« July 05, 2005 - August 05, 2005 »
07 / 5
Start: 10:30 am
I hope you had a great 4th of July. At today's NEO Excellence Roundtable, we'll celebrate independence and freedom - core concepts of entrepreneurship, the new economy and the Roundtable.
07 / 6
07 / 7
07 / 8
Start: 11:00 am
Barbara J. Danforth, Esq. - Executive Director, YWCA of Greater Cleveland
Despite decades of advancement, women still are not making it to the upper rungs of Cleveland’s corporate ladder. Not one woman has penetrated the Crain’s Cleveland Business list of top-paid CEOs. Only a small handful of women are seated at the top of Cleveland corporations. Across almost every industry, women earn only 76 cents compared to the dollar their male counterparts make. And this isn’t just the case in Cleveland; it’s a national issue.
07 / 9
07 / 10
07 / 11
Start: 10:30 am
Next Luncheon Meeting Speaker: Â Â Â
Mark Coticchia - VP for Research and Technology Management at Case Western Reserve University
Date: Â Â Â July 11, 2005
Time: Â Â Â 11:30 Networking/12:00 Lunch Served/1:30 Adjourn
07 / 12
Start: 4:00 pm
Event: Â Â Â Northeast Ohio Business Plan Challenge 2005 Networking Event Date: Â Â Â 7/12/2005 - 7/12/2005 Time: Â Â Â 5:00:00 PM - 8:00:00 PM
Location: Â Â Â Bingham Building, 1278 W. 9th Street
Start: 5:00 pm
Thursday, July
Open source is a
disruptive technology. Today economic development is in the rip tide of
crumbling hierarchies and open source tsunami's.
07 / 13
Start: 5:00 pm
Event: Â Â Â JumpStarting the Future through Technology & Innovation Date: Â Â Â 7/13/2005 - 7/13/2005 Time: Â Â Â 6:00:00 PM - 9:00:00 PM
Location: Â Â Â University of Akron Student Union Center (Ballroom A)
07 / 14
07 / 15
07 / 16
Start: 7:30 am
You are invited to the
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Health Braintrust "Public Forum on
Health Disparities," from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16 in
the Wolstein Research Building auditorium.
07 / 17
07 / 18
07 / 19
Start: 10:30 am
At the 07.19.05 NEO Excellence Roundtable, we have some major developments to celebrate.
First, the Battle of Whiskey Island is over – the Island will remain a park… Ed Hauser will join us to discuss plans for the future, and the Burning River Festival he’s leading on August 13.
Second, the GCLAC kicked of Lead Awareness Week on 07.18.05, taking proactive steps to prevent lead poisoning of residents of Greater Cleveland – the most important pro-education, pro-quality of life initiative in the history of NEO.
What else do you and the people of NEO have to celebrate?
07 / 20
Start: 7:00 am
Bradley Whitehead - Program Director, The Cleveland Foundation
Sponsor: National City - Dialogues on Leadership New Leaders Only
Brad Whitehead is a Program Director at The Cleveland Foundation. In this role, he works with business, political, academic, and community leaders on Northeast Ohio’s economic transformation agenda. Brad joined the Foundation in March of 2002.
07 / 21
07 / 22
Start: 11:00 am
Child Welfare Reformer Dorothy Roberts at The City Club of Cleveland
CLEVELAND, OH—Dorothy Roberts, Kirkland and Ellis professor at Northwestern University Law School, will discuss the glaring racial disparity in the nation’s child welfare system—why it exists, the harm it causes and how it should be addressed—at noon on Friday, July 22, 2005, at The City Club of Cleveland.
07 / 23
07 / 24
07 / 25
07 / 26
Start: 10:30 am
Dear Friend,
Just a quick reminder, there is an excellence roundtable today, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, at the City Club.
Please stop by to brainstorm on the power of NEO's virtual community, which spans the world and is far underleveraged here at home. The outcome of these discussions will be plans for an excellence roundtable we shall hold in New York, NY, August 11, at Jones Day's offices there. The purpose of extending roundtables beyond Cleveland is to better connect our interests here with the more powerful networks found beyond our physical borders.
07 / 27
07 / 28
Start: 3:00 pm
Forum features collaboration The Levin
College Forum and Cool Cleveland presents Partnerships &
Collaborations: Arts, Technology and Ingenuity. The upcoming Ingenuity festival,
07 / 29
Start: 11:00 am
Drug Giant Takes on Global Health - Former Merck Chief at The City Club of Cleveland
CLEVELAND, OH—Raymond V. Gilmartin, former president, chairman and CEO of Merck & Co., Inc., will speak on the topic “A New Role for Corporate America: Partners in Global Health and Development� at noon on Friday, July 29, 2005, at The City Club of Cleveland.
Start: 4:30 pm
A Celebration of REI's past and Northeast Ohio's Open Source Future
Date: Friday, July 29
07 / 30
07 / 31
08 / 1
08 / 2
Start: 10:30 am
As the NEO Excellence Roundtable prepares to grow NEO's physical community, by hosting an August 11th roundtable at Jones Day, in New York, NY, we are also adding a new feature to our format here at home by inviting regional thought leaders to share unique insight as keynote guests.
Start: 12:30 pm
Semi Final Round: Eight contestants perform 60-minute solo programs
Start: 6:00 pm
Semi-Final Round:Â Eight contestants perform 60-minute solo programs
08 / 3
Start: 12:30 pm
Semi-Final Round:Â Eight contestants perform 60-minute solo programs
Start: 6:00 pm
Semi-Final Round:Â Eight contestants perform 60-minute solo programs
08 / 4
08 / 5
Start: 10:00 am
Dance, Performance Art, Urban Events) Where: Playhouse Square Center - Star Plaza (Near Euclid Ave., East 18th St. and Huron Ave., Cleveland, OH 44113, , Map) When/$: Friday, Aug 5, 2005, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, FREE
Start: 11:00 am
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Executive Director, Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Since 1992, Rev. Lynn has headed Americans United for Separation of Church and State, an organization dedicated to the preservation of the Constitution’s religious liberty provisions. In addition to his work as a long-time activist and lawyer in the civil liberties field, Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.
An accomplished speaker and lecturer, Lynn has appeared frequently on television and radio broadcasts to offer analysis of First Amendment issues. He has appeared on several news programs, including PBS's NewsHour, NBC Today Show, Fox's O'Reilly Factor, Nightline, 60 Minutes, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, and the national nightly news on NBC, ABC and CBS.
On the radio, Lynn served for two years as regular co-host of Pat Buchanan and Company and more recently did a weekly syndicated radio program Review of the News with Col. Oliver North. He is a regular guest on nationally broadcast radio programs on NPR, CBS, CNN, ABC, and AP.
Lynn began his professional career working at the national office of the United Church of Christ, including a two-year stint as legislative counsel for the Church's Office of Church in Society in Washington, D.C. From 1984 to 1991, he was legislative counsel for the Washington office of the American Civil Liberties Union.
In 1995, Lynn co-authored "The Right to Religious Liberty: The Basic ACLU Guide to Religious Rights." He writes frequently on religious liberty issues and has had essays published in "USA Today," The "Wall Street Journal" and others. Lynn also has op-eds published frequently by the Knight-Ridder and Scripps-Howard newspaper chains.
A member of the Washington, D.C. bar, Lynn earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1978. In addition, he received his theology degree from Boston University School of Theology in 1973.
Start: 6:00 pm
The Huntington Bank Twilight at the Zoo: August 5, 2005 7:00 p.m. to midnight
Tickets purchased on or after 7/29 will be available at WILL CALL the day of the event (they will not be mailed). If you would like them sooner, please call the Membership Office Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (216) 661.6500 ext. 4421 to make arrangements.
Start: 7:00 pm
Final Round:Â Finalist 1 and 2 perform with the Cleveland Orchestra, Jahja Ling, Conductor
