Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 09:03.

WILLEYVILLE was the southeast section of OHIO CITY, the location of the famed "Bridge War" between Cleveland and Ohio City. Willeyville was laid out by Jas. S. Clark, adjacent to an allotment owned by Barber & Sons and named for the developer's partner, Cleveland mayor JOHN W. WILLEY. The property, west of the main bend in the CUYAHOGA RIVER, was opposite Columbus St. Clark graded the hill and, at a cost of $15,000, built a drawbridge that connected the west side of Columbus Rd. with the east side branch. The bridge benefited 2 Clark-Willey ventures, the Farmers Central Market at Ontario and Prospect, and Cleveland Centre, slightly north. Willeyville was the scene of a brief, armed combat over the bridge's location. (See COLUMBUS ST. BRIDGE.)
Ohio City CDC and LandSTUDIO deflect attention
My comments to:
This is a disaster waiting to happen and the brllliant minds at Ohio City and LandStudio are dressing up the corpse? There is a huge sewer interceptor buried in the hillside - it carries millions of gallons of raw, untreated water from west side toilets to the Westerly Water treatment plant that is smack dab between two major water recreation resources - Metroparks Edgewater Park and Whiskey Island--on our Great Lake Erie.
Franklin Ave is creating too much pressure on the slope - should have been closed-removed yesterday - the Port Authority and Army Corps need to resolve the impending collapse of the interceptor - now- not tomorrow. The threat of this collapse is more than recreation- it undermines our river boat traffic that supplies Arcelor Mittal and other vital industry in Northeast Ohio.