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Ingenious exhibit demonstrates huge gap beween Cuyahoga Commissioners and creativitySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 22:36.
I've always found Ingenuity Festival a worthy and positive undertaking, and was pleased to check out opening festivities tonight. I was a little late for the big opening number, and couldn't quite get the lay of the land, but was well in time to see good friends and an exhibit that alone makes the entire festival worthwhile - "What Would You Do With The Breuer Building?" - which attracted entries from as far as Australia and Columbus, Ohio, and fully answered a question, dumbfounding our community leadership, in ingenious and at times funny ways. . The show features the official entries to replace our globally-appreciated, NEO-"leader"-blighted Breuer skyscraper with a new mass of concrete considered more worthy by the Cuyahoga County Commissioners, which are laughable, but not at all funny... and, more in tune with reality, better concepts and perspectives for the site by clever architects and designers from around the world, which each offer unique perspectives on NEO's most embarrassing self-demolition in months (we demolish ourselves so often). All the new perspectives were pleasing, and I saw where a combination of several approaches could be very powerful... I would combine the wind and alternative energy approaches of a few with the green aspects of some with the giant flowers and awnings. Check out the show, and walk a block to see these ideas in perspective at the Breuer, and share your thoughts here.
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Hats off to Architects Sally Levine and David Ellison for conceiving of the idea of a gallery of concept renderings for a future for the Breuer Tower – and for funding, out of their own pockets, this international invitation to celebrate an icon of Cleveland (and international) design. (NB Cuyahoga County Commissioners Tim Hagan and Jimmy Dimora purchased the Tower from Jacobs with 22 million of the taxpayers’ money – only to then vote to demolish it for an empty lot.)
Ms. Levine’s and Mr. Ellison’s display is an exemplary civic contribution - passionately produced from their intellect and conscience, their hearts, and their wallets.
Thank you both, and also thank you to all the volunteer contributors whose selflessness and energy are on display.
Sally, my apologies for not having a photo of you – I will get one up here soon
Best part of Ingenuity for me
Thank you to David Ellison and Sally Levine. Visioning people.