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What is the greatest harm caused by corrupt politicians in Ohio?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 09/17/2010 - 04:28.
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property thieves
you forgot to add they also steal property
I'm dealing with their property theft personally
I'm dealing with their property theft personally
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Advance Internet--Propaganda Machine
Advance Internet is a leading creator of local news and information web sites, created in alliance with over 25 newspapers affiliated with Advance Publications, Inc. Our local web sites provide consumers with information that is relevant to their day-to-day lives. From breaking news to local sports, travel destinations to weather, dining and bar guides to health and fitness, our web sites are the #1 local online destinations for news, information, jobs, autos, real estate and much more. We offer advertisers the opportunity to be part of an active, dynamic online marketplace.
Am I the last person to realize the extent of the news media/propaganda machine and the scale of censorship in the U.S.A.???
I was sure surprised this morning to learn that I can login at and arrive at
Hence, one criteria in picking a future city is NO NEWHOUSE
I believe that can also log you in at GCBL, CoolCleveland, and soon at Civic Commons... all corrupting cyberspace since the early 2000s... thanks to the machine.
Welcome to the machine.
Hence, one criteria in picking a future city is NO NEWHOUSE presence there.
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YOU"RE RIGHT...about "the plain dealer"!
I posted on the plain dealer this morning ...that if anyone wanted any "REAL" info about NORTHEAST OHIO to come to REAL NEO site...especially, if they wanted to know how Plymouth Tax Services are buying delinquient tax properties by the bulk....PLAIN DEALER BOOTED ME OFF....I posted right after Jerleen1 and they booted 4 of us off, including, her comment.
Plymouth Park NJ OH corruption connection
Plymouth Park Tax Services LLC
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Who decides how properties arrive on this list and what is the criteria used?
good find, Laura
You know Democratic Former NJ Governor Florio is CEO of Plymouth
Did you notice Democratic Former Governor Florio is CEO of Plymouth?
Former Democratic Governor from corrupt fucking New Jersey - explains everything about why his corrupt ass is corrupting Cuyahoga County - follow the scuzzball old fart democrats and their money.
These 71 year old motherfucking politicians - every heard of retirement... or death?!?!?
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Rokakis should be proud - selling out Cuyahoga County
to this scumbag company. Over 14% of foreclosures in Cuyahoga County were caused by Rokakis' brilliant idea- delinquent property tax liens sold to one company with NO bids- He can add this to his 'resume' :
most of the properties are located on the East Side
Most of the delinquent property tax liens that were sold to Plymouth Park Tax Service are located on the East Side. I wonder why?
Because the East Side leaders are scum
Because the East Side leaders are scum
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West Side leaders are also scum
In fact, Cuyahoga County appears to be loaded with scum leaders- both East and West .
I am still curious as to why the East Side has a significantly higher number of delinquent tax lien sales.
I post quite a bit and get
I post quite a bit and get thrown out of the kettle. I don't think they like me very much. I thought that was what an open forum was for to speak your mind (truth) as long as you were mindful of your language and courteous to other posters........but not according to the PD.
So...Foreclosures...STAY IN YOUR HOME....
THAT IS WHAT WAS ON THE TV NEWS SEPTEMBER 16, 2010....Cut the grass ...(or Safegaurd will cut it for you...don't forget they (the "housing specialists") drive around with their "ruler" to give SAFEGUARD accounts!...and the homeowner a "ticket from the city" plus a "bill" for landscaping and "that" bill is attached to your homeowner parcel the auditors office records.. Maintain!!!! You won't pay the'll pay everyone else.They ALL want a piece of the pie... .Don't leave any crumbs on the ground or THEY WILL CITE YOU FOR FEEDING THE BIRDS!!! It is an ordinance... and don't throw that PAPER PLATE on THEIR" ground...THEY WILL CITE YOU FOR LITTERING.
They will cite you for being a voice to disrupt corruption
The truth is...we are all targets to their political retaliation.
We, the truth seekers, are targets of their affection for speaking out against them....
So, how can the citizens of Cuyahoga County stop these retaliatory practices...
Well, according to the leadership...
We must "Mow our own lawns" before we speak out against their corruption.
We can clean up our yards, (SHUT OUR MOUTH), and stop telling the public the truth about their tactics.
We can paint our houses, but not tell others about the 2020 plans that are in place to turn Cleveland into a PARK!
We can move and sell our houses to whoever would buy them so that they can continue violating the rights of homeowners until the leaders are "DISEMPOWERED".
Look-EXTREME MAKEOVER IS COMING TO CLEVELAND... WE all need to challenge them to do an EXTREME MAKEOVER OF THE FUNDAMENTAL ATTITUDE OF OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS that has devoured our core American Spirit locally! Who can email them? That was part of my campaign, "EXTREME MAKEOVER: Cuyahoga County Edition!" (Starting with A for "ATTITUDE REFORM!")
IF we collectively support the Extreme Makeover by uniting to pass it forward in our community, then perhaps we can unite the divided and conquered citizens who have been violated by generations of corruption.
United We Stand!
I'm going to shut down the corrupt GE/Bechtel Offshore Wind Deal
I'm going to shut down the corrupt GE/Bechtel Offshore Windturbine Deal until Mason is out - he is leading the efforts to transfer all our development wealth to a windmill project that only benefits evil corporations.
The economics of the corrupt GE/Bechtel Offshore Windturbine Deal are horrible for the region - and the man in charge, County Prosecutor Bill Mason, is either too corrupt or stupid to live.
That'll keep the scumbags in town busy for a while!
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and godforbid - don't plant pear trees in your treelawn!!!
they will fuck your shIt UP!!!!
just ask Linda DeLillo.... she'll tell you how the "system" works....
oh....a New.... so called....2020 MASTER PLAN LAND????
What a great MASTER PLAN 2020!!!! All the Master Plans are on the Old Brooklyn Community Development Organization page the left of the screen you'll see planning initiatives on that page.... then, click on the the Old Brooklyn/Brooklyn Centre Nieghborhood Master Plan in bold blue letters, to get the page....if, you scroll at the bottom of the page it,will provide you with more documents of more cities of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Documents "PLANS"...........Make sure you look on the maps, to see, if your home is still standing in the new big campground park. I would bring this page to you, but, I don't know how to bring it here to REALNEO to post it....
And what do they have planned for the Mittal Site?
And what do they have planned for the Mittal Site? If it is still there spewing poison into the air, all the planning for 2020 is garbage, and people just need to plan to move away from here.
The legal names for the "parks" they are planning are "brownfields" and "superfund sites"
And all the people helping to plan this are fucking murderers... Terri Schwartz of Kent Urban Design is their Queen!
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No consideration of poison from Mittal in plans
No consideration of poison from Mittal in plans.
Here is the link to the Cuyahoga County plan for poisontown - they have a category of Environmental concerns but do not list poison from Mittal, so all these efforts are a complete moronic waste of taxdollars, and completely worthless.
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Mittal Steel????
I am going to look at the geographical map, once see...if Mittal Steel is on there...I still haven't gotten over "What they plan to do on our parcel".
Mittal Steel is just down the hill
Mittal Steel is just down the hill - if you find any plans to stop production of poison from Mittal Cleveland Works anywhere in the world other than on realNEO I certainly want to know about that - Citizen Action doesn't even try to address the problem any more - complete selling out to Cliffs.... makes this community less than worthless... a menace to the world.
Unless you have dedicated your life to working with coal, ore, shipping or steel, you should not live in Cleveland. Why die for something that does not benefit you, and kills millions?
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