Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 07/16/2006 - 15:26.

“Subliminal Strings” at May Company Stage introduced by James Levin, Ingenuity Fest director - Really live video by Kasumi, wailing violin by Daniel Bernard Roumain , with ripping hip hop mixes by DJ Spooky.
Primarily from the visuals, I took away a powerful anti-war message. Though really danceable – the message seemed too serious to frolic. I have not seen anything with as much stimulating input as this – since the seats were shakin at times that left the only senses not exercised being taste and olfactory.
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I love DJ Spooky - this sounded awesome
I'm glad you caught this, Jeff, as I wanted to see it - I've always loved DJ Spooky and this event was a real triumph for Ingenuity Fest - sorry to have missed it... I wonder if it was captured in any way to be broadcast or shared post event, or if it could be scheduled for another presentation in the future
I visited Ingenuity early
I visited Ingenuity early Saturday evening -- so I missed this. Thanks for covering it. The problem with Ingenuity, I think, the festival was too long, so whatever day you went you missed something great. Maybe the time needs to be compressed, only on in the evening? Only two days? It would be better if it were free, too. Fund it with more venders?
spooky kasumi roumain
yeah, this show was def a highlight of the fest.
the live video mixing was fascinating and definite contrast to infinite number of sound's use of video, which did however leave deep impressions on my brain. INS put on an incredibly memorable show on the E4th stage.
I especially enjoyed kasumi's videos when it was advertently political as other times i had difficulty making sense of it. INS creates feelings of joy, panic, horror, sorrow, etc by mixing pop culture images and video clips - powerful stuff and at the very minimum, fun to watch.
as for ingenuity as a whole, i def agree with the pricing structure complaint. something needs to be done and additional vendors is an intriguing solution. why not add in restaurants too? i doubt harry buffalo&flannerys ever see that much weekend biz when the tribe ISNT playing.