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Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on April 25, 2010 - 3:10am.
While water comes to a boil, prepare vegetables. Add noodles, tofu, seaweed, mushrooms, and vegetables to water, cover, and cook 2-5 minutes or to taste. Mash miso and vinegar with a fork in your bowl, add soup, and enjoy: Instant Joy! Serves 1
NUCLEAR ACCIDENT OR ATTACK ***Some tested ways to protect against radiation in the environment
and possible fallout from dirty bombs or nuclear explosions*** NOTE: At right; first of 30 new reactors? Huh?! By Sam Baxter
First, let us pray this never happens, i.e. pray that Iran comes to its senses and that Bin Ladin changed his mind about an American Hiroshima---fat chance. Second, we see that it is unfolding as a real possibility so we had better be prepared. And to add insult to injury, it is possible that a shiny new nuclear power reactor will be coming to your neighborhood soon! There will be no effort to justify the claims made. Rather, this is an invitation to assemble your own library of information based on the recommendation herein. The sources and books mentioned are absolutely priceless in the information they supply and should be acquired without delay. Or, just go buy get the things mentioned (subject to availability), and make sure you have them on hand just in case. If God forbid, something happens in the US and it is near you or upwind from you, you will really need this info to save your life and protect from cancer etc. (None of these are a complete cure-all or total protection and should be used as part of a combined strategy. Start now to build your immune system strength and resistance by taking responsibility for your health and welfare. Store and stock up on water and canned food so you have a clean supply. Our system is based on just-in-time and usually provided only 3 days on the market shelves. Water is the most important thing, since if it is contaminated you cannot purity it with any normal commercial filter.) Are there possible steps we can take to protect against fallout from a possible exchange in the Middle East? Yes. Borrowing heavily from the books listed below, which you should buy if you can find them, I will present some of the best ideas for protecting against radiological substances and ionizing radiation (the harmful kind). Also, another great book you need is Dare To Prepare by Holly Deyo. It is worth its weight in diamonds! (If links for these books are out of date, you can Google the names and they should come up.)
Disclaimer: In all cases, please consider any reference to dosages as suggestions by the quoted reference or by the editor, and go to the source for specific, detailed instructions. This is not to be construed as medical or nutritional advice but only suggestions by way of example, to encourage your further study and pursuit of practical knowledge in this area. The books mentioned are not expensive and are priceless in my estimation. Be advised that this treatise is not complete and does not purport to be a complete report. For information on other aspects of radiation protection seek data on shielding, shelters, testing, safe distances, and other preventative measures. The best protection is to avoid exposure and contamination in the first place.
Realizing you may not have time to do a thorough search of the internet and the many obscure and out of print books, papers, etc., I have assembled the most practical list of radio protective substances known to man (unless top secret); when possible, sources are given for some of the more esoteric and hard to find books. Please do not under estimate this information. It is hard to come by and could be vital in the near future. Even a nuclear interchange in the Middle East, which is ever more likely with each day, would shower a plethora of radioactive fallout materials worldwide, carried by the violent weather we have been having. I have left out the BS and just kept the essentials.
Some general source substances (with dose info use common sense, do research and consult your “alternative” physician):
Potassium Iodide: Of course, most everyone knows this one. This can protect the thyroid gland by saturating the thyroid with iodide so it cannot absorb radioactive iodine.
“The idea of stockpiling the drug, potassium iodide, has been debated since the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pa. Proponents renewed discussions of the proposal after the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor in the Ukraine, a 1986 accident that is now blamed for thousands of thyroid cancers, mostly in people who were in utero or younger than 2 years old at the time. Those people, regardless of their age, who took potassium iodide at the time were protected.”
“But the new recommendation is far more complex, establishing different recommended doses and different conditions for use for eight categories of people: newborns; infants younger than 3 years old; children 3 to 12; youths 12 to 18; adults 18 to 40; adults older than 40; and women who are lactating or are pregnant.
For those younger than 18 and for pregnant or lactating women, the F.D.A. will recommend giving the drug at a level of radiation exposure a fifth as large as advised in the 1980's.”
Published on Thursday, November 29, 2001 in the New York Times
What this confusing mish-mash means is, if you get sufficient iodine in your diet, you should be protected. Even if exposed, organic iodine can actually remove radioactive iodine that has lodged in the thyroid gland. More dose info below under Kelp and Sea Vegetables.
The RDA according to the Nutrition Almanac is 150 mcg (millionths of a gram) per day. The latest therapeutic dose recommendations are complicated depending on age, body type, exposure etc. General guidelines are adults and adolescents a full therapeutic dose is 130 mcg. Children over 3-12 yrs. 65 mcg. Over one month-3 yrs. 32 mcg. Birth to one month 16 mcg. By saturating the thyroid gland it is protected up to one month., which is long enough for the radioactive iodine (which has a half life of 8 days) to disappear from the environment. With out the potassium iodide (KI) taken in advance of an attack to saturate the thyroid, its protective effect lasts about 24 hours! You should have tablets on hand.
SEE: Ref. 1 page 47, dosages 433. Note. MG as they label it means Micrograms not milligrams or mg.
Beta-1,3 Glucan: Extracted from the cell walls of baker’s yeast it is a potent immune enhancer. It activates important macrophages and is also an anti oxidant. Studies by the Army showed that glucan was a powerful protectant against a lethal dose of radiation. Ref 2 page 9.
Polyamines: “The free radicals generated by ultraviolet (UV) or ionizing radiation can attack cellular lipids, proteins and DNA. Endogenous free radical scavengers such as glutathione and the polyamines (e.g, spermidine and spermine) can inhibit the action of ROS (peroxides and hydroxyl radicals).”
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2005 Jun;18(2):109-10.
Naringin: “Radiation is a well-known inducerof free radicals and compounds that can scavenge free radicalsmay reduce radiation-induced DNA damage. Naringin, a bioflavonoidpredominant in grapefruit and other citrus fruits, has beenfound to scavenge free radicals, therefore it may also reduceradiation-induced damage.”
Mutagenesis vol. 18 no. 4 pp. 337-343, July 2003 Dimethyl Sulfoxide: Or DMSO, “prevents DNA Nicking Mediated by Ionizing Radiation or Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide-Generated Hydroxyl Radical.” (This is a very valuable substance and you would do well to find out more about it.)
Melatonin: “As melatonin administration reversed oxidative organ injury, as assessed by biochemical and histopathological findings, it is suggested that supplementing cancer patients with adjuvant therapy of melatonin may have some benefit for successful radiotherapy.”
Melatonin protects against ionizing radiation-induced oxidative damage in corpus cavernosum and urinary bladder in rats
Melanin: “These results allow us to draw the following conclusions: adaptive response (to radiation) can be prevented by a radioprotector such as melanin, and melanin is capable of completely removing low-dose radiation effects.
Polyethylene glycol: “There is disclosed a method of protecting animals including humans against ionizing radiation by injecting the animals with a polymer having the approximate formula H(OCH.sub.2 CH.sub.2).sub.n OH, where n varies between 4 and 13. Particularly, it is found that polyethylene glycol (molecular weight between 200 and 600), polyethyleneglycolmonoethylether (molecular weight between 200 and 600), and polyvinylpyrrolidone (molecular weight up to 10,000) when injected into standard experimental animals, such as mice, protects them from the lethal effect of ionizing radiation.”
Prostaglandins (PGs): “We conclude that clinical use of these compounds may provide significant protection of hair follicles and possibly other normal tissues (skin; oral, rectal, and bladder mucosa) lying within a radiation field or in patients treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Further assessment of possible tumor protection effects are needed, however.”
Tetracycline: “Tetracyclin derivatives and ceftriaxone, a cephalosporin antibiotic, protect neurons against apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation. Our results suggest that some tetracycline derivatives, such as doxycycline and minocycline, and ceftriaxone, a cephalosporin derivative, protect neurons against apoptotic death.”
VITAMIN C: This may be the most important thing of all to have on hand for many applications, e.g. poison, bites, viruses, etc. The book “Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins” by Thomas Levy, MD, should be one of your most prized possessions along with as much Sodium Ascorbate as you can store. Vitamin C cannot only protect against radiation but also repair damage from previous exposure. There is abundant scientific proof for this assertion. See section below from Levy’s work. Ref. 3 and Ref. 6
Vegetable Oil: Extra virgin olive oil but any cold pressed, extra virgin oil will do in an emergency. If you are exposed or are going to be, you can drink a half cup and if will help supply protection for the cell membranes. ( I got this from the Atomic Energy Commission Report many years ago but it still is true.) Some studies show that applying these oils to the skin can help protect against radiation skin burns. Vitamin E oil applied to the skin, along with Vitamin C and aloe vera could help mitigate radiation burns. Also, see below.
Some of the following are specifically cited for X-ray exposure, but are effective in any form of ionizing radiation from the book "How To Bet Well" by Pavvo Ariola GET THIS BOOK!!! Ref 4
Rutin: Strengthens the capillary walls and reduces hemorrhaging caused by x-rays. In animal studies reduced the death rate caused by excessive x-rays by 800 per cent.
Dose: 100 to 200 mg a day as protective dose. If exposed, 800 mg. or more a day. It is harmless.
Pantothenic Acid: Prevents radiation injuries. In animal studies, the survival rate was increased by 200 per cent by giving pantothenic acid prior to exposure. Brewers yeast is by far the best source of this substance. Dose: Preventive—5 mg. to 15 mg. for children, 25 mg. to 50 mg. for adults. Use a double or triple dose as a therapeutic after exposure.
Brewer’s Yeast: Believe it or not, brewer’s yeast can help protect and repair damage from many types of radioactivity.
Vitamin F: Essential fatty acids or EFA, present in all crude, cold-pressed vegetable oils.
Vitamin C: Of course. More below.
Inositol: In Lecithin. Available in tablets, helps with all forms of radiation.
Lemon: Or lemon peel concentrate. Probably due to the bioflavonoids. It is always good to take Vitamin C and bioflavonoids together since the latter multiplies the effect of the C.
Lecithin: 2-3 tbsp. a day, will help counteract the effects of radiation.
Kelp: Supplement the diet with easily assimilable organic iodine, as in kelp (Norwegian or other clean water kelp if possible), this will saturate the thyroid so radioactive iodine will not be absorbed. (It, like all sea vegetables contains an amazing substance called sodium alginate which we will get to later.) Dose: 1 to 2 tsp. Of granules daily, or 5 to 10 tablets. Protective program for Strontium-90.
Calcium and Magnesium: both help your body to pass off Strontium 90. Get supplement not made from animal bones which contains Strontium 90. Dolomite is best. Dr. Linus Pauling says heavy calcium supplementation will reduce strontium 90 absorption by 50 percent, but be careful not to over indulge unless exposed.
From the valuable resource book, “Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs and Vitamins” by Steven R. Schechter, N.D. (likely out of print) I have purposely left out some of the doses and other specifics in many cases to space constraints, to avoid giving medical advice, and to encourage you to find and buy this book and the others. However, because the book is out of print I have included some dosages; keeping in mind that the book is over 20 years old. If I do err in this direction, consider it my opinion and not medical advice. Go to the information source; When you need it, the info will be priceless and still applicable.
Sea Vegetables: Sodium alginate is one of the more powerful protective substances in sea vegetables like kelp, which includes arame, wakame, kombu, and hijiki. Sodium alginate reduces the amount of strontium-90 absorbed by bone tissue by 50 to 83 percent. (You can also obtain a great source of this in a fantastic herbal combo by Solaray called Detox Blend SP-25.)
Bee Pollen: Studies show that bee pollen can significantly reduce the usual side effects of both radium and cobalt-60 radiotherapy and also the sickness after massive abdominal x-rays. One study showed that the proliferation of cancer cells stopped in cancerous tumors induced in mice. (This is only indicative and does not purport to be medical advice. One should go to the source and study the relevant information before drawing conclusions. Try to get real bee pollen from an organic bee keeper, uncooked.)
Bee Propolis: Besides the healing and anti bacterial qualities of this substance, it has been effective in clinical stages of radioepithelitis, i.e. inflammation of epithelial tissue due to radiation. (Same as above. Get unheated, raw organic honey; it is a good source of pollen, royal jelly and propolis.)
Fermented Foods: Due to their multiple beneficial effect on the intestines, fermented foods help to couteract the toxins from radioactive fallout that is ingested from foods, e.g. yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, etc.
Beets: Beets have been shown to rebuild hemoglobin of the blood after exposure to radiation. Rats fed a diet of 20 percent beet pulp were able to prevent cesium-137 absorption and 97 to 100 percent more effectively than rats given no beets.
Primary-grown Nutritional Yeast: Besides having Vitamin E, it also contains the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, both of which have been shown to have radio protective qualities. It has been shown to help rebuild and regenerate cells damaged by radiation, and also to produce relief from radiation poisoning and it’s many horrible symptoms. Nutritional yeast has a good amount of many important nutrients. Primary –grown yeasts bonds with and absorb heavy metals such as uranium, lead and mercury!
Garlic and Onions: Cysteine, also present in onions, binds with and deactivates both the radioactive isotopes and toxic metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. The sulfur in cysteine helps the kidneys and liver detoxify the body. Garlic has many wonderful healing properties and should be researched.
Chlorophyll: Lourau and Lartigue reported that green cabbage increased the resistance of guinea pigs to radiation. The US Army found that broccoli, green cabbage and alfalfa reduced the effects of radiation on guinea pigs by 50 percent! (You can get a good organic alfalfa pill very cheap from Nature’s Plus.)
Oils: Dr. James Ashikava found that mice will survive normally lethal doses of x-rays if they are given common edible unprocessed vegetable oils—especially olive or peanut oils. It is reported from Mexico, that those who work or live near sources of radiation, such as atomic labs or nuclear power plants, eat or rub vegetable oils on their skin for greater protection.
In one mice study, olive oil taken internally fully protected rats against progressive doses of x-rays ranging from 300 to 2,400 roentgens. The olive oil provided optimal protection when is comprised about 15 percent of the total calories of the diet. Olive oil and sesame oil are more resistant to breaking down from heat while cooking and have a longer shelf life.
Vitamin A: In 1974, researchers from India found that vitamin A, when taken internally by humans, hastened recovery from radiation. In 1984, Dr. Eli Seifter and a team of researchers fro the Albert Einstein College of Medicine….reported vitamin A and beta-carotene counteracted both partial and total body gamma radiation. It also improved the healing of wounds; reduced weight loss, thymic and splenic atrophy, and adrenal enlargement; and prevented gastro-ulceration and an abnormal decrease in red and white blood cell formation. (The therapeutic purposes, 25,000 to 35,000 IU are recommended for adults. During emergencies or crisis situations, intensive exposure may warrant as much as 40,000 to 100,000 IU of beta-carotene, but should be taken for no more than three to four weeks. Infants should not consume high amounts. This info is only very partial and you should consult the book for specifics.)
Vitamin B Complex: There are so many benefits to the B vitamins that there is no space to list them. One of the many is they normalize the red and white blood cell count, because the destruction of white blood cells by radiation can last for extended periods of time. The various B vitamins have different effects and should be taken together.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids: Not to be redundant; researchers at Harvard Medical School said, “Our experiment showed that vitamin C can prevent damage from radiation….it somehow keeps the radiation from killing the cells.” Their experiment indicates that the dosage for humans exposed to intensive radiation would be approximately 10 grams per day---a mega dose. (More about C and radiation later from Dr. Thomas Levy. The literature must be studied before mega dosing but levels up to 50,000 and more have been administered for short periods with good results. If more than 750 mg. of vitamin C is taken daily, calcium, magnesium, B6 (within the whole B Complex), and sufficient water to prevent kidney stones. The body cannot store much C and it is used for darn near everything in the body, so make sure you get enough.)
Vitamin D: An adult therapeutic dose would range from 400 IU per day to 1,000 IU daily. During an emergency, adult daily dosage could go as high as 2,000 IU, if taken for no longer than one month. (I would say to find a natural vitamin D as there have been reports that synthetic vitamin D has some bad side effects.)
Vitamin E: It can protect against the effects of x-rays and radioactive cobalt. It improves anemia following exposure to radiation. It can provide internal and external protection against cesium-137 which is a common component of fallout and nuclear power plant leaks and routine emissions. For the form of E d-alpha-tocopherol, an adult weighting about 155 would need about 900 IU per day. (I take more than this every day normally. On exposure, I would take 1600 IU as I have many times for several weeks. I prefer to get the dry, water dispersable E, but any kind is good as long as it is fresh. The oil can go rancid. Also, try to get the most natural form.) E also helps prevent the destruction of Vitamin A and fatty acids by massive doses of x-rays. If large doses of C, B and E are taken before exposure, the terrible symptoms of radiation sickness can be reduced or eliminated to a large degree. Caution: E should be used cautiously if you have high blood pressure or rheumatic heart disease.
Calcium: By the mechanism of selective uptake, calcium blocks or decreases the absorption of strontium-90, calcium-45 and other radioactive isotopes by the skeletal system. Calcium also helps to eliminate radioactive isotopes that are lodged in the bones! The National Research Council recommends that adults consume 800 mg. of calcium per day. For children and lactating women this is 1,000 mg. and 1,400 mg.. Too much calcium can be harmful. The best forms of supplemental calcium are calcium citrate, gluconate, carbonate, lactate, or amino acid chelated calcium. It is good to take a calcium—magnesium combination.
Magnesium: Like calcium, magnesium prevents the uptake of radioisotopes and helps to eliminate already stored strontium-90. One reason not to use synthetic vitamin D (Calciferol) is that it can combine with magnesium and carry it out of the body. Calciferol is contained in much commercial milk. Fluoride also leaches calcium from the body among other horrendous things. The optimal diet should contain about ½ as much magnesium as calcium. The RDA for calcium is 350 mg. to 700 mg. The high end should not be exceeded but since the Standard American Diet or SAD does not supply enough magnesium, supplements are recommended.
Selenium: Wonderful element. Does so many positive things impossible to list. It fortifies the immune system, reduces the rate of cancer in humans and helps to alleviate leukopenia, (abnormal decreases of white blood cells). The RDA is 50 to 200 micrograms per day. Some recommend as much as 100 to 300 micrograms per day, but more should be under medical supervision. It is most effective when taken with vitamins A and E.
Potassium: If there is a deficiency, radionuclides like cesium-137, cesium-134, potassium-40 and potassium-42, are absorbed through selective uptake etc. RDA is uncertain but health authorities suggest a minimum of 2,000 to 6,000 mg. in the diet. Usually supplementation is not necessary and too much can be dangerous.
Zinc: A diet that supplies sufficient zinc blocks the uptake of radioactive zinc-65. Zinc DTPA has been used to chelate americium-241 from a nuclear accident victim. Natural zinc also will help the body eliminate several toxic heavy metals including cadmium, aluminum, lead, and excess copper. Although doses over 50 mg. per day have been used it should be under a doctor’s care. Dose: Preventive--adults—15 mg.------pregnant women—30 mg.---------lactating women—40 mg.
Therapeutic—adults---15-50 mg. -------------pregnant women—30-50 mg.----------
Lactating women---40—50 mg. per day.
Iron: A number of studies indicate exposure to radiation significantly decreases levels of iron in the body. Radioactive iron and plutonium, isotopes similar in structure to iron, can be carried to iron storage sites such as liver, bone marrow, ovaries or testes, and lungs if the body is deficiency in iron. The National Research Council recommends a daily intake of 18 mg. for women, 30 to 60 mg. daily if pregnant or more if lactating; 10 mg. for men, and 10 to 18 mg. for children. After exposure to radiation or loss of blood, supplementation of approximately 10 to 18 mg. daily.
Siberian Ginseng: Eleutherococcus senticosus is the best for medicinal purposes. Soviet researchers reported that eleuthero extract has radio protective qualities, and can be used in conditions of acute or chronic radiation sicknesses such as hemorrhaging, severe anemia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and headaches due to x-rays. It can lengthen survival time after exposure. The list is too long. Do some research. It is almost miraculous protecting against infections. poisons, etc. It increases human resistance to a remarkably wide variety of stressors.
Adult extract treatment doses: 20 to 40 drops before meals, two or three times per day. Children: single dose one drop per each year of age, repeated twice a day.
Panax Ginseng: Studies have found this Asian version is effective against radiation as well. Researchers observed, ginseng increases the rate of production of serum albumin and gamma-globulin as well as DNA and RNA protein, and lipid synthesis in bone marrow cells. Also, human subjects taking ginseng root were able to acclimatize more easily to oxygen-deficient air. Both types can be taken daily as they build up in the body in a positive way. Best to take small amounts over a long period.
Aloe: Of the more than 200 species of Aloe, these species have shown evidence of being radio-protectants: aloe barbadensis (aloe vera), aloe arborescens, aloe striatula, and aloe saponaria. Emulsions can prevent the development of local reactions in radiation therapy and treating radiation burns of second and third degrees. Aloe also accelerates the process of tissue repair and normal cell growth. It is optimal to use its fresh form direct from the juicy leaves of the plant. It also has pain-relieving properties. Use fully mature leaves from outer leaves first.
Chaparral: Also known as the creosote bush, one of the active ingredients is NDGA. One thing it does is inhibit the tumor electron transport system, which denies such growths the electrical energy they require. It also corrects malignant melanoma in many cancer patients. Chaparral is an excellent antibiotic and helps purify and detoxify the blood. Use with caution and supervision. Dose: If taken in tablet form take an extra 300-750 mg. of vitamin C per day to help the body process the concentrated resins and gums in the herb.
Green Tea and Black Tea: Indications are that the radio-protective effects of tea catechins are associated with the antioxidative property, taken both before and after irradiation. Caution with large use of black or green teas because they contain large amounts of caffeine and tannic acid. Also, some evidence that green tea takes up large amounts of fluoride.
Nucleic acids: RNA and DNA increase the survival rate of mammals exposed to irradiation. Bee pollen, nutritional yeast and certain sea algae such as chlorella contain relatively large percentages of nucleic acids. Onions contain RNA.
Cysteine: A natural amino acid helps counteract several kinds of radiation. Caution: Do not take as a seperate supplement. Can be a dangerous excitotoxin like glutamate (MSG) or aspartate in abnormal quantities. Occurs in sulfur containing vegetables most of which are in the cabbage family. Kale is by far the best source with watercress and brussel sprouts good sources too. Make sure you get non-irradiated vegetables.
Pectin: Obtained from ripe fruit like apples. Like sodium alginate in agar and kelp, pectin bonds or chelates with radioisotopes, especially strontium-90, and reduces the absorption into the skeletal system.
Papain: In one study, 50 percent of the rats given papain survived a normally lethal dose of radiation.
Medicinal Charcoal: Has the ability to absorb and neutralize radioactive substances and some toxic materials. Researchers report that 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of charcoal can absorb about 3 to 7 grams of materials.
Organic Germanium: Ge-132, according to one study, “Radioactive rays release electrons that destroy cells and blood corpuscles….Germanium floating near the blood corpuscles skillfully catches those released electrons and lets them move around its nucleus.” In other studies mutagenesis of cells exposed to cesium-137 and gamma rays, was “remarkably reduced” without affecting cellular growth or survival. It seemed to improve the fidelity of DNA replication. Ge-132 protects cysteine, an amino acid with known protective value. Dose: 25 mg. to 100 mg. per day is often used in Japan. It can be derived from onions, pearled barley, and watercress.
Sodium Alginate: An effective preventive and therapeutic substance against radiation and heavy metals according to Tanaka. In two experiments using rats, sodium alginate decreased by a factor of 12, the uptake of several radioactive isotopes—including strontium-90, strontium-85, barium, radium, and calcium. Skoryna el al. concluded that ingestion of small but regular does of alginate is effective in preventing the daily absorption of small doses of radioactive strontium and other contaminants that are present in the environment. Brown sea vegetables such as kelp are the most effective sources.
Alginate is nontoxic and is not reabsorbed for the GI tract and appears to have no adverse affects even at high doses. Red sea vegetables, such a dulse are most effective at binding plutonium, and green algae binds cesium most effectively.
Dose: The Atomic Energy Commission recommends for maximum protection against radioactive poisoning for humans, taking a minimum of 2 to 3 ounces of sea vegetables a week or 10 grams (two tablespoons) a day of sodium alginate supplements. During or after exposure to radiation, the dosage should be increased to two full tablespoons of alginate four times daily to insure that there is a continual supply in the GI or gastrointestinal tract. There may be a rare problem of constipation but this can be avoided if the sodium alginate is made into a fruit gelatin. Agar, derived from sodium alginate in kelp, is a safe, nontoxic substance that can be used as a thickening agent or gelatin. (Solaray has a great product I use now called Detox Blend )
Another benefit of sea vegetables is the natural iodine. If there is insufficient iodine in the diet radioactive iodine-131 will be absorbed and collected in the thyroid gland. Even if radioactive iodine is absorbed by the thyroid, taking natural iodine helps offset the side effects of exposure. According to Dr. Russell Morgan, one mg. of iodine for children and five mg. for adults taken daily will reduce by about 80 percent the radioactive iodine accumulated in the thyroid. Whole foods are the best source of iodine, e.g. sea vegetables like hijiki, arame, kombu and dulse. Iodine is leached from the thyroid gland by drinking chlorinated water. Avoid iodized salt which contains excessive sodium and no potassium. Sea vegetables are rich in vitamins and contain most if not all of the essential minerals and trace elements. Sea vegetables also help dissolve fat and mucus deposits.
Chlorophyll: A number of studies found that chlorophyll-rich foods can decrease radiation toxicity. Spirulina and chlorella are two micro-algae that are rich in this substance, as are leafy greens, celery, parsley, the sprouts of any grain or bean, the young shoots of any edible grass and sunflower greens. Chlorophyll is similar in structure to hemoglobin.
There is a gold mine of advice and information in this book, not just about radiation, but protecting against heavy metals and other toxins prevalent in our environment. Please find it and keep it along with your Bible or most valuable possessions. But do not wait to read and apply it!!!
It appears to be out of print but used copies can be found at:
You may be able to find this rare and priceless book at the Cancer Control Society Bookstore. Call 323-663-7801 for info
Oxygen Therapy: One tested oxygen therapy is Hyper baric Oxygen (HBO), although there are many other methods to introduce hyper oxygenation. This article is very good and well worth reading in full at
There is also evidence to suggest that HBO may be helpful as a therapy for soft tissue injury caused by radiation, as well as restoring tissues and cells damaged by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It has been in the field of treating osteoradionecrosis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy has seen some of its most dramatic successes.
When osteoradionecrosis develops, tissue destruction devolves into breakdown of overlying tissues and symptomatic destruction of bone. During this process, the response to antibiotics can be poor. In many cases, the situation can be improved with the use of HBO therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to be more effective than penicillin.
If you can get past the tech talk here is some good info:
A potential link between cancer and restenosis radiotherapyin terms of radiosensitization may be derived from the factthat coronary smooth muscle cells as the presumed target cellsfor vascular brachytherapy are at least in part hypoxic. Severalstudies in the cancer literature have reported a benefit ofradiosensitization with oxygen during ionizing radiation ofhypoxic tumor cells.
Full article at American Heart Ass.:
This is a very good one:
Hyper baric oxygen (HBO) therapy is a form of treatment in which a patient breathes 100% oxygen intermittently in a special chamber at 2 to 3 absolute atmospheres (ATA). Hyper baric oxygen therapy has been used for chronic and delayed radiation injuries for 30 years10 and improves fibroblast growth, collagen formation, neovascularization, epithelialization, and leukocyte bactericidal activity. It also reduces tissue edema. All of these effects are beneficial to wound healing.11
Full Article at Ostomy Wound Management
And, this is very impressive evidence that oxygen, when introduced properly, can attenuate the effects of radiation:
Radiation induced hemorrhagic cystitis that does not respond to standard regimens can be successfully treated with hyper baric oxygen. This modality is well tolerated even in patients debilitated by advanced cancer and blood loss. Long-term remission can be achieved in the majority of patients.
Full article at NCBI
The reason I have dwelled on oxygen therapy is to demonstrate its value in medicine, since the allopathic lobbies in the US are vehemently against any form of oxygen therapy like ozone autohematherapy, because they are much too effective! HBO is only one form of introducing active oxygen into the body for therapeutic effect.
The idea is to get massive doses of oxygen/ozone into the body where it has the incredible, almost magic capacity to destroy and precipitate all manner of toxins. Oxygen serves so many functions it is impossible to list them all. It is very much like Vitamin C in its universality and one should alternative the two and not use the two therapies together as they are somewhat antagonistic and will tend to cancel one another.
For a fuller explanation see articles at:
From the excellent book Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins by Thomas Levy, MD, JD:
“Radiation toxicity will commonly damage the body in a number of ways. Radiation injury can cause mutations, cause cancer, and lead to increased birth defects. Also, bone marrow is readily suppressed by significant ionizing radiation exposure. All the tissues can be affected and the associated symptoms will generally be consistent with the effects of a large increase in free radicals and oxidant stress in the affected tissues. A potent antioxidant like vitamin C is ideally suited for coping with the onslaught of oxidant stress unleashed by a significant radiation exposure.
Klenner asserted that vitamin C will “prevent radiation burns.”
“Kennedy et al. recently found that vitamin C and E could successfully treat the symptoms of chronic radiation proctitis following courses of pelvic irradiation for cancer…”
“Koyama et al. were able to show in cultured irradiated cells that vitamin C could lessen the free radical load when given prior to irradiation…..Finally, these researchers showed that vitamin C given 20 hours after irradiation was still able to reduce the mutation frequency in human cell studies.”
“Sarma Kesavan et al. were able to show that vitamins C and E were able to reduce the amount of damage in bone marrow chromosomes from mice exposed to whole body gamma irradiation.”
“…multiple studies also indicate that vitamin C protects against radiation-induced DNA damage and increased chance of cancer.”
Dose: For a more detailed account of dosages please consult this book and/or go to highly informational article by Gary Wade-- THE VITAMIN C STORY --- You will be shocked, informed, amazed, and very grateful.
Note: There are many new discoveries since the publishing of the above sources, Dr. Levy’s being the most recent. You should scour every information source to find anything you can. Some of the newer supplements might very well be effective against radiation due to the fact that they are basically antioxidants and can clean up free radicals. Some of these to research would be grape seed extract, pycongenol, resveratrol, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) alpha lipoic acid, Quercetin, etc.
I might just add a multiple mineral not because of any research of sorts but because it is the most frequent deficiency I am seeing over the last two or three years. I think that if the tissues are firm, damage of any kind is more difficult. The other thing I might add would be enzymes in large quantities to help clean up any damaged tissue. I remember years ago I met a friend from Australia in Hawaii and we went snorkeling in Hanama Bay for the day - she got scorched and I didn't even get a tan - I was on SOD and enzymes. I gave her three huge doses of what I had and it turned her right around. She hardly blistered (sunburn is free radical damage of the skin - vitamin C is probably a less expensive way to go). I would also say to stay inside and keep covered. I picked up a hot isotope in my foot walking barefoot in Bandaler National Park (very close to Los Alamos). Then of course I also always go to lots of greens but then they will be contaminated - a scary thought. I guess it would be time for a Stanley Boroughs lemon juice cleanse. (She is referring to the Master Cleanser booklet).
Dr. S geovisit(); ANTI-SPECIESISM:
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always." - Mahatma Gandhi TRUTH - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
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* 1 organic carrot, grated
* 1 ounce organic ginger, grated (30 grams)
* 1 cup organic broccoli and/or cauliflower florets (250 ml)
* handful of kelp or other tasty quick-cooking seaweed
* 2- 4 fresh shiitake or reishii or wild mushrooms, sliced
* 1 "brick" organic brown rice ramen noodles
* 2-3 tablespoons miso (30-45 ml)
* 2 tablespoons brown rice vinegar (30 ml)
* sea salt to taste
While water comes to a boil, prepare vegetables. Add noodles, tofu, seaweed, mushrooms, and vegetables to water, cover, and cook 2-5 minutes or to taste. Mash miso and vinegar with a fork in your bowl, add soup, and enjoy: Instant Joy!
Serves 1
and possible fallout from dirty bombs or nuclear explosions***
NOTE: At right; first of 30 new reactors? Huh?!
First, let us pray this never happens, i.e. pray that Iran comes to its senses and that Bin Ladin changed his mind about an American Hiroshima---fat chance. Second, we see that it is unfolding as a real possibility so we had better be prepared. And to add insult to injury, it is possible that a shiny new nuclear power reactor will be coming to your neighborhood soon!
There will be no effort to justify the claims made. Rather, this is an invitation to assemble your own library of information based on the recommendation herein. The sources and books mentioned are absolutely priceless in the information they supply and should be acquired without delay. Or, just go buy get the things mentioned (subject to availability), and make sure you have them on hand just in case. If God forbid, something happens in the US and it is near you or upwind from you, you will really need this info to save your life and protect from cancer etc. (None of these are a complete cure-all or total protection and should be used as part of a combined strategy. Start now to build your immune system strength and resistance by taking responsibility for your health and welfare. Store and stock up on water and canned food so you have a clean supply. Our system is based on just-in-time and usually provided only 3 days on the market shelves. Water is the most important thing, since if it is contaminated you cannot purity it with any normal commercial filter.)
read complete post - story
Guy Black knows what many people want to know
Quest News Service originally published the Radiation Natural Antidotes on April 25, 2010. His post presaged the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
On March 13, 2011 Guy (and Yogi) re-entered the post on realneo as a comment. Guy, for I believe were very local political reasons, did not promote the new post to the homepage of REalneo.
Notwithstanding the fact that Guy's post on 3.13.11 did not appear in March 2011 on the homepage, the Natural Antidotes post has been at the top of the Realneo homepage right hand column "Most Popular Content Today" for most of the last week.
I point this out in this comment to instruct that the home page of Realneo is good for the immediate id but Google does't care what is on the homepage -and Google will downgrade for id.
Search engines will find anything in the multi year archives of Realneo - buried - or in flaming color on the home page.
Anyway, Guy, though many of your topics aren't what I believe are the most significant topics (for me), the rest of the global Realneo audience has voted that they are what interests them. So I am getting an education. And realneo, and everyone's posts here, are getting more traffic. With the traffic, all our opinions are being viewed, and maybe, just maybe, each of us will pursuade someone else of our own personal views.
I appreciate your enthusiastically reporting on what is important to you, your accommodations with others on this site, and your sharing your (sensational "press" IM respectful HO ) interests with all of us.
Best, Jeffb.
actually Jeff Buster
I do not think that this part of your statement " the rest of the global Realneo audience has voted that they are what interests them." is accurate. Many people have complained about the copying and pasting of material, as well as the "hogging" of the home page with the crap, and like you have said, has been one of the reasons that may have caused a lot of posters to leave.
Then there are the links, or cross links, that drive up the numbers, without the reader ever truly going to realneo to read the post. The readers can be on any one of the other sites that the blog is posted to and it automatically links back as a read. Numbers may look good, but they don't actually reflect traffic to this site by this poster.
Traffic stats on Realneo
Hello DW,
Traffic counts on realneo are only activated by clicking on the headline of the post and opening the article to read it in full. This can be seen (by admin and web master) both in Google analytics and in the tracking logs kept on the Realneo server. Remote clicks ( off realneo) on any links in a realneo article do not come back as counts on Realneo. For example, if a post on realneo had a link to "diamonds.web site", internet traffic clicks on diamonds.web site would not be reflected in any way on the realneo pc which had the diamonds.web site hyperlink. However, if another web site was spammed with a link to a realneo blog, and someone clicked on the remote realneo spam link, that would increase the traffic count on the realneo blog. Thats why spammers spam.
Global searchers search for a lot of the stuff Guy posts about. The traffic counts below each post reflect the number of times the title of the post was clicked on and opened in full "read more"
I agree that Guy's cut and past copyright violation habit is obnoxious and problematical for realneo, but that is a different issue. If Guy actually wrote his own stuff about web bots, aliens, cancer remedies, and pending disasters, he would probably get even more traffic.
Many once loyal realneo users have bailed out because of Guy (and I am discouraged by that and Guy and I wrestle with this) and all the paranoid infighting here (I name no names), but many others have come to the site to view the weidness. So it is a study in progress, as I have commented prior.
Best, Jeff B
because he is not posting as much
You mean to say, ? they have bailed out because of Guy NOT posting as much??? It was him that drew me to this site last year (when he picked up an article I wrote and brought it here and then emailed me to alert me.) I was grateful, until I was accused of being a spammer because my handle was 'savcash' (have had it for yrs and not about to change it now, and yes, I am in retail sales, but that is not what I was posting about.) The suggestion that I need to change my handle to post on a board, nope. Was from one of the same bullies I see active today.
You have been a fair person on here; thanks much. I know first hand the infighting issue you are speaking of, as well as I see that driving people away. THAT and/or at least making this a far less valuable place to come because of those few who just won't grow up and attack others at will.
The fact people do not stay on topic, (in the OPs thread) the missing block button for those that do not (or resort to bully tactics or foul words) and the missing ablity to .... geeessee there was one more... but hey, it is off topic so I will stop now :)
Be well, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?
That is the "TRUTH"...I love reading ....
He keeps me well informed and update on a variety from the niegborhood to the whole world. Peace be with you...Guy; hopefully, Guy will be going around doing some photography this summer. I found it very informing and entertaining. He needs to "go back to headlining".
Hey, have a look here -
Hey, have a look here - quite an interesting blog entry about the disaster in Japan:
it sounds like it may be an interesting source!
Japan's Nuclear & Industrial Safety Agency admitted that
Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency admitted that the disaster was a level 5, which is classified as a crisis causing 'several radiation deaths'
Nuclear crisis worsening; growing radiation leaks at reactors nos. 3, 4
Published 18 March 2011
The situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant appears increasingly dire, as efforts to cool overheating reactors have failed; Japanese military fire trucks are now spraying water at the plant's no. 3 reactor; earlier efforts on Thursday to use helicopters to dump water on the rods have failed; the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman is particularly concerned about reactor no. 4 which houses spent fuel rods; spent fuel rods, placed in cooling tanks, are rapidly overheating as they are boiling away the water they are submerged in; the secondary containment unit at reactor no. 4 has been breached and radiation is now freely leaking out of the plant; high radiation levels are hindering efforts to repair the reactors ..more at link...
The moment nuclear plant chief WEPT as Japanese
finally admit that radiation leak is serious enough to
kill people
By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 3:54 PM on 19th March 2011
Overwhelmed: Tokyo Electric Power Company Managing Director Akio Komiri cries as he leaves after a press conference in Fukushima
The boss of the company behind the devastated Japanese nuclear reactor today broke down in tears - as his country finally acknowledged the radiation spewing from the over-heating reactors and fuel rods was enough to kill some citizens
Read more:
Elders left to die
so so sad, Prayers, Betty
The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?