Equestrian Gem
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 21:44.

Frankly, it makes me a little concerned that this significant work resides in such a casual setting. Cast in 1949, its creator is an important contributor to Cleveland's artistic and industrial design heritage. The cognoscenti know...and keep it to themselves. (i needed someone to tell me!)
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Let Me Guess...
The Trojon Horse???
I do hope the Greeks inside are friendly, and brought LOTS of Virgin Olive Oil to trade!!!
There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
The Sculpture Center has a database on the outdoor sculptures in NEO. Unfortunately, the database was hacked.
Hugh O’Neill Memorial - Schreckengost
Hugh O’Neill Memorial
by Victor Schreckengost (1949)
Cleveland Police Stables
Cleveland, OH
Conserved July 1997.
This memorial was gently washed with non-ionic detergent and soft bristle brushes, then rinsed with low pressure water. Microcrystalline wax was applied to warmed metal and buffed when dry and cool. An additional coat of wax was applied to cold metal, then buffed. The plaque was treated similarly and the letters were polished and sealed with Incralac.