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City of Cleveland Office of Emergency Management - FREE Disaster Preparedness workshop - Building Disaster Resilient CommunitiesSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 04/24/2013 - 17:36.
This half-day event will help community organizations, small businesses, and non-profits understand the effects of disaster on communities, and outline the necessary actions to continue operations and help the whole community recover. Subject matter experts will share response and recovery lessons learned from Hurricanes Sandy & Isaac, as well as other recent disasters across the country. You will understand what to expect following a disaster, and learn how to prepare for the inevitable "secondary disaster" which typically occurs within 48 hours. Whether you are a civic leader, community organizer, first responder, or sole proprietor, this workshop is designed to stimulate discussion within your community, and help identify critical recovery components. Some of the topics to be presented include: Situational awareness monitoring, elements of a business continuity plan, available data backup methods, cloud hosted applications, alternate connectivity options, backup power and fuel considerations, temporary operating facilities, crisis counseling resources, and how to leverage free planning resources. There will also be an interactive Q&A session with the panel of experts following the presentations. The workshop will take place in Room 229 at the Unified Technologies Center of the Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C), 2415 Woodland Ave in Cleveland, OH on Wednesday, May 1 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Directions: The event is FREE and open to the public, but seating is limited to registered attendees only. This is NOT a sales presentation; it is an informative disaster preparedness event presented as a public service of the technology community. The Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) is a 501(c)(3) public charity comprised of Technology Professionals who assist communities with technology continuity and recovery following a disaster.
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Notes from Disaster Planning Workshop
Thanks Guy for reposting this-- here are my notes:
Disaster Planning -libraries are critical
In Cumberland MD - libraries offer the registration for - a statewide initiative to get residents prepared in the event of an emergency. NEO needs to get it together for the sake of our community.