Reimagined ??
Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 09:42.
 Our perfectly wonderful WC Reed aka Denison park - was leveled by the City of Cleveland and the EPA to what end? The EPA is "done" - three years and millions of federal dollars spent - and now the City of Cleveland will reopen the park at some point, but, WHEN??
Getting the LEAD out
Credit to Rachel Dissell and Brie Zeitner but NEOMG could care less about kids and their exposure to lead.
Rachel lives in Tremont - she knows that Clark Field is technically closed right now as the City of Cleveland decides how to contain the contaminants there. A far more toxic brew than ever found at WC Reed Field. WC Reed Field is still fenced off, despite the EPA pulling out of the park at the end of this year.
@Sharon Broussard, Northeast Ohio Media Group you seem so intent on hiring another person at City Hall?? Why - aren't the folks in the Department of Health paid enough? How about city employees actually doing their job. Karen Butler really got a pass in this whole story - she now works for NEON another non-profit health
And, surprise, surprise look - there's a "land bank" connection after she got federal EPA monies supposedly for the clean up of WC Reed Field. And, that has been a disaster.
No one seems to care that Clark Field - a park where kids play on ball diamonds - has a history of lead and toxin contamination far worse than WC Reed Field. And, Karen Butler surely could care less now that she has moved on to bigger things.
October Tremont West Newsletter-Clark Field
We know that the City of Cleveland Department of Public Health is a mess - we also know that Clark Field has had no action now for over a year. I can feel for the folks in Tremont - afterall, those of us in Brooklyn Centre were royally screwed over.
The October issue of Inside Tremont has an update by Beverly Wurm of the Friends of Clark Field. It hasn't been posted, yet, but should be available soon.
She writes: "In 2015, when the City of Cleveland stopped issuing permits for events and sports at Clark Field as the testing for soil began in preparation for updating the park... Last year and this year without the allowed activities, we have seen increased trash, dumping, cars hanging around late at night, trucks pulling ATV's and dirt bikes, which are not allowed at a city park, racing through the park and causing noise pollution above and beyond tolerable, not to mention tearing up the fields..."