On cleaning up our streets, literally and figuratively...

Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 10:47.

Its been some time since I've blogged here, but I'm back.  I'd thought I'd post a short but sweet entry on the importance of litter prevention and associated laziness factors to overcome as well as the importance of cleanup after the fact.  Many parts of Cleveland have been greened and treelawned at a tremendous rate and its heartening to see.  What I care about though, is our taking pride and stewardship in that which is accelerating aesthetically and naturally.   Any once else agree?  

On another cleanup note, what shall we do about still-rampant crime?   I provided some suggestions in a prior blog post.


Be well, all!   Perhaps with Sergio Lebid's imminent breakthroughs in Cavitation for Cold Fusion reactions, We will really see a new Garden of Eden happen.





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so true

Sudhir -

it's weird, but litter (or the lack of it) makes such a difference.


"I have lived my life by these nine words: It sounded like a good idea at the time."