City Planning holds an online poll
Submitted by Jeff Schuler on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 00:55.
North Coast Harbor Pedestrian Bridge: Vote for your favorite bridge design
Federal funding has been secured to develop an iconic pedestrian bridge linking the finger pier from Dock 32 and the southwest corner of Voinovich Park fully connecting the existing waterside promenade around North Coast Harbor. To see concepts for a movable bridge click on the images below.
After viewing all of the presentations below take a quick survey to tell us which concept is your favorite.
The voting isn't integrated, (hooray for SurveyMonkey,) but I get a fuzzy feeling when I see a Cleveland City website being even somewhat bidirectional, (not to mention using modern javascript tools.)
Show support for your own voice by reading and voting.
Wilbur Smith & Associates
I haven't made up my mind on the concepts, but I am just glad that the project did not go to
Arcadis, because something stinks to high heaven with the bridge contracts they received in the Metroparks trail bridges and the awarding of ODOT consultant contracts to Aracadis for the noise barrier walls they are trying to shove down our throats in Brooklyn Centre and Tremont neighborhoods.
Maybe you should come to
Maybe you should come to Tremont West (Catania West Development Corp.) and ask Sammy Catania? He knows everything about everybody and everwhere and he sits at the head of the table doing his impersonation of ruler of the roost. Only thing is, I do't think he can crow.
Baubles, bangles, and bridges – for waterfront entertainment
Thanks to Wilbur Smith and Associates and their working partners for providing the PDF on line. In Cleveland, this type of open record is much appreciated.
I agree 100%
Thank you for taking the time for this thorough and enlightened response, Jeff - I didn't even bother looking at any of the proposals because the idea of wasting $1 on a bridge to nowhere anywhere in America - especially such a center of por and corrupt planning - is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans - we have real infrastructure, greenspace and environmental issues to address.
Disrupt IT
Who asked Obama to waste our federal money on this?!?!?!?!?
What disgusts me here is that each community in America may only ask for a fair share of any federal money, for any purposes, and our Leaders have asked the Feds for this bridge to nowhere, making us seem as stupid as Palin.
So who exactly asked for this money - where is the application and where is the plan that says it is needed for anything?
Worse than a babble, this is triple-layer cake dangled above the starving, and saying starve motherf---erss.
How do we officially protest to Obama that all this Palinesque, big coal, big brother, Richardsonian, Whiteheaded, FFOEFy, GCP/D master planning is evil?
Where in their public inquiry and survey process are we given the option to vote no, and asked what we want funded by the Feds?
Disrupt IT
Dangling the promise
Ward 14 resident Jackie talks about the irony of our society here. This is all too much. Yesterday, I walked down these same streets. There are pockets of utter despair and abandonment. St. Procop's is closed and shuttered and St. Rocco's carries on to hold gaudy festivals, but doesn't take on St. Procop's mission to feed the hungry and clothe the poor.
Lincoln West High School from the outside is a prison with no maintenance, whatsoever. This while we spend millions on a bridge to nowhere. All the while, GCP has the knowledge that Eugene Sanders was brought in to completely bankrupt the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for the complete take-down by the rigged awarding of facilities contracts and burning through tax-funded facilities monies. The lives of students in Cleveland Metropolitan School District and the community be damned.
In a sane and rational world, summer recess would be a time for any logical community to make repairs to the important needs of the community. Fixing streets, windows, roofs, sidewalks, water lines. This summer, the weeds grew high around Lincoln West High School and William Rainey Harper School. The "newly" remodelled Rhodes High School reopened only to send many students home due too a shoddy construction problem. And, so it goes. Like, the Diocese, watch the District close, abandon and tear down more buildings and close "new" ones due to population loss. It's all part of someone's sick plan.
feeding the hungry
When St. Procop's closed their kitchen, they posted a sign telling people to go to St. Augustines on W. 14th. If they are walking, or riding a bike, they must walk by St. Rocco's and other churches, to get to St. Augustines. It seems if the Diocese has the authority to close these churches, they also have the authority to order other churches to step up and feed the hungry.