11 |
"Spread The Wealth" to Poor European Banks? No! |
40 |
$11 Trillion and Climbing - Now That's a Lot of Change! |
-4 |
$18 Per Week Tax Break, $27 Per Week Tax Bill! |
14 |
$3 Billion to ACORN, $0 to Protect Our Border! |
-3 |
(just a drawing of a pitchfork on a picket sign) |
2 |
(politician's name): No Re-Election Without Representation |
5 |
1 in 2 Americans Pays ZERO taxes: Which Are You? |
6 |
100 Million Deaths Is the History of "Social Reform" |
16 |
2010: Give Congress Its Pink Slip! |
on a pink sign |
42 |
2010: Revolution! All Incumbents Out! |
4 |
2012: Give Obama His Pink Slip! |
on a pink sign |
24 |
220 Years to Build the Republic - 3 Months to Destroy It! |
0 |
52% of You Don't Decide My Morals! |
47 |
A Government Which Robs Peter to Pay Paul Can Always Depend on Paul's Support |
14 |
A People Free to Choose Will Always Choose Peace (Ronald Reagan) |
8 |
A Trillion Here, A Trillion There - Pretty Soon You're Talking REAL Money |
6 |
Abide by the Constitution or Be Terminated! |
16 |
ACORN - Another Criminal Organization Ruining Our Country |
"ACORN" is vertical |
11 |
ACORN: Obama's SS |
Acorn with SS logo |
8 |
ACORN: Seed of the Obamanut Tree (Webster's Dictionary, Year 2020) |
9 |
America Bows to No One |
0 |
America Was Hoodwinked and Bamboozled |
1 |
America: Land of the Free, not Land of the Freeloader |
9 |
Amnesty = Higher Taxes and Lower Wages |
5 |
An Education Without the Bible Is Useless (Noah Webster, Founding Father) |
10 |
And You Thought the Depression Was Bad - Just Wait |
22 |
Andrew Jackson Was Right: No to Bank Nationalization |
1 |
Apathy Kills Liberty |
19 |
Aren't Fraud and Treason Still Against the Law? |
14 |
Atlas Will Shrug |
10 |
Attention News Media: I Do My Job, Now You Do Yours! |
8 |
Back to Constitutional Basics! |
7 |
Bail Out America: Fire Congress |
17 |
Bailouts + Debt = Fiscal Child Abuse |
3 |
Band Together - Create Business Locally - Yes, We Can! |
3 |
Bankrupting the Future Is Not an Economic Policy |
7 |
Barack and Barney: Leadership to Be Leavin' |
23 |
Barack Obama: Command In Thief |
-5 |
Barack, Play Basketball But Don't Play With Our Lives |
15 |
Beware Obama's Hitler Youth |
28 |
Big Government = Taxation Without Representation |
5 |
Bigger Government = Smaller Individuals |
18 |
Blaming Guns for Crime Is Like Blaming Keyboards for Misspelled Words |
18 |
Born Free - Taxed to Death |
18 |
Build the Fence |
29 |
Can We Bankrupt the Country? YES WE CAN |
48 |
Can You Hear Us Now? |
-6 |
Cancel Congressional Contempt For Citizens |
14 |
Cap 'n' Trade? Lock 'n' Load! |
5 |
Capitalism = Liberty - Socialism = Welfare |
15 |
Capitalism Is a Historical Success |
26 |
Capitalism Is Not the Problem - Ivy League Politicians Are |
31 |
Capitalism Made America, Not Government |
28 |
Capitalism, Yes - Socialism, No |
4 |
Carlo Ponzi Would Be Proud of THIS Pyramid Scheme! |
pyramid back of $1 |
3 |
Carlo Ponzi Would Be Proud! |
21 |
Chains You Can Count On |
3 |
Change We Won't Survive |
11 |
Charity From Me Should Be My Choice |
20 |
Clinging to My God, My Guns, and My Money |
-9 |
Colorblind Means No Color Barriers |
0 |
CommonSenseForCongress.org |
13 |
Communists Are Democrats in a Hurry |
5 |
Comrade Obama Says OBEY |
10 |
Concentrated Power Has Always Been the Enemy of Liberty (Ronald Reagan) |
65 |
Congress Is A Toxic Asset |
34 |
Congress Is Revolting ... And So Are We! |
1 |
Congress, Get Your Own 401K Plan |
57 |
Congress, You're Fired! |
7 |
Congress: You Answer to US! |
6 |
Conservatism Is Alive, Well, and Right |
5 |
Conservatism Works! |
7 |
Count on CHANGE in 2010 |
44 |
Country For Sale - For Info, Call Congress |
12 |
Criticize Bush? Patriot! Criticize Obama? Enemy of the State! |
8 |
Cut Government Spending: Fire a Politician |
33 |
Cut Taxes, Not Deals |
35 |
D.C. = District of Corruption |
8 |
D.C. Is Our Servant Not Our Master |
-8 |
Darn! We Could Have Had Change in D.C., Not Across America! |
9 |
Dear President Obama, Did They Accept Our Apologies? |
25 |
Debt Is the Problem - How Can It Be the Solution, Too? |
6 |
Defend Our Republic for Which We Stand! |
6 |
Deliver Us From Weasels |
1 |
Democracy Doesn't Seize Power - It Grants Power to WE THE PEOPLE |
0 |
Democracy Not Socialism! |
1 |
1 |
Do Not Underestimate Our Resolve! Be Fearful for Your Incumbency! |
12 |
Don't ask Conservative States to Bail out Progressive States |
8 |
Don't Blame Me - I Voted for Content of Character |
1 |
Don't Counterfeit - The Fed Hates the Competition |
3 |
Don't Destroy Her (or his) American Dream |
Photo of baby |
19 |
Don't Forget About Us EMPLOYED People! |
35 |
Don't Mess With Our Constitution! |
14 |
Don't Mortgage My Future |
for kids |
13 |
Don't Mortgage My Grandchildren's Future |
15 |
Don't Punish Individual Success |
27 |
Don't Spread the Wealth - Spread My Work Ethic |
12 |
Don't Stimulate - Liberate! |
29 |
Don't Tax Me, Bro! |
31 |
Don't Tread On Me |
20 |
Dont Steal - Government Hates the Competition! |
15 |
Downsize D.C. |
32 |
Downsize Government |
10 |
Dr. King Would Be Ashamed |
5 |
DREAM Act = Stealing Citizenship |
34 |
Drill HERE, Drill NOW |
21 |
Drill, Baby, Drill! |
8 |
Dude, Where's My Country? |
9 |
Election Reform = No More Caucuses! |
10 |
Elephants and Asses Screwing the Masses |
donkey, elephant pic |
11 |
End The Fed |
31 |
End the Spending Spree! |
10 |
Enough! |
7 |
Equal Opportunity Doesn't Mean Equal Results |
19 |
Equal Opportunity, Not Equal Distribution! |
2 |
Equal Under The Law! |
17 |
Fair Tax - Simple, Transparent, Fair - It's Time! |
8 |
Federal Reserve: Woodrow Wilson's Contribution to Socialism |
3 |
Federal Trade Commision: Fleecing the Country |
6 |
Fight For America |
5 |
First, We Protest... |
-1 |
First, We Reason... |
6 |
Follow the Creator and the Constitution! |
21 |
For The First Time In My Adult Life, I Am Ashamed Of My Country |
7 |
Foreclose The Whitehouse |
17 |
Forget Right and Left - Look Up |
5 |
Free Market - Don't Know What You've Got Until It's Gone! |
58 |
Free Markets, Not Freeloaders |
12 |
Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction (Ronald Reagan) |
9 |
Freedom Works - Bailouts Hurt |
1 |
Freedoms Lost Are Lost Forever |
21 |
Fund the Military - At Least They're Good At What They Do |
-8 |
Gas Tax, Property Tax, Cigarette Tax - The New Four Letter Word |
-7 |
Geithner = Paulson |
9 |
George Orwell Was an Optimist |
11 |
Get Your Socialist Hands Off My Wallet! |
-6 |
Give Me Liberty ... Or Else! |
7 |
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death But for God's Sake Don't Give Me Socialism! |
19 |
Give Me LIBERTY Or Give Me DEATH! |
-5 |
Give Me Liberty or Give Me DEBT |
9 |
God Bless Sheriff Arpaio! |
14 |
God Has Given Us a Christian Nation (John Jay, 1st US Chief Justice) |
3 |
Going Green Costs U.S. Green |
-3 |
GOP, DNC: You'll Get No More Out of Me |
5 |
Government = Monopolist Who Can Jail You! |
7 |
Government Always Finds a Need for Whatever Money It Gets (Ronald Reagan) |
5 |
Government Consumes, Private Sector Produces |
10 |
Government Does Not Solve Problems - It Subsidizes Them (Ronald Reagan) |
57 |
Government Is Not The Solution - Government Is The Problem |
7 |
Government, Listen to Your Employers - We the People! |
5 |
Green House Gases: Our Money Being Burned in Washington |
54 |
Grow Small Business, Not Big Government |
8 |
Haste, Waste, and Fear Are Not an Economic Plan! |
20 |
Have Our Legislators Paid THEIR Taxes? |
24 |
Have You Ever Been Employed by a Poor Person? |
0 |
He Even Took the Hooks From the Walls. |
-2 |
Hear My Voice Or Hear My Gun |
15 |
Hell No! We Won't Owe |
6 |
Help! Taxpayers Have Fallen & Can't Get Up |
5 |
Hey Russia, How's Socialism Workin' Out For Ya? |
4 |
Hey! I Got The Wrong Change! |
5 |
Higher Taxes Dont Create Jobs |
55 |
Hitler Gave Good Speeches, Too |
4 |
Hold the Pork - Keep Taxes Down |
17 |
HONK for Capitalism |
1 |
Honk If You're Paying My Health Care |
3 |
Honk If You're Paying My Mortgaage |
1 |
Hope for Change (with pictures of pennies) |
19 |
Hope Is Not An Economic Strategy |
10 |
Hope Wont Pay the Bills |
64 |
How About a 90% Tax on Congressional Salaries? |
7 |
How Can You Not Know Where the Billions of Our Dollars Go? |
8 |
Huge National Debt = Huge Inflation |
76 |
I Am Not Your ATM |
10 |
I Balance My Budget, - Why Doesn't the Government? |
1 |
I Bought What?! |
12 |
I Came to This Rally AFTER Work! |
4 |
I Do What the Voices on My Teleprompter Tell Me to Do: Tax and Spend! |
4 |
I Love My Country But I Fear My Government |
-1 |
I Never Thought Government Would Actually Try to Cut Off the "Invisible Hand"! |
3 |
I Overcame - I Lived the American Dream - Now You Want to Take It Back? |
5 |
I Owe What?! |
for kids |
5 |
I Owe, I Owe, It's Off to Work I Go! |
19 |
I Saved For a Rainy Day - Now They Want to Tax It Away |
6 |
I See a Whole Army of My Countrymen Here in Defiance of Tyranny! |
4 |
I Thought We Already Settled the Issue of "Intolerable Acts" |
6 |
I Thought We Left High Taxes Behind in England! |
5 |
I Voted NObama! |
25 |
I Want My Country Back! |
24 |
I'll Keep My Freedom, Guns, and Money - You Keep the Change! |
19 |
I'll Pay for My House - You Pay for Yours |
22 |
I'm Only 8 and Already $36,000 In Debt |
for kids |
8 |
I'm PROUD to Live in One Nation Under God - Why Aren't Our Representatives? |
-8 |
I'm Taking My Pigs to Slaughter in 2010 |
6 |
I'm TEA'd Off and Boiling Mad! |
25 |
I, Too, Hope Obama's Ideas Fail! |
in defense of Rush |
13 |
If Liberals Could Win an Election, Why Do They Need So Much Voter Fraud? |
26 |
If Only Obama Would Bow to the Constitution |
22 |
If the Opposite of Pro Is Con, Is the Opposite of Progress ... Congress? |
25 |
If We Give You Money, Can We Demand Your Resignation, Too? |
8 |
If You Don't Pay Your Taxes, You Might Get a Cabinet Position, Too! |
50 |
If You Think Health Care is Expensive Now, Wait Until It's Free |
25 |
If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Taxes! |
8 |
If You've Already Spent Your Allowance, Don't Come Asking for More |
10 |
Impeach Barney Frank! |
8 |
Impeach Chris Dodd, the Weasel! |
28 |
Impeach Congress |
27 |
Impeach Obama! |
36 |
In 2010 and 2012, I'll Show You Change I Can Believe In |
5 |
In God We Trust - All Others Get Taxed |
5 |
in God We Trust - Not Government! |
10 |
Individual Freedom - Not Collective Government |
6 |
Individual Liberty Requires Fiscal Sovereignty! |
7 |
Individual Rights! Not Civil Slavery! |
1 |
Insanity Is Trying Socialism Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Result |
Thank You |
5 |
Invest In Taxes - They're Always Going Up! |
19 |
It Is When People Forget God That Tryants Forge Their Chains (Patrick Henry) |
7 |
It Wouldn't Be the First Time We Declared Our Independence! |
3 |
It's Five Minutes to Midnight on Democracy's Doomsday Clock |
5 |
It's Noon, Do You Know Where Your Wallet Is? |
4 |
It's Not a Stimulus Bill - It's a Strangulation Bill |
15 |
Join Our Cause: Restore the Republic |
12 |
Join the NRA - Join the Resistance |
4 |
Join The Revolution |
12 |
Just Say NO to Socialism |
1 |
Just Say NO to Tyranny |
17 |
Keep Our Sovereignty Intact! |
1 |
Keep the Chains |
9 |
Keep the Change - I Want My Dollars |
6 |
Keep The Change! |
20 |
Keep the Change! Give Me Back My Paycheck |
6 |
Keep Your Hands Out of My Piggy Bank |
for kids |
5 |
Kneel Before Change |
Hammer & Sickle |
7 |
Lady Liberty Isn't a Socialist |
4 |
Laissez Faire! |
7 |
Land of the FREE |
11 |
Legislators: 2010 Elections - Think Or Swim! |
2 |
Let It Not Be Said That We Did Nothing! |
12 |
Let the Markets Work |
10 |
Lets Take Our Schools Back While We're At It! |
10 |
Liberal Judges Are Destroying America |
6 |
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder |
10 |
Liberalism, Your Day Is Over! |
36 |
Liberty Is All the Stimulus We Need |
13 |
Liberty Means Responsibility - That's Why Most People Dread It |
11 |
Liberty, Not Legislated Servitude |
18 |
Cross out the N's |
5 |
Live Free or Die! |
5 |
Living Constitution? Dead Wrong! |
1 |
Long Term Power Corrupts |
4 |
Look At What the Kids Did While Mom & Dad Were Working |
7 |
Love My Country, Distrust My Government |
4 |
Madoff 2012: At Least We Know He's a Thief |
11 |
Mainstream Media, Hollywood - Guilty of Treason? Yes, They Are! |
21 |
Make Congress Pay Into Social Security |
5 |
Make Way for Liberty |
8 |
Mark Levin For President |
1 |
Mark to Model: Where the Weasels Hide Their Toxic Assets |
2 |
Molon Labe |
(Come and Take Them) |
6 |
More Government for the People = Less Freedom of the People |
21 |
More Taxes = Fewer Jobs |
13 |
Most Bad Government Results From Too Much Government (Thomas Jeffferson) |
0 |
Must We Secede to Re-form the Government? |
11 |
My Ancestors Left Europe to Build America - Stop the Destruction! |
4 |
My Child Is Not Your Janissary! Repeal the Give Act - HR1388 |
-1 |
Natasha Richardson's Only Choice Was Nationalized Health Care! |
7 |
National Socialism - Sound Familiar? |
24 |
Nationalization Is Theft |
1 |
Needed: Common Sense, Not Common Cents |
5 |
NEVER Trade FREEDOM for Security |
69 |
New Plan: I Pay My Debt, You Pay Yours |
38 |
News Media: Do Your Job! |
8 |
Next Stop: Washington DC |
73 |
Next Time, READ THE BILL |
5 |
Nine Most Terrifying Words: "I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help" |
(Ronald Reagan) |
20 |
-4 |
No Bailouts for Billionaires |
25 |
No Benefits to Illegals |
19 |
No More ACORN! |
5 |
No More Failouts |
12 |
No More Government by ACORN! |
11 |
No More Voter Fraud! We Can't Afford It! |
15 |
No Nationalization of Anything! |
23 |
No Public Funds For Private Failure |
25 |
No Tax Dollars for ACORN! |
1 |
NO Tax: Simple, Transparent, Fair - It's Time! |
17 |
No Taxation Without Deliberation |
11 |
No Taxation Without Representation! |
16 |
No You Can't! |
7 |
NObama |
4 |
Nobama Tax Slavery |
8 |
NOPE: Not My President |
use "hope" poster |
13 |
Now Hiring: Secretary of Treasury (Printing Experience Required) |
17 |
Now Hiring: U.S. Congressmen (No Experience Required) |
-5 |
O Dow, Where Art Thou? |
19 |
O.B.A.M.A. = One Big A** Mistake, America |
17 |
Oath: "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States" |
16 |
Obama Economic Policy - The Ultimate Ponzi Scheme! |
5 |
Obama Has a Crisis of Competence |
8 |
Obama Has Spent All of His Change |
13 |
Obama Knows Exactly What He's Doing ... and Laughing About It. |
22 |
Obama Lied, Liberty Died |
7 |
Obama Never Met a Tax He Didn't Like |
1 |
Obama's Priorities: $900 MILLION to Hamas - $50 THOUSAND to Italy |
59 |
Obama's Team Doesn't Pay Taxes - Why Should We? |
6 |
Obama, Here's Your "Eviction Notice" |
1 |
Obama, I Don't Cuss, But I Do Ride With the Posse. |
2 |
Obama, Pelosi & Reid May Now Have Caused Irreparable Harm to Our Great U.S.A. |
21 |
Obama, Pelosi & Reid: Treachery, Tyranny & Treason Defined! |
16 |
Obama, We Are Asking You to Step Down |
14 |
Obama: "Economy Showing Glimmers of Hope" Tea Bag Sales Up! |
1 |
Obama: He's Robbin' Us, Not Robin Hood |
1 |
Obama: Stealing America |
20 |
Obama: Undocumented Socialist |
5 |
Obamanation |
11 |
Obamanomics: CHAINS We Can Believe In |
3 |
Obamanomics: Chains for Our Children |
26 |
Obamanomics: Trickle Up Poverty |
7 |
Obammunism - Slavery You Can Believe In |
7 |
Obamunism: Spread the Poverty Around |
6 |
Of the People - By the People - For the People |
Lincoln @Gettysburg |
16 |
Oh, Yes We Are a Christian Nation! |
9 |
One Way to Make Sure Crime Doesn't Pay Would Be to Let the Government Run It |
(Ronald Reagan) |
12 |
Our Children Are Not Your Nazis. Repeal HR-1388 |
2 |
Our Servants Have Become Our Masters |
4 |
Our Tolerance Has Worn Thin. |
0 |
Our U.S. Foreign Policy: Buttons & Bows |
18 |
Outsource Congress |
9 |
Outsource Criminals and Illegals |
61 |
Party Like It's 1773 |
7 |
Patriots Unite |
18 |
Pay Your OWN Mortgage |
16 |
Pelosi & Reid Put the CON in Congress |
0 |
Pitchforks and Torches: Protecting Americans Against Politicians Since 1773 |
-8 |
Pitchforks for Government Responsibility! |
-9 |
Pitchforks for Peace! |
21 |
Please Don't Help Me Anymore! I Can't Afford It! |
-2 |
Pork Spending - Makin' Bacon the Political Way! |
0 |
Pork: The Other (Red) Meat |
9 |
Power Corrupts - Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely |
5 |
Power to the People! |
5 |
Printing Money Emits Greenhouse Gases |
31 |
Proud American Capitalist |
30 |
Proud to Be an American - No Apologies, No Bowing, No Boot Licking |
19 |
Proud to Be an American - Not Envious of Europe |
17 |
Put the Grownups Back in Charge |
6 |
R.I.P. Free Market Economy |
-5 |
Re-Awaken the Sleeping Dragon |
7 |
Re-Declaration of Independance Day - July 4th, 2009 |
3 |
Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes |
56 |
Read My Teleprompter: NO MORE BAILOUTS |
21 |
Read the 10th Amendment - Power to the States |
7 |
Reagan Is Rolling Over in His Grave! |
1 |
-1 |
Remember the Beaver! |
pix of sailing ship |
20 |
Remember Us? WE THE PEOPLE |
14 |
Repeal Eminent Domain! |
11 |
Repeal The Pork or Your Bacon Is Cooked |
3 |
Repeal The Pork! |
4 |
Reset Our Government |
have a reset button |
12 |
Restore the Republic - Revolt Against Socialism |
15 |
Revolution is Brewing |
5 |
Revolution, Baby, Revolution! |
2 |
Revolution: Part II |
3 |
Revolution: Reloaded |
9 |
Reward Responsibility, Not Irresponsibility |
19 |
RINO Hunting Season Now Open |
3 |
19 |
Rush Is Right! |
1 |
Same Problem - Same Solution - I Still Believe in the Constitution |
Don't Tread on Me |
7 |
Save a Tree! Stop Printing Money! |
15 |
Save the Children - Stop Spending Their Money |
9 |
Save the Dollar |
1 |
Save The Secret Ballot - NO CARD CHECK |
7 |
Say NO to Generational Theft |
34 |
Seal The Borders NOW |
2 |
Secession Is Not a 4-Letter Word |
8 |
Senator Dodd Got a $162,000 AIG Bonus! |
13 |
Sheriff Joe Arpaio - A Real American! |
38 |
Silence Is Consent |
20 |
Socialism = Misery, Equally Shared |
9 |
Socialism and Freedom Don't Mix |
12 |
Socialism Is a Historical Failure |
7 |
Socialism Is Incorrect Change |
32 |
Socialism Is Not an American Value! |
9 |
Socialism Kills |
38 |
Socialism Works Until You Run Out Of the Other Guy's Money |
15 |
Socialism: Because Everyone Else Deserves Some of What You've Worked Hard For |
6 |
SOS: Save Our States |
19 |
Speak for Yourself Obama! We ARE a Christian Nation! |
4 |
Special Election NOW! 2010 Is Too Late! |
8 |
Spend Our Taxes on National Security, Not Liberal Stupidity! |
16 |
Stimulate Business, Not Government |
18 |
Stimulus: The Audacity of Dopes! |
12 |
Stop Bowing and Start Listening. |
5 |
Stop Giving Away Our Money and Our Country |
12 |
STOP Obamunism |
84 |
Stop Punishing Success - Stop Rewarding Failure |
17 |
Stop Spending Imaginary Money |
9 |
Stop Stealing From Our Children |
7 |
Stop Stealing My Future! |
for kids |
8 |
Stop the Looting |
3 |
Stop The Madness |
1 |
Stop the Madness - Stop Illegal Alien Welfare |
18 |
Stop the March to Socialism |
6 |
Stop the Power and Money Grab! |
19 |
Stop the Voter Fraud! |
-6 |
Stop the Zimbabwean Economics! |
5 |
Stress Test Congress |
-2 |
Style / Substance = Divide By Zero Error |
nerd humor |
20 |
Subsidizing ACORN is NUTS! |
14 |
Subsidizing Bad Behavior Encourages More |
1 |
Take Care of Our Seniors - They Made Our Country Great |
2 |
Tax the Other 10% |
5 |
Tax Victim |
14 |
Tax, Tax, Tax - Soon There Will Be No Income Left To Tax |
16 |
Taxation: The New Terrorism |
5 |
Taxed Enough Already Party |
T.E.A. Party |
7 |
Taxed Enough Already! |
1 |
Taxes - The Next Bull Market |
8 |
Taxes Are Not the New Green Renewable Energy |
5 |
Tea Parties Aren't Just for Ladies Any More! |
7 |
Tea Party Revolution 2009! We Demand Freedom From Government Opression! |
10 |
Tell the Czar: The Peasants Are Restless! |
with hammer & sickle |
14 |
33 |
Term Limits for Congress |
22 |
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment |
6 |
Thank You, FOX News, for Reporting Fairly. |
16 |
The 2nd Amendment Defends All the Rest! |
8 |
The Answer to 1984 Is 1776 |
13 |
The Answer to 2009 is 1776 |
5 |
The Audacity of Rampant Taxation |
11 |
The Buck Stops in the Voting Booth |
69 |
The Constitution: The Other Document They Never Read |
96 |
The Current Government Is What the Founding Fathers Tried To Prevent! |
18 |
The Federal Reserve - The Only Legal Counterfeiter |
5 |
The Founding Fathers Are Turning in Their Graves |
11 |
The Founding Fathers Were Not Socialists |
8 |
The Goal of Socialism is Communism |
6 |
The Governed Do Not Consent! |
18 |
The Government Has No Money - It Is All OURS |
15 |
The Government That Does the Least Protects the Most |
2 |
The Is How Patriots Act |
5 |
The King Is a Fink |
7 |
The Media Is No Longer Relevent - Bloggers: The New Government Watch Dogs! |
1 |
The Navy Seals Couldn't Have Done It Without You, Mr. President. |
15 |
The Nazis Were Socialists |
9 |
The New Deal: Franklin Roosevelt's Contribution to Socialism |
1 |
The Obama Nation Is an Abomination |
5 |
The Only Sure Thing in the Next 4 Years Is DEBT and TAXES |
12 |
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil Is for Good Men to Do Nothing |
(Edmund Burke) |
1 |
The Power to Tax Is the Power to Destroy |
24 |
The Press Loved Mussolini, Too |
0 |
The Real Forgotten Man |
5 |
The Tea Party Is My Party |
1 |
The Tree of Liberty Must Be Refreshed NOW |
5 |
The Very Small List: Things Government Does Well |
8 |
The Wolves Are At The Door - And They Come From Washington |
-2 |
There Are 5,000 Political Prisoners in Cuba, Bobby! Is that a dream? |
3 |
There Is No "ISM" in America |
1 |
They May Take Our Lives, But They'll Never Take Our Freedom! |
18 |
They Think We're Stupid |
1 |
This Is Our Pay, So We Do Have a Say! |
24 |
This Isn't the Change We Had Hoped For |
5 |
Those Capitalist Pigs Will Pay, Eh Comrade? |
Pic of Obama |
12 |
Those Who Can, Do - Those Who Can't, Nationalize |
12 |
Those Who Cannot Remember the Past Are Condemned to Repeat It (George Santayana) |
1905 |
4 |
Those Who Have the Ability to Do Something Have the Responsibility to Do So |
18 |
Thou Shalt Not Steal |
21 |
Throw Barney Frank Under the Bus |
9 |
Throw Congress Under the Bus |
7 |
Throw the Bums Out! |
0 |
Time for a New TARP: (T)ransparency, (A)ccountability, (R)obberies (P)unished |
3 |
To Every American: Politicians Are Responsible To You |
Tea Party Vertically |
4 |
To The Best of OUR Ability! NOT From Those of Ability To Those Without! |
16 |
Too Much Government - Too Little Freedom |
10 |
Toxic Assets? Toxic Government! |
4 |
TREASONOUS LEFT-WING MEDIA: The Same Laws Should Apply to You |
23 |
U.S. Out Of U.N. |
1 |
Unalienable Rights Hijacked |
3 |
United Socialist States of America |
25 |
Universal Health Care Is NOT FREE |
7 |
Uphold the Constitution |
9 |
USA, Not USSA! |
11 |
USSA - No Way! |
-6 |
USSRn't! Better Dead Than Red! |
11 |
Vote Out ALL Who Voted for TARP1, TARP2, Omnibus, and Budget! |
5 |
Wake Up America! Before It's Too Late! |
15 |
Was the USA Arrogant When We Saved Europe From the Nazis? |
2 |
Washington's Tax Policies Have Killed My Allowance! |
for kids |
7 |
Washington, D.C. - Steeped in Corruption |
5 |
Waste Not Want Not! |
11 |
We Are John Galt |
8 |
We Are Not Tolerant of Treason! |
2 |
We Are Taxed Coming and Going and Silenced Traveling in Between |
4 |
WE Are Too Big to Fail! |
9 |
We Came Unarmed ... This Time |
41 |
We Can't Afford Any More Change! |
6 |
We Can't Tax Ourselves Into Prosperity |
24 |
We Do Not Want To Be Part of Europe! |
5 |
We Don't Buy Your Lies - China Won't Buy Your Debt. |
12 |
We Don't Want No Stinkin' Socialism! |
5 |
We Elected a President, Not a Sugar Daddy! |
40 |
We Fought a War So We Wouldn't Have to Bow to Kings |
Obama bows to Saudi |
18 |
We Have a Republic and We WILL Keep It! |
46 |
We Lose Our Jobs While Congress Takes a $4,700 Pay Raise |
4 |
We Need to Start Drinking TEA and Stop Drinking Kool-Aid! |
9 |
We Spent Our Budget on (R) and (D) - Now It's Time for a (T) Party |
3 |
We the People Have Come a Knockin' |
6 |
We the People Have HAD It! |
45 |
We the People Have Read the Constitution |
-1 |
We the People Want a Seat At the Table! |
5 |
We the People WILL Be Heard - Stop Treading on the Constitution! |
-2 |
We Volunteer! Governemt Forces! |
9 |
We Want Freedom From Tax Slavery! |
12 |
We Want the FAIR TAX! |
4 |
We'll Help Set the Election Rules Hereafter. |
13 |
We're "Fed" Up and Tea'd Off |
7 |
We're a Bit Upset and Thinking About Writing a Sternly Worded Letter! |
5 |
We're All Serfs Now |
11 |
We're Asking Nice This Time - Don't Make Us Ask Again! |
5 |
We're Not Going to Take It! |
3 |
We're On The Road To Serfdom |
-6 |
Welcome to France |
-5 |
Welcome to the Crucifixion of America |
5 |
Welcome to the United States of China |
7 |
Welcome To The USSA |
8 |
Welfare State + Open Borders = Bankruptcy |
9 |
Welfare's Purpose Should Be to Eliminate the Need for Its Own Existance |
(Ronald Reagan) |
9 |
What Are We Really Paying For? |
1 |
What Do You Expect From a Social Worker in the White House? |
-7 |
What Goes Around Comes Around |
10 |
What Part of "Illegal" Don't You Get? |
11 |
What Would Jefferson Do? |
7 |
What Would Reagan Do? |
6 |
What's A Dollar Worth These Days? |
6 |
When Did the Treasury Department Become Our 4th Branch of Government? |
10 |
When You're in a Hole, Stop Digging! |
7 |
Where Are the Jobs? |
1 |
Where Have All the Dollars Gone, Long Time Taxing! |
7 |
Where's Our Bailout? |
5 |
Who Is John Galt? |
5 |
Who Will Bail Out the Government? |
15 |
Why Do You Think They Call It Left? Because It's Not RIGHT! |
17 |
Why Should I Pay for YOUR Bad Decisions? |
12 |
Would Obama Read the Constitution If It Was on the Teleprompter? |
9 |
Yes I Can |
7 |
Yes We Can: Stop the Bailouts and Earmarks! |
1 |
You Are Not Entitled to What I Earn |
5 |
You Are Public Servants - Now Serve! |
5 |
You Can Have My Gun When You Pry It From My Cold Dead Hands |
(Charleton Heston) |
5 |
You Can't CHANGE the Meaning of Debt! |
44 |
You Can't Fix Stupid, But You Can Vote It Out |
15 |
You Can't Multiply Wealth By Dividing It. |
93 |
You Can't SPEND Your Way Out Of DEBT! |
103 |
You Cannot Help The Poor By Destroying The Rich (Abraham Lincoln) |
1 |
You Know What They Say About the Tree of Liberty |
3 |
You Know Why Democrats Love Taxes? They Don't Pay Any! |
1 |
You Will Fail! We Will Prevail! God Bless America! |
11 |
You Work for US! |
7 |
Your Fair Share Is NOT in My Pocket! |
42 |
Your Mortgage Is Not My Problem |
-4 |
Your Tarp Doesn't Cover Your Rat Hole! |
And Now A Word From Your Sponsor
Mr. Ministries,
It is inappropriate to cut-and-paste the entire contents of someone's website into another
website without permission. I love the fact that you have linked to my site, but the
database is evolving quickly and I think that everyone would be better served by going to
the website rather than viewing a static copy here. The site has a printer-friendly version
of the list, if that was a concern.
If you could trim the original posting or replace it with another that simply gives the URL,
I would appreciate it!
Patriot Act