Arun Gandhi grandson of Mahatma Gandhi speaking at CSU
Submitted by johnmcgovern on Fri, 10/07/2005 - 14:24.
10/08/2005 - 10:00
Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi, and founder of
the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, will give the inaugural
lecture in the 2005-2006 Cultural Crossings Lecture Series as the
keynote speaker for the “Crossing over” Symposium to be held at
Cleveland State University on Saturday, October 8, at 11 a.m. in
University Center, 2121 Euclid Avenue. Gandhi will speak on “A World
Without Borders: Gandhi’s Dream Revisited.” Gandhi’s lecture will be
followed by a book signing and reception. This event is free and open
to the public.