Oh little star of Mittaland
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 22:59.

No Idea who came up with this one or what it means, but there is a star strung between the toxin-belching smokestacks of one of Mittal's cancer factories in the Cuyahoga Valley Superfund Site, known as The Flats. Perhaps this is a public service to educate area residents on what they would see in the sky if they lived away from the pollution of Mittal... stars.
Anyone know why the Cuyahoga River Valley in downtown Cleveland is not a federal superfund site receiving $ billions for removal of toxic hazards like Mittal. Is there some law suit we can file against Mittal and other polluters for the public nuisances they have created, like we have done with lead poisoning and Sherwin Williams? Shouldn't AG Marc Dann get involved here? What a mess (full size here)... our scenic byway.

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Steel and living well
Norm--I know that you don't want to hear this, but any of us that drive a car (myself included), drive the steel industry. If we really want to demonize anyone, demonize ourselves for the lifestyles we lead.
I, for one, am grateful that the furnaces at Mittal do not run as constant as they did during the nineties under Republic Steel--LTV, when I lived in Tremont. Just as I am glad that we don't pollute our skys with lead, and acid rain has become less of an issue for us, now that we have tranported our major coal burning to Asia.
We all need to reconsider our lives and the compromises we are forced to make to get by and live well. Cleveland is well-situated for a green lifestyle. We need to see the model of the Inner Circle and your family's commitment to live well--grow exponentially--soon. It will "drive" our new economy.
Don't waste steel... recycle cars
I've never bought a new car - my wife and I share a used car. We are moving to a walkable distance from work (I largely work at home) and the neighborhood of NEO we like best - University Circle - and as near good public transportation as possible. Our family buys as few new things as possible. Most demand for steel is from behaviors I do not support, like senseless consumerism and wasteful lifestyles in America, and people who lead such lives will be demonized. No time for all is well living... all is not well.
Regarding Mittal, reposted here from a prior analysis of the subject, consider, from Ohio Citizen Action, the state's largest environmental organization, with 100,000 dues-paying members:
So here was the cost to real NEO in 2003 for the 1,200 "good" jobs that came from all the politicing, and town halling, and backroom dealing, and foreign venture capitaling, per job, in 2003 - and for 2004 we know "the asthma and cancer-causing pollution has risen over 30% from 2003 to 2004" so it is imaginable the results are much worse today, in 2006:
So that was just the raw pollution emissions cost to real NEO citizens in 2003 for the 1,200 "good" jobs that came from all the politicking, and town halling, and backroom dealing, and foreign venture capitalizing, per job, in 2003. But Ohio Citizen Action data finds that "the asthma and cancer-causing pollution has risen over 30% from 2003 to 2004" so it is imaginable the results are much worse today, in 2006. But, just looking at 2004, consider the cost in health harming pollutions per Mittal employee:
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