Red Facelift
Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/20/2007 - 20:11.
 The Cleveland Institute of Art actually looks like the cool Bauhaus building it was intended to be. We need more RED in this grey, windswept city!!! Will someone pleeease paint the city RED including the panels on the horrid Brooklyn-Brighton bridge...and speaking of bridges--Kudos to the engineers and designers of the new Adelbert bridge on the Case campus. We need the same character applied to the Fulton Rd. bridge that is slated to soon destroy our lives in the Big Creek Valley
You don't seem to be refering to paint out of a bucket, is it enthusiastic architecture you're encouraging, or bright colors in general? Tell us more....
CIA does look good
I was really pleased by the new paint job at the CIA - now if they would really fix up that garden patio area and where the vending machines are - perhaps this spring and Summer. I talked to CIA Board Chairman Gary Johnson and President Deming about CIA having an outside firm come in and operate a stand alone food service there for CIA and University Circle and that may be the best solutions - Brendon at AJ Rocco's may be interested... we'll see. CIA is going to be in that building at least three more years so they still need to keep upgrading... just as cost effectively as possible.
There aren't many buildings around Case that can be painted - all stone, brick and mostly concrete now. Perhaps when East Cleveland is fixed up it can encourage bright paint combinations - I'd love to see a cross between Ohio City, and New Orleans.
Disrupt IT
Yes--bold design, pride in Cleveland's own. The most recent Angle magazine has an AIA editorial to the same effect. It is not close at hand, otherwise I would have credited the architect.
Power of RED
As cheesy as this sounds, bold does uplift spirits and bring people together. Target gets it (I know-bad political connections--but I still need to buy underwear). On Sunday, the day all good Americans come together visited my local Target at Steelyard Commons and the place buzzed with happy people. Short people, tall people, straight people, gay people of all shapes, sizes, languages and color. Best part of all? The dressing rooms use red and good lighting. I don't look like a cadaver in that swimsuit. Think spring!
Wanna feel old?
See Passport Project. Is it possible to regain this type of fearlessness and energy??
If a person screams on the Internet, is it heard by any one? CIA, what's the matter with you, have you lost your mind (s)?

STEM Academy
Hello CMSD--Look no further than the GUND building, please!