Small town America

Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 09/25/2008 - 07:27.
Small town America

Here is a picture of small town America today. Garden Court and Pearl Rd. Cleveland, OH 44109. Google it. Invest here.






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Today's header

  My guess would be the Cleveland Heights Rec Center.  It is nice to see a community invest the tax dollars raised in that community by spending the money in the community.  Were federal or state hand outs used to construct the Cleveland Heights Rec Center? 


I sure would like to see my tax dollars spent on the streets, sewers, water lines, gas lines, parks, sidewalks and safety in my neighborhood.  Instead, I have a city rep, who evidently refuses to pay attention to any of the above needs, a CDC that is given lots of my money to do nothing, city and county representation that structures sweet heart deals for friends using our money sent to Washington and returned as HUD funding--city and county reps, who will now will have more of our money (money we really don't have to spend) to give contracts to their friends and special interests. 

We are giving our money to a bunch of crackheads...

Does any one really believe that this is a good idea for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County?:

HUD to give Cleveland $16 million, Cuyahoga County $11 million to deal with abandoned, foreclosed homes

U.S. money to help rehab, raze homes
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Stephen Koff and Gabriel Baird
Plain Dealer 9/27/2009 B1

GREEN Gloria

Please see attached word doc and consider pitching in to help Gloria and her merry gang to make Brooklyn Centre the GREENest neighborhood in Cleveland.


Hello All-
Thanks to all of you who replied to my last email.
Here are the details based on your feedback.
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2008
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Brooklyn Centre Public Library
3706 Pearl Road
Topic: GOALS and TIMELINE of Project
Thanks to all of you who responded to the survey. Based on our
topic, it would be helpful if all of you could take the time
to fill out the survey listing 1,3, and 5 year goals.
Some of you expressed an inability to open the first survey. Here it is again in a word format.
Thanks for all of your support and enthusiasm for this project. I think that the next five years in Brooklyn Centre are going to be exciting and chock full of things to do.
(BTW Gloria--I like the Frog idea...the Tree Frogs were deafening last night :)


Last night

  The breeze was soft and warm.  For once, the night was not punctuated with police and fire sirens.  No, yesterday, proved it can be a wonderful night.  Boys without shirts or helmets raced their bikes round and round the block, until they were panting and laughing with joy.  The street was filled with kids singing, playing tag, riding their bikes, jumping rope, and even our regular ne'er do wells were shamed out of blaring their cussing and loud music.  My neighbor spent the better part of an hour under the streetlight fixing a young neighbor's bike.  Yes, it can be a wonderful life.

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If you want to live here--please contact me.