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HoJo's survives - Condos comingSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 17:20.
All the B&B Wrecking demolition equipment is gone from HoJo's - now B&B is hard at work tearing down the Carnegie Medical Building. The new construction trailer and signage advertizes Lakeview - apartment/condo complex. appears to be the builder. So it will be interesting to learn how the City of Cleveland issued a demolition contract to Independence Excavating who apparently hired B&B, only to have the owners of the building go to court and get an injunction stopping the demolition (the top rear of the building has been demolished). What will be the fallout - will the City have to repair/compensate for the damaged building? Never a dull moment in Cleveland, Ohio.
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This sounds a positive note
Thanks for keeping an eye on this HJ situation; posting follow-up information. And while I am terribly, terribly saddened that the Carnegie is destroyed, saving one building is better than saving none. That said, it would be unwise for anyone to take those words and rationale to justify any continued destruction of historical--useful buildings.
Here in Atlanta, after a couple year fight that started out with a few architects and preservationists over the Crum and Forester building, and ended up with The City of Atlanta against Georgia Tech (the largest tech school in the Southeast) it has now been confirmed that one of the most beautiful, neoclassical buildings in the city will not be demolished as previosly planned. Of course, this doesn't bring back all the other buildings of that age that have already been destroyed, but it does signal the adaptation of a more sensible approach to civic intregrity and urban evolution.
Though back to the HJ. It may seem like a small achievement, but I think this change in venue sounds a positive note, and that will be even more true once the condo's are built out--rented--sold; proving that progress and preservation are indeed symbiotic.
Please post any new developments on HJ issue.
This instance has nothing to
This instance has nothing to do with historical preservation, it might be about manipulating the systems and cash exchanges. The next step could result in a transfer from the city to the property owner. Ignore the dialogue look at it materially.
Many people knew that build changed hands and their intensions to develop were disclosed, the project stalled due to the lack of financing (capital).
When the process was not followed, the results are predictable, intentional or unintentional the results are the same. What could be asked is was it choreographed? This is what we do and this is how it goes, and yes even to the point were they can say this is what so and so will have to say about it. This is what so and so will do, in some cases they have accomplices in the line.
It’s not accusatory and it is, but it is possible that it was all planned out isn’t it. I mean based on the results the owner of the building may get a setllement. He was damaged and in our system those who are damaged get a check, often beyond the damage.
Having no capital to having capital, the events can in fact often be elaborate theatrics.
Elaborate theatrics, yes Oengus-skepticalthinker, you would know a lot about that; considering it's your M.O.
Doesn't matter the name or the face. Regardless of there being two separate bodies, these individuals (and their ilk) share the same brain, like the Borg (Star Trek). And just like the Borg, they get their orders from a central network; in this case FOX news network.
Once Oengus/Schlep (either/or - one in the same?) starts banging pans on the kitchen floor, it's all the more obvious that good things are happening, the sun in shining, the truth is moving in, 'cause these (this) person(s) gets scared out of their wits--terrified; rolling out yet another spit-shined disinformation campaign at the sight or sound of revelation or progress.
By any means necessary, that's what I'm talking 'bout!
Closet Republican Obama might be scared to stand up to the mud-brained, double-speak trolls, but I am most certainly not. I'm more of the Gore Vidal, Keith Oberman type of American. True patriots who have no time for Joe Wilson, Joe-the-Plumber or FOX news foolishness!
Oengus-skeptical thinker, you have nothing to inform me of... NOTHING.
I'm hear to hear what Norm's got to say, what Susan Miller's got to say, what Jeff B's got to say, what Debbie, Debra, Kate, lmcshane and all the rest who are sane have to say. But you're just static on the TV, so go sit in a corner and eat your own feces Oengus-skeptical thinker. I won't be coming to your party, no matter how many invitations you send.
You got NOTHING to say to me.
But I must say, today is a beautiful day! Good things are happening in Cleveland! The HoJo was saved!!!
Go RealNeo Go!!!
freaky weird
freaky weird dick-head
cheerleader of darkness, something is wrong with you bet the people around you know it to.
Bashing with pretty words, a
Bashing with pretty words, a wordy wordsmith. That bashes within eloquent compositions.
Your so far in outer space on this issue, grossly out of touch. A total Dick head idiot is what I see masked in unnecessary articulations.
The building was built to be a Howard Johnson, then sold to Holiday Inn then abandoned for decades, cherish that history?
The group that bought it was applauded until they presented architectural renderings, then they got berated from a design stand point, by those that know and can see real value.
The market and the potential for abatements made purchasing that building and converting it to housing potentially lucrative. The intentions to make a buck became obvious within the artist renderings. The words Yuck would summarize what local planner and architects saw.
The market crashed and the value and marketability of that project went with it. The ability to get access to funds disappeared.
Living on the lake in this instance is also living in relative isolation with the exception of the eight lane highway that building sits next to. It is not a desirable place to live it was not a good place for a hotel/motel either. It is an industrial area and has absolutely no amenities at all.
But it’s part of our history for some? It’s not about dare we forget it is about dare we stop remembering. There is an abandoned Rally’s on Euclid should that be saved, should it be cherished?
It’s all irrelevant, inconsequential, the owner is not a historian fighting to save a landmark.
If I am cynical then your delusional, I am not afraid to say it either, I think you’re a dick. You hide it well within your ability to write well but it’s in there none the less.
The whole thing is about eminent domain, and opportunist developers with very low standards. Then its about the city be too aggressive and breaking rules and crossing lines. It has nothing to do with historic preservation, the thought is not in any of the involved parties minds.
What happens next? The city being wrong is set in presidence already damages are justified in that.
The HOJO was saved hurray! Queer and with actual consideration to the realty of this fiasco kind of dick headed. Your comment is obviously dick headed, calling out all your friends to chime in, imaginary friends by the way.
Your writing is far more polarizing and weird than anything.
I got alot to say to an
I got alot to say to an asshole like you!
Hip Hip Hurrah! Today is a beautiful day!
HoJo is a V-I-C-T-O-R-Y !!!
Hip Hip Hurrah! Today is a beautiful day!
Go RealNeo Go!!!
I'm surprised you think Maxi writes well.
I'm surprised you think Maxi writes well. It reads to me like someone who couldn't quite make it out of his first year of college.
And someone ought to tell him how to spell Olbermann's name already.
The World is expanding -- Cleveland is a beautiful place!
HoJo is a VICTORY!!!
Cleveland is a beautiful place.
Star Trek command always defeats the Borg!
Go RealNeo Go!!!
The world is expanding -- Today is a beautiful day!
Hip Hip Hurrah...HoJo is saved!!!
Does it address the argument?
As usual...
"HoJo survives - Condos coming"
The headline reads "HoJo survives - Condos coming"
Kudos to the owners of the building, and to all who advocated for it's reuse.
This is a VICTORY!
Go RealNeo Go!
HoJo's back Under the Wrecking Ball
After B and B Wrecking made a pile of rubble with this crane out of the Carnegie Medical Building, they went back to nibbling on the HOJO's. Image 10.12.09
I suppose you see something
I suppose you see something other than a building with a huge chunk taken out of it?
It's a project that had no funding, now it is showing a trailer in front that links it to a web site that is nothing more than a dummy site. The web site has nothing it is all “under construction” Evolution LLC ?
I would like to see that building restored, but living there would suck, were would you shop? Its also within walking distance to a coal fired power plant. They actually are on the same cul-de-sac, which is nice and green though. You could walk to the park on the other side of the highway, but only if you can defend yourself... seriously.
It's all about being cool and show and tell, those that would buy into that.
Quay 55 is better and even they are not ever fully leased. Convincing people to live in that location would be a tough sell, then you have that atrocious artist rendering that floated around for a while.
Having one big box labeled things to save is to me ridiculous and overtly simplistic. I do not and have never thought it should be demolished, however I do not see it as marketable. Everyone should know that and I would not be so sure that the original transaction “sale” was even a legitimate one. Who ever held that for two decades should have been ready to give it away, to shake the tax expense of holding it, who knows it must have some value as a loss (tax write off) because we seem to have so many vacant and abandoned buildings that have been held for so long. The city is all about move it or loose it.
It is all about some imaginary value based on an imagined series of events in the future. Its all about another person in another place doing something that make it all instilled with value. That being what makes it all worth more.
They cannot get funding to start phase II of Qauy55, who will back this renovation and particularly now that a huge chunk has been taken out of the building.
I would bet the city pays the developer what they have invested thus far, basically buy it from them and then demolish it. It's common sense, it was not economically feasible before and even less now, the rebuilding the damage done more than likely cost prohibitive.
Hurray for the temporary stay and thanks for taking it all astray ! Look out the window it’s actually a rainy day!
In 2006 it was purchased
In 2006 it was purchased at a sheriff sale for $633,334.00 and then it transferred for $2.5M seven months later. That requires seeing the degrees of separation between the Grantor LTD and the grantee LLC, legally they can actually be one and the same. I am not saying they are but they can be.
Next door to the once was a HOJO is Channel 8 and then Heritage Technical School and then the CEI plant. It's the eastern terminal section of the south marginal road, it terminates at the CEI plant. See the oval with a small island in the road, it is basically a cul-de-sac.
Look at the port plans, they show the rail link going directly through the HOJO!