SMILE....It's Contagious.....and Healthy for You!

Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 10/27/2011 - 12:28.


As we face the battles of life; the best we can do at the end of the day and throughout the day is to take a deep breath and smile.... Yes, smile.... As my dad always said..."There is nothing so bad today that you cannot wake up tomorrow to deal with..." (After someone had killed themselves when we were kids.) Smiling is tough for so many. Our hearts are so challenged with outside influences and things we've survived. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!" said Forrest Gump's momma. My mom always had smiling Irish Eyes-even after great battles and losses-she found the courage to smile and celebrate life. So, today, I's contagious and you never know who's world you might brighten with that considerate smile. It's amazing to stop, smile, and ask someone how they are doing that appears lonely and discouraged. Try it sometime. You never know.... This is an awesome disease to spread....simple, priceless, and considerate...smiles.... Love to all. Have a blessed day! and don't forget to SMILE............................. "Like a good Timex...we can all take a beaten' and keep on ticken'!"


Share the smiles.....hugs...and thoughts of love with the world around you.....
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