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WHO is Hogar Community RE Investment LLC based in Phoenix, a District of Columbia LLC buying up bank owned properties in NEOSubmitted by mabeldog on Mon, 09/30/2013 - 14:59.
In the Brooklyn Centre battle against the city of Cleveland over WC Reed field, I have been researching property transfers on West 15th street. This lead me to a discovery that parcel 00827061 at 3708 West 15th street, which no longer has a house on it, as it was torn down quickly without the owner of the foreclosed property US Bank being aware of this demolition, was sold on September 16, 2013 for $56,500...for a VACANT Hogar Community Reinvestment LLC at 1001 N 3rd Ave Suite 1 in Phoenix Arizona, a District of Columbia limited liability company, not licensed in Ohio. This....reinvestment outfit ALSO owns 23 other formerly bank owned properties in Cleveland, Lakewood, Warrensville Heights, Maple Heights, Bedford, Shaker Heights, Euclid and South Euclid. There is no phone number listed for this NON Ohio LLC. It doesn't appear to be related to the Hogar Program promoting hispanic home ownership although the new director of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Ms. Alvarez Boyd comes from Fannie Mae where she was the director of community and multicultural lending. So what is going on here...although 3708 West 15th was allegedly sold for $56,500 for a vacant lot, it looks as though it was simply quit claimed over to this NON Ohio LLC by US Bank. As were many of the other properties. How came these "sales" are not being challenged since this "company" is not licensed in Ohio????
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Hogar Community / Bridgebilt
Our Partners
National Community Stabilization Trust
The Stabilization Trust is a partner of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the National First Look Program, which gives Neighborhood Stabilization Program grantees "first look" access to newly available foreclosed property from the nation’s largest financial institutions in NSP target areas.
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HUD and Latin Community
Lily - do you have any speculation on why this agency would pick up property adjacent to a park being "remediated" by City of Cleveland???
Cleveland puts industrial land that cost city millions to clean up on block
1) Cuyahoga County Recorder search for HOGAR shows a bunch of transactions; including end sales from Hogar to others.....which resulted in a couple signed deeds by the "MANAGER" Marcos A. Morales and notarized by Damaris Aviles.
2) Google of Damaris Aviles gives a LINKEDIN Profile (I don't have access to full LINKEDIN PROFILE)-which says this stuff:
Frime Realty, LLC
Marcos Morales - Designated Broker
4663 N 75th Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85033
4) A Google of Marcos A. Morales led to a Zoominfo profile that states the following:
Marcos A. Morales is the DIRECTOR OF REAL ESTATE PROGRAMS FOR NCLR (see below).
Employment History
Hogar Community Reinvestment , LLC
Board Memberships and Affiliations
University of New Mexico
Bud Crawley School of Real Estate
New Mexico Real Estate Institute
B) Fomento Firme Associates, Inc.
Marcos Morales has over 10 years of experience in working with Hispanic community-based organizations and advocating on behalf of Hispanic Americans. As Principle,
he serves as the Executive VP of Fomento Firme in Phoenix AZ. He has a strong background in board and non-profit development as well as community and economic development expertise. He is responsible for the development services provided to the National Council of La Raza(NCLR), its affiliate network and all other qualified development services nationwide. Over the years, Marcoshas gained experience in Real Estate Law & Terminology, Federal Regulations, Business Management, Property Management, Corporate Development and Staff Development.Marcos has served as project leader on this complex redevelopment project of an adult charter school in Washington, DC. Marcos was responsible for all aspects of the development including securing the bond financing, technical assistance and organizational issues for this project.
He continues to serve as project manager of this 84,000 sq ft redevelopment project in Columbia Heights, a historic neighborhood of the District of Columbia.Community Development Director of the National Council of La Raza As Regional Director,
he was responsible for NCLR's community and economic development initiatives. He provided strategic and technical assistance to the regions organizations and provided technical support in several loan transactions for non-profit community facilities. He assisted NCLR National in focusing and directing its affiliate agenda locally as it related to legislative research, legislation development and political mediation. His responsibilities also included addressing all of regional organizations issues to include their organizational and financial needs and assisted them with the development of financial planning and aligning their needs with available funding and programmatic opportunities.Executive Vice-President of YES Housing, Inc. In the three years that Marcos served as the Executive Vice President,
he played a major role with the tremendous growth that took place within the company. He was asked to evaluate the agency's operations and increase its capacity and successfully outlined a reorganization plan the elevated the agency to one of the states premiere housing organizations in the state. In addition, as EVP/COO he was responsible for the agency's operations which included all real estate development projects, which included single family housing, multi-family acquisition and management along with multi-family new construction and management.Director of Housing for Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc.Marcos oversaw the housing counseling components, the community revitalization projects and supervised all housing staff.
He also served as the departments Grant Writer and Budget Development Manager.Education
Marcos Morales attended the University of New Mexico's Architectural Planning and Design and Real Estate Development Finance.
He also attended the Bud Crawley School of Real Estate and the New Mexico Real Estate Institute, where he obtained his Real Estate Brokers License. He currently holds a Real Estate License in Arizona while preparing to obtain his Arizona Real Estate Broker's, 13 Dec 2012 [cached]
The firm’s current principles are Mr. Thomas Castellanos andMr. Marcos Morales., 28 Jan 2001 [cached]
Bank United
C) NCLR is:
National Council of La Raza
1126 16Th Street, Nw
Washington Dc, District of Columbia 20036
United States
5) NCLR affiliates have a local connection:------------------direct link in Cleveland is non other than, ESPERANZA.
6) NCLR Subsidiaries: Subsidiaries (All)
The Raza Development Fund , Inc.
C) PARTNERS (Donors/leveraging funds)
8) City Planning Commission: West 25th Street Initiative..........Esperanza is a stakeholder.
A) Check out the FINAL DRAFT OF THE PLANS...for WEST 25th STREET and area....
9) Interesting thoughts; no-Googling the above against James Rokakis or his cohorts and HOGAR etc or the above names..just a bit tired.
10) MORE ABOUT HOGAR HISPANO INC: 501C3...........not for profit part of it all.
11) Nice DC building-leveraged-
12) Here's the link to their assets map:
Goodnight all...........Chew them up and spit 'em out....btw: go to recorder, get parcels, then addresses, then map the properties out on mapquest and put against maps.........check out end buyers--owner occupied or investors? Just saying. Thinking out loud because will not be able to revisit this anytime soon. Chase it purchases with City Planning Commission plans...........Final thought; insider info on projected development.........wire fraud......unethical use of info. Is this a not for profit or what? Look up arizona and DC filings on all these businesses, conflicts of interest, etc.
There's always a direct connect.................................Figure it out...................who are their "LOVERS"? Where did these folks land at a conference or engagement together?. Why Cleveland the target market to buy? It means you gotta have a team of workers to rehab; to market; to sell locally? There's more irons in this fire than meets the eyes? Who's their property management company locally? Who's working with eachother........there have been two buyers of their properties to date? Who's the local contact person? ........ask them how they found out and decided to purchase those homes? If these people are in Phoenix; who showed the houses locally; listed them locally; rehabbed them out the teams involved. The links will come out in the wash...............................did they file for permits for rehabbing units with the City Department of Building and Housing? Who signed? ...................................follow the crumbs; connect the dots.
Just saying. Have a blessed day all.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Denison Capital Project -Contact list
Please see this pdf from the Jan 9th meeting at the Sachsenheim Hall in Cleveland - Project was to have started 1/10 - but there were many stakeholders affected by the reroutes who complained loudly (100 folks showed up) - the project has not been well communicated. Now project is slated for 1/20.
This is a two-year project 2014-2015 with first phase reroute suggested W. 73rd to Clark to Fulton - second phase Fulton to W. 25th (again reroute to Clark though side streets like Archwood will be heavily impacted) - third phase W. 25th to 176. West 73rd Block Club represented was p'oed to say the least that residential street will be getting reroute of trucks.
BTW - Brian Cummins took heat for very bad communication on this project. Tony Brancatelli was a complete NO show.
Whoops wrong house
I just found out that when this BANK OWNED property was torn down, halfway through the demolition the guy in charge looked at his paperwork and said "I think we're tearing down the wrong house."Oh well the vacant lot was sold for $56,000 to a developer in Arizona, there are still property taxes owing on it of $1400, and the head of the Land Bank's goal is to have EVERY SINGLE house on West 15th bordering WC Reed Field torn down, legally or if need be "accidentally".
In late summer a very tanned
In late summer a very tanned gentleman from Arizona representing Hogar showed up on west 15 to "network" with the neighborhood and unload his real estate holding a vacant lot filled with asbestos for which he "paid" $56,500. It seems he doesn't want it anymore and is willing to let it go for $500. Maybe the fabulous plans to develop west 15 have been abandoned by the Commandant at the Land Bank. Could it have anything to do with the major drainage issues as the EPA "cleans up" WC Reed field by leaving mountains of PAH infested soil dug up and exposed all summer while they try to figure out just what to do with all that water building up down by the graveyard. Watch out for floating coffins around Halloween as the EPA breaks camp this week.
When is the GIG-up??
Cuyahoga County is still a cesspool of entrenched corruption, because so many benefit in terms of manufactured bureaucratic jobs. How hard is it for this newspaper to investigate Gus Frangos - nominal head of the Cuyahoga Land Bank, but really promoted and represented by Jim Rokakis? Frangos' "Land Bank" has a special deal for special friends like Cleveland Bricks LLC.
Lily Miller's research exposed the corruption behind third party tax lien sales - and that story was picked up by Washington Post. Rokakis-Frangos legislated third party tax liens and then, after devastating families throughout NEO - especially African-American home owners - the duo went on to legislate the "Land Bank" to clean up the mess left by third party tax liens.
At CLE - Frank Jackson gives exclusive contracts to one brother and we are told to be sheep and support Issue 4 to benefit his other brother who oversees the facilities plan. No conflict anywhere. Sabra Pierce Scott is rewarded (not unlike Nate Gray) for taking the hit on deals cut for mobster Forlani and is given a job at City Hall. Jacqueline Middleton at Council for Economic Opportunities gets away with fleecing taxpayers for years and no one blinks an eye. FitzGerald is incompetence shrouded by more incompetence. We are still losing taxpayers in Cuyahoga County at an unprecedented rate and this County Council wants to burden us with more debt by floating another bond. Why do I want to get out of Cuyahoga County? Let me count the reasons....
Demos and $$$ w/Frangos
From Lily Miller: Regarding 6808 Lorain Avenue.
This demoliton was by Progressive Demolition , which is owned by the Satka family. (friends of Gus Frangos- President of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank)
When I questioned one of the workers about the EPA inspectors stating that the floor tile was asbestos and needed to be removed prior to the demolition, he told me that the city would not have issued a demolition permit if that were true. He told me the siding was not asbestos when I questioned him. He also told me that Progressive Demolition had recently received 77 demolition contracts. I traced Den Demolition to the Frangos' family.
I wonder if DEN DEMOLITION gets county contracts?
The responsible person listed for Den Demolition is Firdeo Satka. The Satka family entered the real estate business by leasing Cleveland parking lots. Satka might have been aided by unusual funding by St. Paul Creation Federal Credit Uniion and is being investigated for the unusual funding. Satka has allegedly engaged in the shell game of hiding businesses under numerous LLC's- same as Gus Frangos.
Very interesting information on the Satka family here
According to a complaint filed in the United States District Court, the numerous fictitious entities created and/or controlled by the Satka family resulted in loans from St. Paul Creation Federal Credit Uniion in the amount of $3,543,821 being reduced to a zero balance.
Gus Frangos incorporated 15315 Madison LLC and named Louis Frangos as an agent.
The property located at 15315 Madison Avenue transferred from 15315 Madison Avenue LLC to the Satka family on 6/28/04 for $320,000.
Cleveland Bricks LLC - will it receive DREAM properties from DS?
Cleveland Bricks LLC seems to have a cozy relationship with Detroit Shoreway Development Corporation-SCFBC and Jeff Ramsey--why are they buying up Brooklyn Centre, including properties adjacent to our mysteriously EPA F-D up WC Reed Field.
What's the master plan?? Will Cleveland Bricks continue to receive free properties from Detroit Shoreway??
Please see earlier post - research by Lily Miller:
Good people sucked into Land Bank Racket
I had a conversation with a very smart woman I know, who works for a CDC - she is adamant that Land Bank is good and will not discuss this with me.
Another woman who is working to create a healthy food network in CLE recently realized the scam behind her shady landlord - Cleveland Bricks LLC- and has mapped their holdings.
View Larger Map
Lily Miller has exposed this outfit here on REALNEO. How does this relate to the land bank and CDCs?? - from Lily Miller:
The map does not include numerous properties already sold by Cleveland Bricks - which was given or nearly free via the county land bank, Detroit Shoreway, HUD, Tremont West, Fannie Mae , etc.... There have been 185 property transactions relative to Cleveland Bricks since 2008.
Here is the BBB information on Cleveland Bricks LLC
Additional Information -190px -79px no-repeat rgb(254, 254, 254);">top
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
Business ManagementMr. Shreyas Gosalia
Mr. Abhi Goyal, Dir. of Business Development
Mr. Ajmal Kazmi
Contact InformationReal Estate