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angel cuevas auto repair and towing is being singled out harressed by the shadow side of tremont west development corporationSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 20:50.
![]() angel cuevas auto repair and towing 961 jefferson ave. 216-244-4563 is being singled out and harressed by the shadow side of the tremont west development corporation and the corrupt developers and others in tremont using the cleveland building dept. inspectors and housing court - for years because of racism and corruption enities in and out of tremont wanting his million dollar worth property in the heart of tremont and instead of tremont west development corporation helping angel with federal minority business money to put at least a fence around his property and or store front money rehab - angel repairs cars at below cost and is a brillant mechanic and a healer of cars and people and other species and helps people at no cost or pay me when you get the money - also the untold story is that angel is a crime fighter - guy told the other side and advocated at the safety meeting for angel as the status qua side of the corrupt compromised was told - petitons are being passed out to provide a few thousand signatures for angels garge-
angels not doing any criminal activity and all the 24 illegal parking tickets and moving violations last weekend and many others this last summer happen in the bar- restaurant parts of tremont - the bars and restaurants are disobeying the laws and the customers- not angel-(see story below) ________________________________________________________ tremont parking in front of fire hydant should be attempted murder charge not a ticket (catania update) angel cuevas storySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on February 17, 2011 - 1:37am.
tremont - parking in front of a fire hydant should be an attempted murder charge not just a ticket - and other violations that may lead to citizens being killed murdered by businesses and customers violating laws to protect residents - so far a few of us activists like henry and jerleen and other divine forces have prevented this from happening - inspite of about 60 no parking signs and other traffic signs that were taken down illegally by the business enities over the years - which are back up because of us reporting the thefts- also tremont has no handicapped parking signs- profits over peoples and other species lives-and the 24 parking tickets for illegal parking and moving violations given by great second district - and downtown traffic police on the weekend feb. 12 - 13 - and at the meeting bob shores and others said they witnessed a car in front of a fire hydant as they walked to twdc and bob called it in to the police -as a safety commitee member of tremont west development corporation me and yogi (incarnated) will walk everday - nite and video tape any illegal parking in tremont and call it in to 216 - 621-1234 - cleveland police dept. -at mondays feb. 14, 2010 safety commitee meeting at twdc with 15 concerned residents and the great bob shores safety coordinator of ward 3 and 14 and great dean and henry chair co-chair - jerleen said dean was-is the best chair ever and we all appaluded -and what a wonderfull meeting of the minds from fahrenheit restaurant disobeying the americans disabilities act. with its illegal patio and valet parking at times - the metal gate around the patio should come down during the winter months till april - to make the side walk more accessible and a request that the city doesn't approve their annual patio appication and guy templeton black filing a complaint with the united states attorneys office amerian disabilities act dept. in washington d.c. _and the socalled ice statue covering the complete side walk of fahrenheit of the gated patio which as of the meeting was taken down because great jerleens emails complaints and others - and hardly any safe walking area next to the street around the gate - because of the ice and snow that wasn't shoveled and there should be 6 feet of side walk and there isn't - safe access for a wheel chair etc. - normal folks were walking in the street so any handicapped had no access at all and under normal circumstances the valet persons at times put the valet cones in the area where folks have to walk around the patio and the customers being unloaded from the cars are unloaded at the point of the side walk that the handicapped or other folks are suppost to walk -and fahrenheit valet cars that are suppose to go to a parking area are parked in front in the valet unloading and large bus like vehicles also and which the other valet cars pulling up to load or unload the customers have to double park in the street which guy toke video of and is on youtube and out blog - at our meeting the valet was in violations -and the stored garbage at times on the side of and the potential bomb of propane tanks attached to the restaurant vechicle at times - it seems like rocco thinks he is above the law because he friends councilperson joe cimperman (probably joe doesn't like him) and others-and the 16 security cameras that are supposed to protect tremont residents and businesses - only 3 work and this has been going on for the last few years - sammy catania was in charge of the camera program with about a $ 50,000.00 price tag - no wonder - any records on how that money was spent -and the adopt a senior program that has come back to twdc and sammy catania is in charge - watch out seniors - carry a video camera with you when your with catania - he may attack you for requesting help and being disadvantaged - how can yogi and guy get help from the senior program since catania has a no contact order with guy for assaulting and menacing - see previous posts and youtube video - oh i see - guys not supposed to get help - how clever - - catanias confession and me and another gentleman spoke about our security cameras that work well for about $150.00 mine although i need a good black and white camera - any one have one or donate - to his about $400.00 - and that a resident on one end of a street has camers and a resident on the other end could do a good montioring job with down loaded video on a computor cd dvd disk or vsh tape - citizens volunteering to monitor tremont and not have to wait for months or years till the funds are found to get a working security camera system in tremont -angel cuevas auto repair and towing 961 jefferson ave. 216-244-4563 is being singled out and harressed by the cleveland building dept. for years because of racism and corruption enities in and out of tremont wanting his million dollar worth property in the heart of tremont and instead of tremont west development corporation helping angel with federal minority business money to put at least a fence around his property and or store front money rehab - angel repairs cars at below cost and is a brillant mechanic and a healer of cars and people and other species and helps people at no cost or pay me when you get the money - also the untold story is that angel is a crime fighter - guy told the other side and advocated at the safety meeting for angel as the status qua side of the corrupt compromised was told - petitons are being passed out to provide a few thousand signatures for angels garge-angels not doing any criminal activity and all the 24 illegal parking tickets and moving violations last weekend and many others this last summer happen in the bar- restaurant parts of tremont - the bars and restaurants are disobeying the laws and the customers- not angel-now why a fire hydrant parking violation should be an attempted murder charge with the person arrested and the car towed as a code 1 priority call when the police are called and arrive - common sense - if a fire truck can't get water via the hydrant - people and other species will be murdered because their lives can't be saved with water and the great heros fire fighter rescuers lives are at a much higher risk - weather its a fires because what ever - metor - earthquake - terroists - human or EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL - gas explosions etc. and other disasters that are happening around the world - also there are other parking violations that may cause emergency vehicles from reaching tremont disasters like parking on corners and other places - the taste of tremont and other stuff in tremont - the cars are parked by the thousands and many not legally - if an emergency happen during that time and fire police ambulances needed to get into tremont - it would never happen quick enough to prevent many injuries and death - which is premeditated murder-yogi and guy ANTI-SPECIESISM:
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." - Mahatma Gandhi TRUTH - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL ( categories: )
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TWDC 3 of 16 cameras working for $50 grandSubmitted by Jeff Buster on February 18, 2011 - 1:14pm.
Hello Guy (and incarnate Yogi), Thanks for the neighborhood and TWDC safety meeting report. Who had the contract to install the cameras? Was there any maintenance requirement? Is anybody concerned about the failure rate of the non-functioning cameras? Public money. Easy come, easy go... Thank you Guy for your vigilanceSubmitted by lmcshane on February 18, 2011 - 5:03pm.
Folks in their insect hard-bodies aka cars...don't care if they are endangering the lives of others...afterall, it's our American right to park where ever and when ever we damn well please--especially, if you live in the suburbs and visit the city for the "excitement" factor...
and the 16 security cameras that are supposed to protect tremont residents and businesses - only 3 work and this has been going on for the last few years - sammy catania was in charge of the camera program with about a $ 50,000.00 price tag - no wonder - any records on how that money was spent...?
Tremont's camerasSubmitted by Lily Miller on February 18, 2011 - 5:11pm.
Perhaps if the cameras actually worked, Jerleen would not be posting this. I bet the Mittal-poisoned little Catanias in training are aware that the overpriced security cameras do not work - and probably never worked- in Tremont.
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Angel Cuevas is scheduled to appear in Cleveland Housing Court
The housing inspector is Frances Cirvencic. He has been an inspector for many years- one of the better inspectors. I don't believe he will Giglio Angel, but with Tremont any thing is possible. Considering that Angel told me that Joe Cimperman wrote Judge Pianka a letter regarding Angel Cuevas, that sends out a big red flag.
Angel appeared in housing court and pleaded not guilty. Instead of the normal process- receiving a pretrial date to come back to court- Angel had a pretrial on the same date. And he also had a court ordered inspection of his property in which two members of Tremont West were present during the inspection with the inspector.
Angel is a good guy. I have known him for many years as he is a long time friend of my brother. Good mechanic, good prices, good guy.
If the Tremont folk do not like looking at an auto repair shop that has been in Tremont for years, I suggest they spend their money to put a fancy fence around Angel's place and leave him alone.
I went to a meeting at Tremont West Development several months ago and they announced that they were going to target all of the auto repair shops in the area.
Too many community development organizations, along with too many councilpersons with nothing better to do than try to shut down all of the businesses in Cleveland. Bunch of morons.
I guess the board has its BMWs maintained by dealers
I guess the TWDC board has its BMWs maintained by dealers and wants out anyone who helps regular folks with their beat up old wrecks. I'd love a mechanic like that in my part of town!
I bet there isn't a Tremont board member who would let someone named ANGEL CUEVAS touch their cars... I'm surprised they aren't trying to have him deported.
What %age of TWDC funding and benefits have gone to non-white business owners?
How many board members are Latino... Black? Low income... elderly... veterans? Regular folks not working for or receiving money from the City in any way, shape of form?
Names of current TWDC Board
Names of current TWDC Board Members: Chris Alvarado, President, Henry Senyak, 1st Vice Pres., Susan Coy, 2nd Vice Pres. Newly appointed Judge Lynn Murray, Treasurer and Sarah Lundeen, Secretary. Other seating members: Lorraine Thwaite, Tim Jenkins, Herb Crowther, Jesse (hardly ever shows up) Grant, Kurk Leeper, Patrick Kabat, Yvonne Bruce, Brooke Deines, Jeff Eizember and Josh Zielaskiewicz. Two Ex-Officios, Georgiann Franko and Ex-Board member Deane Malaker.
We have 1 judge, 6 attorneys, 1 architect, 2 retired social workers, 1 active social worker, 1 professor, 1 County Employee and 1 lobbiest. And then we have Tim Jenkins and Henry Senyak.
1 mixed minority but not one African American. Not to mention a lot of the new members have only lived in Tremont 2-6 months. Now, I'm waiting for the next announcement to be that the Board meetings will be "black tie" affairs.
All that and Cimperman too. I pity normal mutants in Tremont.
I'm certainly glad those types just want to pollute, kill residents and bulldoze in my community, rather than "reimagine" it with a bunch of lawyers - I couldn't stand the boardom.
Lawyers won't live or work in my neighborhood - ha, ha!
But my neighborhood KILLED A COAL PLANT, without a CDC.
Probably because we DON'T HAVE A CDC programming everybody's mind in East Cleveland - they just tell us we suck - all the authorities here WANTED THE COAL PLANT, AND ANOTHER... but they forget to do their mind-control dances here first... no suburban lawyers and judges polluting here any more.
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angel deported out of the country of tremont state of cleveland
If anyone is going to be
If anyone is going to be going to court with Angel, here's a good question for ya:
Ask how many of the violations notices sent out by inspector Frank to the bar/nightclub owners in Tremont have been answered/complied to or voided out?
Many of these citations were issued around the same time as Angel's.
Tom Leneghan, 806 Martini and Wine Bar, VN# V10034333 - Patio areas without permits; Patio areas without permits; patio area and live entertainment without a Certificate of Occupancy - discontinue use.
Thomas and Bart Leneghan, Tree House, VN# V10034337 - additional patio areas without permits; additional patio without permits - discontinue use; additional patio areas and live entertainment without a Certificate of Occupancy - discontinue use.
Mark LaGrange, Edisons, VN# 10034343, patio areas without permits; patio areas without permits - discontinue use; patio and live entertainment use without a Certificate of Occupancy - discontinue use.
Thomas Bell, Flying Monkey. VN# V10034327, missing gutters and downspouts; scrape and repaint main structure - all trip and window units.
Angel Cuevas, 961 Jefferson, VN# V10033083, replace deterioated csb; paint where needed; misc auto parts and debris - free from debris which may create a health, accident or hazard, or which is a public nuisance.
Fairfield Auto, VN# V10033965, No Certificate of Occupancy; discontinue use.
He also paid a visit to a couple of Ward 14 Auto places:
Westtown Tire, VN# V10033695, repair exterior walls where needed; auto repair garage and auto sales lot with trailer; paint where needed, auto repair garage and auto sales lot without a Certificate of Occupancy - discontinue use; exterior property shall be kept free of any object wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, discarded, unused or unlicensed motor vehicle; exterior premises shall be maintained free from any debris, material or which may create a health, accident or hazard or which is a public nuisance.
Universal Auto Repair, VN# V10033678, auto repair garage without permits - discontinue auto repair; auto repair garage; auto repair garage without Certificate of Occupancy - discontinue use.
Thanks, Jerleen
Actually I , along with Guy, will be in court with Angel on March 4th. We will ask the questions.
Another question you might
Another question you might think about asking is:
Why and who sends Ward 3 Area Coordinator Katie Hough out to scout/search/dig (specifically names businesses/locations) for any types of violations and then reports back to whom before the inspector is sent out?
There seems to be no actual job description written anywhere for what Katie actually does. She is not an inspector, cannot write up violations, yet, she seems to be one of the first on the scene of a targeted property.
I think you will find that Joe Cimperman is hidding somewhere behind a door and yanking all the strings.
I heard Hough was huffing at St. Hermans
I heard the Tremont Klan - including Katie Hough- was at St. Hermans snooping around with the inspectors.
Like I said, first on the
Like I said, first on the scene.
She only takes orders from Cimperman. - Go figure.
and now their eyes have fallen on Ohio City
its like wawawawawawawawawawawawawaw.....................
we have hit the dead zone.
TWDC - best Gestapo in NEO
TWDC - best Gestapo in NEO - I'll be writing about the similarities in the uprising of the sustainabilly movement in Cleveland and the uprising of the Green movement of the Nazi party shortly.
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Criminal Housing Violations...Complaint Driven
Better yet, ask who the culprit is that asked for these places to be hit with violations?
The city inspector has to reveal that source....
Show the collusion....
Let it rip....CDC's & City Inspectors & Housing Court & City Council... BIG BUSINESS...
How big will the fines be?
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Tickets and fines will save government jobs
Tickets and fines will save government jobs... East Cleveland is littered with traffic cameras now... anything for a buck.
Flash, flash, flash.
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TWDC requested that all auto repair shops be inspected
I was at TWDC's meeting and have their agenda in writing. Not long after the meeting, Angel is in housing court- courtesty of TWDC.
Tremont West is upset because Angel has too many vehicles on his small lot. Last time I checked, auto repair shops involve repairing vehicles, thus one would have vehicles on their lot. And if they are good mechanics- with good prices- numerous vehicles on the property would reflect the public's trust and willingness to bring their vehicles to Angel's shop. I will check again, but I am pretty confident that auto repair shops involve automobiles. Maybe I missed something.
I also got beaten up with several private e-mails for stating that Cirvencic was one of the better inspectors. Numerous people disagreed with my statement. All I can say is that Cirvencic USED TO BE a good inspector back in the day when I worked for housing court. I have not worked there for nearly ten years and people do change. Especially people that hang around TWDC and Councilman Joe Cimperman.
Angel was referred to the SIP docket at housing court. SIP means Selective Intervention Program and is a tool that the court uses for first time offenders, and also when they are attempting to possibly lessen or mediate a matter before the court. The SIP referral is a positive sign for Angel Cueavas which shows that the court appears to be working with Angel. Angel also stated that the housing court magistrate made some comments that appeared to be in favor of Cueavas and not in favor of the abusive tactics of TWDC. According to Angel, one of the comments made by the magistrate to TWDC included something similar to, ' Just because you may not like what someone is doing with their property does not necessarily mean that it is illegal or improper."
It is possible that housing court learned their lesson - the hard way - when dealing with TWDC. I know the court was not pleased when Ron O'Leary and the Tremont Klan asked for and received search warrants to search properties in the Tremont area that were not in a condition that deserved to be searched for violations.
The following picture is of a house owned by Tom Bell that was searched - illegally- and caused Tom Bell to file a complaint in Federal Court. There are no violations on this green house that would warrant an interior inspection - obtained by a search warrant. The inspector also did not first request the owner's permission to search prior to receiving the search warrant.
And the following link is relative to another house in Tremont that was allegedly searched for violations - via a search warrant. The interior violations that were listed by the inspector were false allegations since the inspector was unable to gain access to the property because the doors and windows were nailed shut - eliminating the ability to gain entrance to the property for a search of violations. The property showed no sign of forced entry; however that did not stop by inspector from listing false violations - on the wrong address. Since the inspector was not able to gain access to the property, the inspector made up what he thought the violations might just possibly be on the interior of the house, and actually condemned the property based on false misleading allegations. The inspector also did not first request permission from the owner prior to seeking the search warrant.
link to story here
realNEO is very popular with Cleveland Housing Court
realNEO is very popular with Cleveland Housing Court - I doubt they take anything TWDC does at face value any more.
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Yuppies don't let greasemonkeys touch their cars
Yuppies don't let greasemonkeys touch their cars. Just like there are different classes of people there are different classes of cars for those people and pretty people use pretty mechanics in pretty suburban developments... poor people with old vehicles use corner mechanics. I'm sure they are going after the other mom and pop shops around there too... as I recall there is one by Frank's old place (nice parking for freeway construction workers) and one by Civilization (nice parking for the Gentry Mercedes always around there).
Where else?
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Cleveland Housing Court must learn from their mistakes...
So, they (Cleveland Housing Court) probably stay tuned in to see which activists are following which cases....
They have used so many of their youthful, gullable, and energetic resources from interns to violate the public and many of them never realized that they were violating the law...they just assumed that because they "worked" for the "system" that they were allowed to do certain things... because that's how they were trained...
I admire a housing specialist very much...but I recall getting interrogated about a "potential buyer" for my property... The questions regarding the way that they live (Clean/dirty), ability to care for the property, etc were all addressed to the extent of conducting a small background on that potential buyer to "qualify" them so as not to be a "slum" type owner.... I was amazed at that meeting... I was actually blown out of the water that anyone in the Housing Court at all had any right to "STEER" a certain type of buyer into a certain neighborhood or not... It was absolutely profound to realize that the Cleveland Housing Court has grown to such levels of deciding the fate of entire properties and neighborhoods...
I found that action to be a violation of the Federal Fair Housing Laws... Discriminating against anyone who didn't measure up to the status quo of that particular neighborhood... It was an interesting moment for me... realizing that these people who work for the City Housing Court think that they have such "POWERS" of decision making...
At the end of the day, had that buyer truly been able to buy the home and they didn't measure up---I simply wonder what action the housing court would have taken... Luckily it never went to that point...
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Tremont has
nothing of interest anymore....
Freeways, ramps and views and toxins of industry
Freeways, ramps and views and toxins of industry... these are of great interest to real environmentalists and sociologists who contemplate why people with choice and money would choose to live in such a hellish place?!?!
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its like its some weird assed joke...
but forgive me if I missed the punch line.
Its a Tea Line
Its a Tea Line - the entire "environmental" establishment here was funded and built by the tea party and all these supposed sustainabillies are just nazi green youth killing off who they consider unclean.
There is plenty of proof - the greenies in Cleveland are all Tea Partiers - no joke in that.
Koch=Oil=Coal=Fossil Fuel Exploitation=Cliffs=MCCO=University Circle=University Hospitals=Cleveland Clinic=Cleveland Thermal=Mittal=Sherwin Williams=Cleveland Foundation=Cleveland Leadership Corruption=Frank Jackson=Diversion of TAX Funding for "Sustainability" rather than Environmentalism=legal Genocide
Jackson is a Nazi Lieutenant, killing his own people - the city is full of his soldiers
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