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Any FARKers out there?Submitted by Amin Varghai on Sat, 04/09/2005 - 20:35.
I attended two of most entertaining sessions at NOTACON this afternoon. I have to thank Froggy for making this happen. At about 5pm I listened and laughed at Drew Curtis talk about his Drew talked about the challenges, experiences and most of all the fun you can have running a community based amuzing site.  The amount of opportunity and fun you can with his site are immense. After Drew's talk I listened to Stephanie Pakrul talk about her personal community website called This is close to what we are trying to accomplish with REALNEO. She uses PHPNuke for CMS on her site and comparatively gets heavy traffic from pictures. She seems to be on the cutting edge with her mobile camera updating where she is several times a day. As she talked about it, her website layout is very artistic and personal. Of course, this is not professional for a service provider but works very well for her.  She answered my question about community expansion by simply pointing out the interactive products, such as forums, commnets and themes that she provides for them. Â
To order complete sessions' DVDs email krnlpanik [at] notacon [dot] org">krnlpanik [at] notacon [dot] org BTW Froggy, I enjoyed the talent show very much.
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