Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 11/11/2007 - 05:52.
Main Entry:
- mar·gin·al·ize

- Pronunciation:
- \ˈmärj-nə-ˌlīz, ˈmär-jə-nəl-ˌīz\
- Function:
- transitive verb
- Inflected Form(s):
- mar·gin·al·ized; mar·gin·al·iz·ing
- Date:
- 1970
: to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group
— mar·gin·al·i·za·tion  \ˌmärj-nə-lə-ˈzā-shən, ˌmär-jə-nəl-ə-\ noun
We know that some important voices have been silenced by our local media. Whether by omission or outright policy--it is a scary reality here in Northeast Ohio. Please--create an alter ego, if necessary, and sound off on REALNEO.
Regarding altered-egos, are you saying that Zebra Muscle isn't really a hit man for the Mob?
ZM is a hit man and I suppose we're a mob...
Disrupt IT
Thunderbolt Kid
Now, now--don't reveal any one's real identity here or you may be subject to a major smack-down. Nice to hear a fresh voice. I am reading Bill Bryson's Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. It's funny how we all have our alter egos to help us to cope with and understand our crazy world :)