Coal Pile at FirstENergy Lakeshore Plant, in Cleveland, Ohio, which is scheduled to Move Beyond Coal
This Tuesday in Akron is our chance to help move First Energy Beyond Coal.
The company is holding their annual shareholder meeting at the John S. Knight Center. During the meeting shareholders will vote on two resolutions focused on First Energy's future investment in coal and the effects coal ash has on impacted communities.
Rally with us outside the shareholders meeting and support the resolutions to move First Energy beyond coal!
At the rally, we'll create a mural depicting our vision for First Energy and ask them to move beyond coal to a clean energy future. You'll also have the opportunity to hear directly from individuals who have been impacted by First Energy's use of coal.
Don't miss your chance to make a difference. RSVP for the rally today!
Here are the details:
WHO: Larry Gibson, impacted by Mountaintop Removal at Kayford Mountain in West Virginia
Mary Lynn Evans, producer of Coal Country and Akron Resident
Larry Fahn, presenting shareholder resolution
Roni Kampeyer, Resident affected by Coal Ash at Little Blue
Bob Shields, Sierra Club Ohio Chapter Chair
WHAT: Rally to push First Energy toward Clean Energy
WHEN: Tuesday, May 17th, 9:30am
WHERE: Outside of the John S. Knight Center, On the corner of S. High St and E Mill in Akron. Get a map!
RSVP: http://action.sierraclub.org/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=154841&autologin=true&s_src=211ECOEE03
Questions: Contact MacKenzie Bailey, mackenzie [dot] bailey [at] sierraclub [dot] org
MacKenzie Bailey
Beyond Coal Campaign
Sierra Club
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