Appreciate the factory - past tense
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 08/27/2009 - 17:49.
It(legacy industrial sites becoming parks) will never happen in the US because of insurance, TV distraction, and corporate sports competition, but still, this event in an old East side Cleveland mill building is a the right direction. Please click on the link and read about the Ruhr experiences of Clevelander's which motivated this event. 
( categories: )
Oh hell yea!
That sounds awesome! Now that's creative--people power in action. Making money, having fun, while doing the right thing.
we have scored the boys skates - they lOve them and it says this is a family friendly event - we are sO there! (as long as they are not fighting friday night....)
thanks jeff!
was tHAt fun!
we just pulled two very tired, now clean boys out of the tub - they had such a blast - and Jack learned to skate!
What a fun time this was, and very well organized. Terri Schwartz and PopUp are valuable assets to Cleveland - well done!
Glad to see you at the event. Your family is so beautiful. I'm happy to hear you had a fun time. Maybe we'll do another DIY roller rink in the future.
we are
Thanks Jeff. I just told
Thanks Jeff. I just told my son about it. His youngest boy loves to skate. This is a awesome idea. I hope the skaters wear protective gear though. My grandson doesn't like to wear it but I worry about head injury.
Leff Electric is on the EAST side
Jeff...Leff Electric is on the east side...
Thanks Imcshane - Roller nite is on East side
My editor didn't catch the mistake, but Lmchane was there...
Thank you.
The Electric roller party is on the east side of Cleveland at 1163 E 40th St, Cleveland, OH 44114 (google map.)
Leff Electric is very close
Leff Electric is very close to downtown cleveland.
I used to live on E. 31st between Payne and Superior in the early 60's.
I grew up on E. 23rd street on St.Clair Avenue. We used to walk to Kirkland Park which is located on E. 49th.
electric roller drupaltech
I hear it's a Drupal site.
Time to get serious about Drupal collaboration
Nice directory of Drupal sites in NEO - REALNEO members had a role in planning and launching most of the early sites and we had dozens more (and dozens of groups we called COILS), and would have 1,000s by now, if our original collaboration for REALNEO hadn't been screwed by the establishment... including leaders of a few groups with sites on your list... the attacks against REALNEO in the past caused this region great harm, yet your list shows we couldn't be killed, and we are valuable.
Moving foward, with the support of the County, we can invest in growing support and resources for the regional Drupal community, and expand our participation with leadership of the global Drupal and open source movements.
Time to get serious about collaboration, and integration. Your list here shows the REALNEO community leadership deserves great respect for our ability to deploy information technology, as this all goes back to REALNEO.
Disrupt IT
Please someone tell
Please someone tell me...what is a Drupal site?
accent on the Dru
Drupal is a tool called a Content Management Framework for building and running websites. It is free and open source software developed and maintained by a large and active community.
It's the software that REALNEO runs on, and that runs many thousands of other sites, like:, The Onion, Mother Jones, Fox Searchlight,, Britney Spears, Eric Clapton, Nokia Research, Human Rights Watch, MTV UK,, Fast Company, Linux Foundation, ... and many more.
There aren't as many Cleveland-area Drupal sites as there should be, but the list is growing.
Thank you Jeff Schuler. I
Thank you Jeff Schuler. I learn something new everyday on this site. Your response is much appreciated.
The roller derby metaphor fits REALNEO...strap on those skates, folks. Get ready to roll :)