Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 12/30/2017 - 13:11.
Roldo - who steadfastly champions Jim Rokakis - now, finally concedes that he is part of the local problem. Published in this month's Plain Press, but first posted at Have Coffee:
"Bought off by the same old names to rule Cleveland for decades. The powers to keep Cleveland colonized. See Sam Allard’s piece about the same old names buying City Hall for corporate Cleveland.
And this doesn’t account yet for donors to the mayor’s campaign.
Government purchasers.
Hell the same old names from the 1980s-1990s: Ratners, Carneys (they go back to the ’60s if not ’50s… the major league team owners, the developers, the familiar law firms, the DeGeranimos, the Council ticket long-term punchers—John Zayac and Mary Anne Sharkey and even friendly Jim Rokakis, who should know better—who does know better."
Wake UP CLE - same old crooks in this town destroying our future
Wow – 2017 and you finally acknowledge that your pal Jim Rokakis is part of the problem. Please fully wake up to the machine he has helped create in NEO. The machine that kicked black families out of their homes through the sale of tax liens to outfits like Woods Cove, Plymouth Park and Aeon Financial. Rokakis and Frangos also rigged the Board of Revision process, so that certain, special friends could skate on property taxes for YEARS. This little trick came in handy for a the commerical property Robert McCall hoped to flip at 3881 West 25th St. Now, in his capacity as surpreme leader of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank – Gus Frangos wited out the back taxes on that property– oh, and on many more, you can be sure of it.
ONE of the classic strategies Rokakis learned early on from his Greektown network - HIRE friends and family - create a network of folks who are slavishly devoted to you. He did this in council, he did this as county treasurer and he continues to do it now through the Cuyahoga County Land Bank and the Western Reserve Land Conservancy. This is a key part of the protection racket in this town.
Land Bank now has 35 employees
JR and Gus raking in their PERS retirement from their county and city council positions. Frangos double-dipping? Do Land Bank employees get PERS, too, to rip off taxpayers? JR getting $150K at Western Reserve Land Conservancy paid out as consultant fees charged to Cleveland City Council. When is enough ENOUGH.!