website accessibility; compensatory damages fund for aggrieved individuals (new July 15, 2010)
Departments of Justice and Education joint "Dear Colleague" Letter on Electronic Book Readers (new June 29, 2010)
Information about the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 ( November 24, 2009)
Complaint: United States of America v. Patric LeHouillier and LeHouillier & Associates, P.C. re: denying access to his law offices because an individual with a disability was accompanied by a service animal (November 4, 2009)
International Treaty on the Rights of People with Disabilities (August 14, 2009)
Justice Department Intervenes In Americans With Disabilities Act Lawsuit Against Transportation Provider (June 25, 2009)
Statement by the Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Addressing Civil Rights in the Response to H1N1 Influenza (May 11, 2009)
Justice Department Sues Nobel Learning Communities Inc. for Discrimination Against Children with Disabilities (April 28, 2009)
Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Disability Discrimination by the City of Baltimore, Maryland (April 24, 2009)
Access for All: Five Years of Progress,
A Report from the Department of Justice on Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Long v. Benson (PDF) (April 2, 2009)
Appellate Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae supporting appellee – re: private right of action under title II to obtain integrated community-based services under Olmstead
Arizona v. Harkins Amusement Enterprises, Inc. (PDF) (February 6, 2009)
Appellate Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae supporting appellants and urging reversal – re: closed captions and video description as auxiliary aids in movie theaters
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
and the ADA: What You Need To Know (new March 25, 2009)
Text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-325) (new March 20, 2009)
U.S. Sues Five Manhattan Hotels For Violations Of ADA (PDF) | (HTML)
Federal Agencies Jointly Issue Publications on Making EEO Mediation Accessible to People with Disabilities
Department of Homeland Security Highlights Acess for All Policy Initiatives for Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness
Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal
Americans with Disabilities Act: Information for Law Enforcement
Freedom of Information Act ADA Materials online
Faces of the ADA:
ADA Stories and Photos

"Without the ADA I never would have been able to pursue my dream
of playing golf professionally." Casey Martin

ADA Stories:
Four Communities Improve Civic Access
San Antonio, Texas; Springfield, Missouri; Summers County, West Virginia, and Fernandina Beach, Florida
Child Care Centers and the ADA Flyer (HTML format) - Acrobat PDF format
ADA Web Site Archive