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dweller1's blogFinding your district during the County Charter Transition! Step-by-StepSubmitted by dweller1 on Fri, 01/01/2010 - 19:20.
If you get bored reading this post or fall asleep that's perfectly understandable. So, I present to you "How a guy in tech support who documents crap all day, finds his new county district": 1.) Googled "issue 6 cuyahoga county districts". Got a bunch of PD archived stories about the campaign. No luck. 2.) Tried again. Googled "Cuyahoga County Charter". Alright, there we go. Found a link to "Cuyahoga County Charter Transition Advisory Group" 3.) Open web page. Found a link for "Charter".
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Huh?Submitted by dweller1 on Sun, 10/11/2009 - 15:46.
Every so often I see this sign driving down Lorain. Usually it mentions that they're looking for a 3rd shift press operator or something... I don't know who the make gears for, I don't know how good or bad business is, I don't know who runs this place...but man. Is "positively Cleveland" or "the Cleveland Foundation" or a least the city council rep. have a sit-down to see what's up? Has the owner lost it because the auto industry finally died? Did he exhaust his options to find alternate revenue since?
Single Party CountySubmitted by dweller1 on Sun, 06/21/2009 - 22:10.
I watched the video on on Bob Frost's attempt to speak directly to County Commissioners, where Frost questioned Dimora's ability to rule on stuff, being that everyone and their dead-ancestors round here know where 'ol Jimmy is heading for 5-10 years. Tim Hagan, deflecting the political hammering from the head of the "de-facto" Republican Party in this city, responded back with something like, "...this isn't North Korea..." harrumph harrumph...(okay i made the harrumph part up). Interesting....
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....and not only is Hagan a pimpSubmitted by dweller1 on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 19:57.
I fired up the website and read an article written by the Ohio Division of Wildlife: Poacher writes an apology for spotlighting deer. The guy was found guilty. I skimmed through it reading the actual written apology and he "...put many people's lives at risk" on Nov. 20, 2008 when he and two other adults engaged in spotlighting deer from his vehicle in Guernsey County" What the hell is "spotlighting"?
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Regulators Fell One Bank, Spare a RivalSubmitted by dweller1 on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 07:15.
article questioning why AmTrust was spared while National City Bank got whacked.
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