Cadiz, Ohio...Home of Clark Gable: A One Tank Trip from Cleveland

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Fri, 10/14/2011 - 09:33.

In a little town called Cadiz, Ohio is the birthplace of an American legend; Clark Gable. I was blessed to take my mother and my daughter's father's mother there for Mother's day several years ago. Hearing their delightful stories and seeing the glee and excitement in their eyes as we toured this simple attraction was priceless.

The front door has a photo of Clark Gable which is a great spot for tourists to "get a photo with the star!" Outside of this home is a wishing well. Situated in the county seat of Harrison County; driving to this home means seeing countless Appalachian sites along the countryside.

Among our pitstops during this "Weekend Get A Way"; we visited the homestead of "HOP-A-LONG CASSIDY" and "OGLEBAY PARK, West Virginia" where the Rockefellers enjoyed a homestead. We enjoyed a dinner along the Ohio River at a quaint restaurant and later these grandmothers were enchanted to toss some coins in the newly opened "WHEELING ISLAND" casino slot machines.




The excitement from this little trip was by far something I shall treasure for the endurance. It was the last Mother's Day I was blessed to share with my mother. The funny part about it is that we all just picked up and said we were going to take a drive for the day. It wasn't a big planned vacation. It was not a costly expedition. Most of our expenses were the tank of gas we expelled rolling the roads. Along the way; the chatter, site seeing, and laughter was food for the soul. Sometimes it is good just to take a One Tank Trip and appreciate people and things that are in our world without putting price tags on the "unaffordable parts." We spent lots of time touring the mansion at Oglebay Park, walking the monsterous mountainside and appreciating the many things like the antiques, the fountains, and the gift stores we enjoyed.

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