Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 12/27/2010 - 21:22.

It's always about land and water rights...and the MOB.
Nothing changes in America. So, don't be surprised when the West Shore communities (Bay Village, Westlake, Fairview Park, Rocky River*) break away.
NEORSD is a bad movie with some really ugly character actors.
*The City of Cleveland supplies their drinking water, but they clean up 95% of their own shit!
Sanitary Sewer Use Charge:
Homeowners are charged a sewer use tax of $210.00 each year (billed quarterly at $52.50). The west shore communities of Bay Village, Rocky River, Westlake and Fairview Park share the cost of operating and maintaining the Rocky River Sewage Treatment Plant. Contact the Finance Department, 440-871-2200, for payment information if you will be out of town when the quarterly bills arrive.
Drinking.... Cleveland Water????
I buy bottled water...I wish I had money to buy enough, to take a shower or bath...since, my skin is all dried up and covered with a sheet of "white" when I am done bathing. I don't even give, "THAT" water to my dog....she gets the diareah and gets sick, like I do, when she drinks it.
This EPA CWA Settlement with NEORSD is very interesting
This EPA CWA Settlement with NEORSD is very interesting - it allows for GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, which reduce storm water runoff into combination sewers and are a better use of public dollars and planning than grey infrastructure.
Some shocking revelations in the settlement:
The question is whether NEORSD has intelligent leadership able to plan good Green Infrastructure strategy for the region - or if they just want to build over priced grey tunnels.The Green target of 44 million gallons is tiny, vs. 5 billion gallons of untreated sewage discharge a year - let's make the target for this 10X... 10% reducation in total - done right this could reduce grey infrastructure investment needs (and costs to taxpayers) by $100,000,000s and improve our regional environment more than processing more sewage does.
We are now in a comment period on this settlement - someone should roll up their sleeves and figure out the key issues to help citizens provide the EPA with inside information on NORSD and comment on Green Infrastructure opportunities.
From the EPA website you link:
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Justice Department Comment Period
I am following the postings here--
I am also contacting the Justice Department regarding the forced removal of families from their homes in NEO--and asking for an investigation into the collusion between Cuyahoga County officials, Plymouth Park Tax Services, GLS Capital and Safeguard.
Your drinking water is safeguarded by folks like Willaim Schatz:
Six years in prison...Feel good about that?
Thank You Laura for your follow up!
Thanks, Laura for your post... Amazing reading that should have been sent to every homeowner in NEO as part of a public participation issue...but not even our local leadership shares intelligence of such natures with the local folks...
Property tax 2010 2011
What I got in 2010 and what I get in 2011
$9.00/month garbage tax added to my water bill, stormwater tax added to my sewer bill, NEORSD sewer rate hikes added to my sewer pay for their malfeasance.
What I don't get:
Services like street repairs, sewer repairs, snow removal, park maintenance, electric service updates...emergency services....
Death by 1,000 cuts
Death by 1,000 cuts - if they can't lock you up they'll tax, fee and penalty you to death, real NEO style - Happy New Year.
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