College Students Turned Entrepreneurs Grow Fresh Business Idea in Cleveland
Submitted by tchaves on Sat, 06/06/2009 - 14:55.

Sustainability experts often suggest eating locally as a way to reduce your "carbon footprint"—or in other words, your impact on the environment. Cleveland's climate doesn't lend itself to year-round outdoor produce cultivation; and when in-season, selection can be inconvenient to find, and expensive to purchase. Although it wasn't their plan initially, partners Trever Clatterbuck and Bob Gavlak are connecting Cleveland consumers directly with fresh foods—all locally grown, raised or produced, through their virtual farmer's market. Full article.
Win a free Fresh Fork CSA+ basket.
not just collge students - actual farmers, too
There are options if you're looking for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture); some even involve actual farm work.
Debbie Snook provides a longer list: CSA's in NEO.
If you're looking to eat locally, you're lucky, FreshFork is just the most recent of several farm to table businesses in NEO. Check out LocalfoodCleveland to learn more.
Oh yes, and beware of farmers who buy at the local auction houses and tell you they grew it "right here, on this farm". Get to know your farmer and eat more than the standard (corn and soy) grocer's fare. It's delicious.
Tricia - instead of linking, Plz paste it all into Realneo
Hey tchaves,
One way to demonstrate your non-spam nature, would be to paste all of whatever you want to post right into Realneo - save the readers time and don't link to your commercial site - then none of us will need to look at the ads on your page.
You tell us you are just enthusiastic about Cleveland...or?
Or just SMART :) Lay off Buster. Girls can play, too.
City Fresh
City Fresh is my favorite CSA.
Not only do they assist low-income residents procure fresh healthy food, they bring it all into town on a recycled food industry cooking oil fueled truck!
And one of the founders, Maurice Small is a walking encyclopedia of urban gardening/farming inormation which he generously shares with our community.
One of the first and a great organization to support!
These are the makings of
These are the makings of great entrepreneurs. At university, a person has got the greatest bunch of ideas. He has the environment too, to prosper. These Cleveland students have shown that without a formal degree, they can turn into entreprenuers. This is a lesson for those who rely on a fake degree to get jobs.
Google goes after scam "degree" web site
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