Protect Your Family from Toxic Chemicals
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 10/09/2009 - 03:21.
Protect Your Family from Toxic Chemicals
Dear guy ,
Here's a disturbing fact: The 33 year-old law that is supposed to protect Americans from exposure to toxic chemicals is so outdated that China legally exports toxic materials into the U.S. that are not only banned in Japan and Europe, but can't even be used domestically in China.
Here's another: Of the 82,000 chemicals available for use in the U.S., only about 200 have been required to be tested for safety.
This is unacceptable. Please take action to protect our families from dangerous toxic chemicals today >
Thousands of chemicals that have not been tested for safety are used in common items found in homes across America: in children's toys and bottles, in food cans and soda can linings, in our mattresses, computers, shampoos, lotions and more.
Due to this unchecked exposure, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found toxic chemicals in the bodies of virtually all Americans. Some of these are linked to increases in prostate and breast cancers, diabetes, heart disease, lowered sperm counts, early puberty and other diseases and disorders.
Unlike every other major environmental law, the nation's main chemical safety law, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), has never been significantly amended since it was adopted in 1976. TSCA has serious flaws that impede it from ensuring chemical safety in the U.S. and needs to be reformed and strengthened for our safety.
Please take action to support legislation to protect our families from dangerous toxic chemicals today >
- The Team in partnership with Environmental Defense Action Fund
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Protect our families from dangerous chemicals.