Unknowncountry.com Newsletter - news from the edge
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 01:40.
J. Allan Danelek and Whitley Strieber take an objective look at extraterrestrials, government coverup and the prospect of first contact—and Danelek’s carefully skeptical and objective approach leads to some provocative conclusions.
Under Whitley’s questioning, some facts that Danelek has discovered emerge that will add new dimension to your understanding of the UFO phenomenon in all of its complexity and importance.
To get his books and learn more about his work, go to Jeff’s website, OurCuriousWorld.com.
On March 13, a video was made in Puerto Alegre, Brazil of what appeared to be a U-shaped fireball slowly descending to earth.
The Brazilian reporter commented on the unusual nature of the object, but without realizing that an object so similar as to be virtually identical had been seen and photographed by journalists and officials from a plane in China three weeks prior. Thanks to an "Out There" reader, the excellent photo published in China of the object seen from the plane was brought to our attention today. Read more... |
A man attempting to get a picture of London's Big Ben with his cell phone was shocked to find four UFO's floating in the frame of the photograph.
"There was nothing unusual in the photo and it was only when we flicked through them later that we saw them and then it started a big UFO debate," said Derek Burdon of Leverington, who took the photograph.
"I have not tampered with it and you would not be able to fake it. It was taken on my mobile and I guess I am just lucky to have it. These shapes were not visible to the naked eye so it's not as if I was looking for them." Read more... |
Wednesdays from 7 to 8 Pacific Time join Whitley and Anne Strieber in the subscriber section's live chat room for an hour of fun, entertainment and information as we enjoy an open chat with our favorite authors!
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In Anne's new diary, she writes of her experience on LIVE radio, "Whitley usually appears on television alone, but occasionally I get to make an appearance as well. One of most enjoyable things Whitley and I ever did together was to participate in a live radio show in front of an audience at the River Rock Casino in Vancouver, Canada recently. But I have a feeling that my first time on live radio may also turn out to be my last, because I made a major blunder!" Read more... |
If there is one person in this world who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the abduction phenomenon, it's Anne Strieber. Over the years since Whitley Strieber's Communion was published, Anne has read half a million letters describing close encounters of the third kind, and her memory for them is extraordinary. So when she and an expert like Jeff Danelek get into a discussion about the abduction phenomenon, you can expect exactly what you get here: new information, startling insights and knowledge that you just cannot find elsewhere.
Don't miss this great interview, and don't miss the serious wonder, the sense of community and the enjoyment you get for being an Unknowncountry.com subscriber.
LOADS of entertainment for as little as eleven cents a day. Nothing gives you more for less!
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You can now follow Whitley Strieber on Twitter, and it's fun. You never know what sort of Tweet you might get from him throughout the day. To follow Whitley, Click here... |
Thanks to a sharp-eyed "Out There" reader, videos of identical and extremely bizarre living forms have emerged from two different countries. Both show odd "stick figures" that look nothing like any "alien video" ever made. One was taken in Fresno, California and the other in Santa Rosa de Quives near Lima, Peru. Read more... |
Join William Henry on April 10-19 for his American Rite tour and Nashville Spring Conference.
After Nashville, the tour moves to Washington DC for three action-packed days exploring the temples and monuments of our nation's Capital. Long ago, says William, a plan was put in place for the creation of a place where humans could perfect and enlighten themselves and link with higher beings…and even become them. America is that place. Now is the time for the realization of the dream of the American Enlightenment. Our challenge as Americans, and for all the citizens of earth, is to illuminate and connect with the visionary, mythic and even mystical, aspects of our selves. There's no better place to do this than Washington, DC. William will take you on a wild ride, where you will explore William's investigation of the US Capitol as a holy place (a "Temple of Time"), learn how the Capitol dome encodes the secrets of transfiguration. It's a stargate that is there for your use. The last leg of the tour is in Philadelphia, where more secrets of the Founding Fathers will be explored.
This is William Henry's fourth tour with Chet. All of William's previous sacred site tours have sold out and seats for this one are selling fast. The first 22 people to call with a deposit will get a seat. Call Dr. Snow at (928) 204-1962 or email him at cbsnow [at] npgcable [dot] com for details or to reserve your seat. Read more... |
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