Did you hear the one about the man who walked into the bar...?
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 15:09.

I'm sitting in a bar one day (coffee bar) in Ohio City, Cleveland, Ohio and in walks this man in a long, black, funky coat with an out-there pattern on the fabric. Clearly he's headed to our table. Not sure about what's coming....
Without hesitation (because it turned out he knew one of the people I was with) he withdrew from his inside coat pocket a set of large "cards" and had us immediately engaged - trying to guess the magician's secrets.
Richard W. McClendon, II (RW Magic) is a very poised, smooth showman.
One mesmerizing trick, and away he went.
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The Cleveland Portal
Funny--I was just thinking about magic, sleights of hand, and all, and here you go with an image, Jeff. No problem with this local advertising. I want to offer my own advertising for a book by a local author:
Dragons & Dwarves : Novels of the Cleveland Portal by S. Andrew Swann.
At first, I thought this has to be the pen name for a real PD reporter, as the book is dedicated to "a poor little guy named Henry." But, here's the real author--Steven Swiniarski.
How can you not want to read a book that includes the media, Cleveland City Council, dragons, dwarves, elves and a magical portal in Cleveland, Ohio?
My Father Was A Magician...
...he would walk down the street and turn into a bar.
Magic man...at the Zoo
I think that this is the guy who was at the zoo in May 2008 when we went there for a CPL event! He was pretty good and great with the families!