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Iraq StarGate Key to 911 and Bush - cnn ireport (quest news wrote iraq war realy about Extraterrestrials 12 years ago-will post)Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 10/14/2013 - 19:24.
![]() Iraq StarGate Back in the 1920s the Iraq StarGate was uncovered in Baghdad. This StarGate was surrounded by the “Green Zone” during the Iraqi War and was the whole purpose for the war. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) were an excuse. Having control of the StarGate was the goal of the Bush Administration as well as Nazi Germany. This was a repeat of when Hitler and Nazi Germany went to Iraq to fight against the British as both wanted control of the Iraq StarGate. Führer Directive No. 30 dealt with German intervention in support of Arab Nationalists in the Kingdom of Iraq. During the 1930s, representatives of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy attempted to gain favor with various Iraqi nationalists and promised support against the British. On 2 May 1941, after tensions mounted on both sides, the British launched pre-emptive land strikes against Iraqi forces and the Anglo-Iraqi War began. Rashid Ali immediately requested that the Germans make good on the earlier promises of assistance. The International Zone (formerly known as the Green Zone) is the heavily guarded diplomatic/government area of closed-off streets in central Baghdad where US occupation authorities live and work. The Green Zone in the central city includes the main palaces of former President Saddam Hussein where the StarGate is located in the basement of the main palace. The area houses the civilian ruling authority run by the Americans and British and the offices of major US consulting companies. Prescott Bush had furnished weapons to Nazi Germany to arm them for World War II. Rockefellers Chase Bank and Prescott Bush Fund Secret Space Program According to research carried out over the last few years, Wall Street bankers (amongst others) financed Hitler’s rise to power whilst making large profits at the same time. U.S. economist Victor Thorn has noted that although a large number of other corporations aided the Nazis (such as Standard Oil and Rockefeller’s Chase Bank, as well as U.S. automobile manufacturers) Prescott Bush’s interests were much more profound and sinister. In their book, Tarpley and Chaitkin explain that in this way a significant part of the Bush family’s financial base is related to supporting and aiding Adolph Hitler. Therefore, the U.S. president number 43, just like his father number 41 (former CIA director, vice president and president) reached the peak of the U.S. political hierarchy thanks to his great-grandfather and grandfather and generally his entire family, who financially aided and encouraged the Nazis. Hitler was a Contactee and Traveled Through Time Space Rifts Hitler was a contactee who made deals with then negative Extraterrestrial (ETs) Groups. Hitler and Others traveled through ‘Time-Space Rift’ that Montauk and other programs like the Philadelphia Project created. They also made deals with negative ETs to attain other time-travel means. Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia and the United States and England were working with Extraterrestrial Technologies long before the 1947 Crash at Roswell. That Crash was caused by the US Military who played with radar signals where the Craft were spotted which caused a problem in the Crafts navigation computers which could not be corrected before they crashed. This Craft was used for re-engineering as were other Craft and some of those were shot down by the US Military. Wars Were a Diversion and Income for the Black Ops Space Program at NSA The wars were all created as a diversion. Running guns, drug smuggling and war profits all had only one goal and that was to run the Secret Space Program. We have Border Facilities like Fort Bliss in El Paso Texas used for Black Ops in Mexico. We placed our deep Secret Space Facilities in Tunneled Underground Labs near Indian Reservations in New Mexico and Arizona so no United States Citizen could see the Black Ops trainings without effort. The National Security Agency (NSA) has been running a Secret Space Program since its inception. They have technologies which far exceed anything NASA has. President Obama closed down the Space Shuttle Program because the NSA Craft are 4th/5th Generation beyond the Space Shuttle. When we sign the Petitions we demand President Obama, the Intelligence Complexes and Military inform us of what has been hidden. They are not trying to debunk ET, they are afraid of worldwide anger at being deceived and a following dissolution of all governments as citizens learn more about all the deceptions which have been kept hidden under a cover story. The CIA was originally set up by executive order under President Truman in 1947 and NSA grew out of that. Since then the CIA has been running the United States Military and Black Ops Budget running the Secret Space Program. Anyplace the United States had a need for Military Intervention, the CIA is there with Black Ops running the Military. It would be impossible to audit the United States Military simply because the Black Ops Budgets have never been written down. The Majestic Documents can be downloaded and printed online. The Freedom of Information Act declassified several documents which UFO Experts have been researching and posting online for years. This is not a conspiracy or a theory. NSA Landed on the Moon in 1961, NASA 1969 Mr. Chertok was an electrician at 17, and by 1930 was working in an aircraft factory. He graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute in 1940. After World War II, he was a member of a team of experts sent to Germany to mine records of the German rocketry program. Another member of that team was Mr. Korolev. They brought back the blueprints of the German V-2, which became the basis for the Soviet missile and space programs. Mr. Chertok’s systems guided the rocket that bore Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth, into space on Oct. 4, 1957; and, on April 12, 1961, the rocket that took the first man into space, Yuri Gagarin. (Less than a month later, Alan B. Shepard Jr. became the first American in space.) When JFK made the call for a manned space flight, he knew that the United States NSA had already landed on the Moon in 1961. During World War II there were no real enemies. Everything was fabricated to fund the Soviet Union, Germany and the United States to go into Space. Howard Hughes Flew To Inner Earth Portal Opening In 1938 when Hitler was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year, American pilot Howard Hughes flew into the Arctic Circle looking for the portals into Inner Earth at the North Pole. He found it. He flew from Yakutsk Russia over the Pole to Fairbanks Alaska. He was funded by the same Wall Street Bankers who funded the Secret Space Program. He flew in a Lockheed Jet. Lockheed, BMW and other Industrial Corporations were fronts for Secret Space Development. Lockheed’s Skunk Works is an alias for Lockheed Martins Advanced Development Projects. In Washington State they build the bombs we drop in Iraq funding the Secret Space Program. That is a nice way to launder money and keep everything quiet from the US Citizens. The Cold War was a diversion, not to hide Space Secrets from the Russians, but to hide the truth from the American People. Communism was a strategy for Russia to get the funds it needed to run their Secret Space Program. Hitler did the same thing in Germany. There were shuttle flights to the Moon and Mars weekly during the 1960s and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower talks about The Mars Colony and the things she learned from her great-Grandfather, President Eisenhower. International Space Station Utilizes ET Scientists and Advanced Technology The International Space Station (ISS) is a habitable, artificial satellite in low Earth Orbit. It is the ninth space station to be inhabited. The station is operated by Expedition crews, and has been continuously occupied for 11 years and 46 days having exceeded the previous record of 3,644 days, held by Mir, in 2010. That’s what the official word is, anyway. President Obama keeps in contact with the Astronauts from the over 15 countries who have ISS Astronauts. According to the original Memorandum of Understanding between NASA and RSA, the International Space Station (ISS) was intended to be a laboratory, observatory and factory in space. It was also planned to provide transportation, provide servicing and act as a staging base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars and asteroids. (It is nice of NASA to prepare an out for the deception). In the 2010 United States National Space Policy, the ISS was given additional roles of serving commercial, diplomatic, and educational purposes. President Obama is often in communication with these Astronauts on Flat Screens like a video Skype Call, only different. He is working with the Altimarians and other positive benign Extraterrestrial Groups helping our Astronauts with advanced technologies like nanites. These Extraterrestrials who are a part of the Galactic Federation are already working to bring new technologies to Earth and wait for Self-Disclosure between our Governments and their Citizens. They do this out of compassion for the need of our Social Contracts being reported violated by those who we have elected to represent us. They do this instead of a Messier Forced Contact. Senator Paul Wellstone was taken out because he planned on telling the Truth about some of these deceptions. Many have been threatened with death to keep all of us in complete denial. The Altimarians referred to here are 12 scientists from the planet Altimar who volunteered to come to Earth and assist with environmental remediation efforts here. They bring green technology. They apparently arrived on Earth sometime in January, 2008. Gabrielle Giffords, Congresswoman from Arizona and Member of the United States House Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics is married to Mark Kelly. Mark Kelly and his twin brother Scott were both selected to be shuttle pilots by NASA in 1996. Scott served as commander of (ISS) Expedition 26. NASA astronauts Mark Kelly and Frederick Sturckow have visited the ISS four times, the most of any other NASA Astronauts. All of the technology developed through the Secret Space Program is utilized at ISS as well as technology we cannot even imagine. Disclosure is long, long overdue. Gabrielle lived through an attempt on her life where 6 other people died including a Federal Judge. Gabrielle and Mark are both White Knights working to bring Disclosure the right way at the right time. President Obama Joint Chiefs and Intel Must Be Together on Disclosure When we take the mature view of the problem we realize that not only President Obama, but also Intel, including CIA, FBI, DoD, DIA, and NSA among others, the Old Guard at the Pentagon and the Military Industrial Complex must all agree together it is time for Disclosure. This is all happening at a time when the United States government is coming apart at the seams. There is a dysfunctional decline of the United States as a world power, the banks are broke and the Congress has the Patriot Act in place for 10 years and refuses to end torturing detainees at Gitmo. Signing the Petitions is Action Politics at its best and it is We The People’s chance to petition their democracy and demand a change in policy which renders truth in the darkness. The New York Times informs us in great detail of a Russian rocket engineer who played a central role in designing the navigation systems for Soviet spacecraft during the race to the moon in hopes that we will forget and let it all pass away. The Media has played a major role in keeping on the blindfold. Will you let it rest? by Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved
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1 hour ago
This is too much to believe. No real sources cited except for an Eisenhower grand daughter? More like a narrative like a sci-fi book. What is left out is the big picture: why would people be living on the moon for decades? Where is the benefit and if there were extraterrestrials, why are they always hidden? If there was a real stargate we would be decades ahead of where we are but in some ways we are going...
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