RAG's blog

Scranton and W. 14th

Submitted by RAG on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 16:32.

Resident Advocacy Group - Tremont


Scranton and W. 14th residents are needed to help document traffic issues on your streets.

The consensus seems to be that the NO Truck Areas should be extended to include Clark from Quigley to W.25th. Scranton from Clark to Kenilworth and W.14th in Tremont.

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Tremont - Clark Avenue Traffic Story

Submitted by RAG on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 19:32.

Resident Advocacy Group - Tremont

Here's the direct video link to the News Story.


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Resident Advocacy Group- Tremont Today at 6pm on TV5. Joe Pagonakis does a story on Clark Avenue Traffic.

Submitted by RAG on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 16:06.
Trucks on Clark Avenue

Resident Advocacy Group - Tremont

Today at 6pm on TV5. Joe Pagonakis does a story on Clark Avenue Traffic.

Running the red light at W. 16th and Clark. Truck traffic. Hazardous materials. School Zone.

No More Trucks on Residential Clark Avenue in Tremont

Submitted by RAG on Sun, 10/04/2009 - 20:41.

Resident Advocacy Group - Tremont

Scranton Road / Clark Avenue / W. 14th Street


Photos, Videos and Information!

Residents nearly run down in crosswalk on Clark Avenue!