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East ClevelandDear Mr. Mowry, Chief Information Officer, Cuyahoga County, Ohio - Welcome Home.Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 17:17.
Dear Mr. Mowry, Chief Information Officer, Cuyahoga County, Ohio: Welcome Home. Without a doubt, you hold the most opportune and important office in the region, today, and I wish you great success.
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Demonstrating leadership of Cleveland Plain Dealer, Clinic and Cleveland are unintelligent, compromised and bad for our healthSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/26/2011 - 16:53.
FURTHER demonstrating the leadership of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland Clinic and Cleveland are unintelligent, compromised and bad for people's health... read how they define hazards to public health without addressing air pollution and lead poisoning, still again. The best line in this article is "What Dr. Eric Bieber, chief medical officer at UH, likes about resolution is that it will make it easier for people to do what's right." Yes, that would seem easier to someone who just had his coal power plant shut-the-F-down. That sure as hell wasn't easy on citizens! Why must all the wrong people live long, healthy lives while we poor victims die of the toxins of their rich? I pray for divine intervention in the lives of these evil leaders here... as clearly they drink too much Tea and huff too many lead and coal fumes to think clearly themselves... especially if they put Cimperman in charge of OUR PUBLIC HEALTH! Can you say take me to the Mayo Clinic please! If there are any concilpeople with brains still functioning in Cleveland (Cummins), please bring up the obvious in the Council hearings on our leadership's stupidity - IT'S THE LEAD POISONING AND AIR POLLUTION STUPIDS - or face the consequences!
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Dear Very Reverend Lind and supporters of Trinity Cathedral: Praying for your health, happiness and wisdomSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 15:14.
As I informed the Very Reverend Lind, of Trinity Cathedral, I am posting this outreach for the help of her good people to move Cleveland Thermal and so Cleveland beyond coal. Please reach out to these friends of the community with your words of support for a cleaner, safer, healthier, more prosperous Cleveland and NEO for all, beyond coal.
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Cimperman for Congress 2008 - Top Donors - featuring Charles Evans from Dominion Cleveland Thermal for $2,000Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 13:52.
Cimperman for Congress 2008 - Top Donors - featuring Charles Evans from Dominion Cleveland Thermal for $2,000 - I assume the DiSanto, Frederick D. of Ancora Advisors LLC listed here for $2,300 is the same Ancora of Grenwich, Connecticut that bought Cleveland Thermal from Dominion in 2004:
Look at all the other corrupting industrial and developer scum on Cimpermans buy-list who have been screwing Cleveland... wonder what each one wanted in return for their $1,000s... lucky Cimperman lost by a mile. Time to rid Cleveland of the power of all these self-serving, citizen-killing parasites forever!
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Cleveland Thermal Energy and The Plain Dealer Publishing Company... I know the Pieces Fit!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 12:12.
An ambient film of real NEO people walking, shot from outside the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper headquarters, featuring late afternoon activity in the newsroom as seen from Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, realNEO... "Schism" by TOOL is playing in the background, accompanied by the sounds of realNEO.. I've often wondered why the Cleveland Plain Dealer has been so disrespectful and harmful to me - I believe the following documents will explain - The Cleveland Plain Dealer is a Cleveland Thermal customer and so Cleveland Environmental Justice criminal - I know the Pieces Fit!
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How insulting is it for the Mayor of Cleveland to attack citizens for depression, when that is caused by HIS lead poisoning?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 16:26.
Mayor Jackson has been reported to believe the problems with Clevelanders and so his Great City are all in our heads - we're depressed and have a bad attitude... get over it. In response, Cleveland leaders have initiated a variety of "don't worry be happy" "Believe in Cleveland" programs, like their latest "Happiness Virus" initiative by a group of consultants associated with the Cleveland Clinic leadership. Unfortunately, MEDICAL SCIENCE finds this ridiculous outlook and strategy ignores the cause of citizens' very real depression here - lead poisoning. The real science of the Archives of General Psychiatry "looked at 1,987 adults ages 20 through 39, finding that those with the highest blood lead levels were more than twice as likely to suffer a major depressive disorder and nearly five times as likely to suffer from panic disorders as those without elevated blood lead levels. The study is a rare look at how lead exposure can affect adults, as most research to date has been focused on the side effects of lead on children."
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Dear Sierra Club President: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and Begin Organizing!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 10:47.
Dear Sierra Club President and Nachy Kanfer - Campuses Beyond Coal: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and begin organizing against their primary energy provider, the astoundingly deadly, coal-polluting, private-investor-owned Cleveland Thermal coal furnace in the Cleveland Flats! Cleveland State University (CSU) is the largest customer of Cleveland Thermal, and so must take a lead in moving this community beyond coal. I don't imagine President Obama realized this sad situation, prior to his recent visit to Cleveland to meet with small business leaders and government representative at CSU about "jump-starting" our local economy, killed by pollution. I'm sure if he knew he was supporting environmental injustice here, in that way, he would have chosen a more socially-just venue to promote. Cleveland State University is not included in your "Campuses Beyond Coal" campaign, and should be added and activated immediately - Cleveland Thermal is one of the largest polluters in America - we must bring this to light and move them beyond coal to protect Clevelanders. From realNEO:
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EPA Establishes Clean Air Act Standards for Boilers and Incinerators - What is the Impact in Northeast Ohio? Who Knows?!?!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 13:28.
There has been considerable conflict in industry and government - and Federal courts - over the emissions from large boilers and incinerators in America, and so Northeast Ohio, leading to new Clean Air Act standards for boilers and certain incinerators announced by the EPA today. As all America now acts to implement these new standards, it will be interesting to see what branches of government in Northeast Ohio monitor or even are aware of all the boilers and incinerators in this region - their current emissions and control technologies - which are out of compliance with the new standards - what they need to do to comply - what costs are involved to comply with the new act - what reductions in pollution will result, where - who will see reductions in their ambient and point source pollution - what benefits to public health will result - and how that will improve the value of property in this area. The public should be provided with this information immediately so we may make long term plans about where we live and what property we choose to own. Battles over such rules are at the root of all evil in industry and America today - the heart of the tea party efforts to corrupt government by the Koch Brothers and their billionaire murderers and fans and followers in industries like coal and oil - The Fossil Boys - and the harm they have caused activists for clean energy, clean social networks like realNEO, the American people, and global climate. Thank you Federal EPA for your good fight for the health of Americans. And you thought the tea party was actually about ending gays, abortion and unions! It was always all about the right to pollute and kill Americans! Time to end the party and fix America, everyone!
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Dear President Obama, Thank you for coming to Cleveland to bring attention to environmental injustice in Northeast Ohio.Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 11:30.
Dear President Obama, Thank you for coming to Cleveland to bring attention to environmental injustice in Northeast Ohio. I assume EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has briefed you that, in addition to being the most lead poisoned big city in America, we are one of the most polluted, unhealthy, and so undereducated places on Earth. As you ride into Downtown Cleveland - the most lead poisoned big city in America (the world?) - you pass one of the most environmentally unjust industrial facilities in America - Arcelor Mittal's Cleveland Works steel production and processing superfund site (AKA the Cuyahoga River Valley) - and, as you meet with Ohio taxpayer-funded business development agents here, you sit in the shadows of the privately-polluting Cleveland Thermal district coal plant (owned by some shadow out-of-state investors, it appears) immediately downtown... providing excessively polluting heat to the very Wolstein Center where you shall hold your small business conference today... "Cleveland Thermal’s largest customer is Cleveland State University (CSU)" (and they don't care). Don't breathe too deeply here. EPA Administrator Jackson and Department of Energy Director Chu may certainly tell you there are better ways to make steel and warm citizens, business development agents and the President of the United States of America than burning coal within 100s of yards of homes, offices and you.
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"Teaching Cleveland" Historical Revisionism and Negationism by Journalists and Amateurs has NO PLACE in Education ProgrammingSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 03:42.
I've been stunned to find there is a movement in Cleveland, much like "Creationism" and psycho-conservative mind-control programs of the Koch Tea Partiers, called "Teaching Cleveland", that proposes a group of journalists from the Cleveland Plain Dealer (mostly now out-of-the-profession) and other amateur-historians are qualified to develop education programming for our children. From "Teaching Cleveland": "The Teaching Cleveland Foundation is a pending 501 (3) (c) organization with a stated mission to develop Cleveland-centered curricula in area schools that deepen an understanding of Greater Cleveland’s rich history, foster an appreciation of its varied resources, and equip participants with the skills and capacities to connect, collaborate, and commit. The future of Greater Cleveland depends on inspiring enthusiasm and a stronger sense and love of place to grow another generation of civic leaders." Wrong - the Future of Greater Cleveland depends on providing an authentic, safe, healthy, desirable place for people to live.... not brainwashing people to stay. Change "Cleveland" to "Fatherland" and you will realize the definition and concept for "Teaching Cleveland" is stolen from your typical fascist handbook... and this type of make-believe "story-telling" is defined as "Historical Revisionism" or "Negationism".
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1,000,000s of lives will be bettered in very few years - and I appreciated your help accomplishing thisSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 22:56.
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Sierra Club says We all need to call Senator Brown today with a single message: SUPPORT CLEAN AIR ACTSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 18:24.
![]() PO Box 476 | Avon, OH 44011 US
At the start of this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally began using its authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. Already, however, powerful forces in Congress--including some Democrats--are working to strip that authority away or delay its long-overdue implementation. We need to make sure Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown stands firm in defense of EPA's authority to cut greenhouse gas pollution right away. EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases is the only tool we have right now at the national level to start combating climate change. Taking it away--or delaying it after all these years of inaction--is absolutely unacceptable. We all need to call Senator Brown today with a single message:
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Mayor Jackson - This Is Your "Green" Legacy?!?!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 02/19/2011 - 05:08.
Balloon Over Coal-Fired Chicago: Mayor Daley, is This Your Green Legacy?Posted by jeffbiggers on @ 12:07 pm
Only days before Chicago voters launch their city into a new era with a new mayor, Chicago activists greeted departing Mayor Richard Daley in the City Hall atrium this morning with a giant balloon question mark on his self-proclaim “greenest city in America” legacy. Featuring a picture of the decrepit and deadly Fisk and Crawford coal-burning power plants in the Pilsen and Little Village neighborhoods, the balloon loomed over the heads of city officials and visitors with the stark reality of Chicago’s ailing neighborhoods. The balloon banner read: “Mayor Daley, is this your ‘green legacy’?”
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On Air, Waters and Places - from the earliest work on human ecology, by Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC)Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 09:43.
Regarding the fact that University Hospitals, of Cleveland, Ohio, gets its heat from a coal burning power plant on their urban campus - the Medical Center Company (MCCO), operated by US Senator Sherrod Brown's Brother - located in a largely poor, urban community, which has for over 70 years harmed the health of area and global citizens... and considering the fact no University Hospitals or other area physicians will publicly condemn this and such industrial practices in Northeast Ohio... I posted to realNEO: Doctors at University Hospitals Should Turn In Their Licenses to Practice Medicine, as Hypocrites.
This lack of responsibility by physicians practicing "healthcare" in a geographic area with certain poor health from pollution - including unnecessary pollution from the doctors' own hospital - confirms findings of Alice Hamilton MD, in 1914... "There is here a great neglected field in American medicine and one of growing importance, for each year the number of industrial establishments which employ physicians increases, and the opportunity for expert hygienic control of our dangerous trades increases. But there will have to be a more general understanding of the problems of industrial hygiene before the service rendered by the majority of company physicians becomes of much real value." The Environmental History Timeline reports "Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC), considered the father of medicine, notes the effect of food, of occupation, and especially of climate in causing disease. One of his books, De aëre, aquis et locis (Air, Waters and Places), is the earliest work on human ecology." This work, reproduced below, offers to all future physicians the guidance "when one comes into a city to which he is a stranger, he ought to consider its situation". The first observation of any physician coming into Cleveland - Stranger or otherwise - should be this is an unhealthy place due to excessive point source polluting from industry, including the MCCO power plant at University Hospitals.
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EPA will host Webinar on Air Pollution Prevention and Control (CAA 101)Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 15:21.
02/25/2011 - 14:00 02/25/2011 - 15:30 Etc/GMT-4 REGISTER FOR CLEAN AIR ACT 101 WEBINAR TRAINING WHO: Environmental Justice and Tribal Community Members and Organizations WHAT: Webinar on Air Pollution Prevention and Control (CAA 101) WHEN: February 25, 2011, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time On Friday, February 25, EPA will host a webinar on air pollution prevention and control. The webinar is designed for community members who would like a better understanding of the Clean Air Act and the roles of state, local, and tribal agencies and EPA in air quality management. Clean Air Act 101 will cover topics such as:
Webinar - WWW
United States
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Former Detroit Lead Inspector Sentenced for Fraud - three years and 10 months in prison and 24 months of supervised releaseSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/08/2011 - 16:56.
A press release I received today from the Environmental Protection Agency reports: "Former city of Detroit Health Department lead inspector Donald Patterson was sentenced today to three years and 10 months in prison and 24 months of supervised release on wire fraud charges stemming from an U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) investigation. In July 2010, Patterson pleaded guilty and admitted he accepted cash to provide a clean bill of health to homes in which he had either done no inspection or provided fraudulent lead removal training". Which makes me wonder how much time Cleveland "Environmental Leaders", CDC directors, building inspectors, the Mayor, and Councilpeople should spend in jail for the lead poisoning of 1,000s of children in Cleveland, with contempt. Perhaps Ohio does still need the death penalty?!?!
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EPA Seeks Applicants for $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Grants - Must Acknowledge Environmental Injustice to ApplySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 15:58.
The EPA Environmental Justice grants announced below would fit nicely with lead poisoning eradication needs and objectives in Northeast Ohio, as funded by HUD. The Federal Government wants to attack environmental injustice at the core, through collaboration among Federal agencies, like HUD and EPA, with environmental justice organizations in local communities, like in the overly-lead-burdened Cleveland, so proposals to build EPA environmental justice programming to leverage impact of HUD Lead Eradication funding would make sense and likely appeal to grant review committees. Unfortunately, a community must recognize it is victim of ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE to apply for this grant money, and Cleveland has not yet made that recognition. We're the Green City by the Blue Lake. Let's see if any local Environmental Justice organizations (are there any?) apply for and receive funding from this Federal EPA program for environmental justice, developing programs addressing lead poisoning here, in leverage of the $4.5 million just provided by HUD for lead poisoning eradication, as Obama has determined is a priority here. Let's see if anyone admits we have any environmental injustice here and applies at all. From the EPA:
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Cuyahoga County gets $4.5 million to curb lead in homes - Coverage on - Comments Below for ProtectionSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 02:09.
I'm pleased to see the Cleveland Plain Dealer giving coverage to HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims presenting a $4.5 million Federal Grant to Cuyahoga County to Protect Citizens from Lead Poisoning... on, at least. Here is their advance story... Cuyahoga County gets $4.5 million to curb lead in homes. Especially insightful, from this coverage: "HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims is traveling to Cleveland on Friday not only to present the grant to Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald but also to formally announce the nearly $127 million HUD will spend for the communities nationwide with the highest rates of lead poisoning. Cuyahoga County and the city of Cincinnati received the largest of six grants awarded in Ohio. The city of Lorain is getting $2.1 million." Most alarming, in coverage on, is the feedback of trolls and readers registered there. As the parent of lead poisoned children, I now know what it is like to be a rape victim blamed for being raped. I have corrected some of the misinformation of truly despicable posters there - at least until for some reason FROZE MY ACCOUNT. I will say, for any poor behavior on realNEO - at the user and Admin level - it does not begin to compare with the wretchedness of life on I've posted below the comments up until I was blocked access, to protect them and save me the effort of rewriting my thoughts for you... I guess they own my voice and words on now, and they don't want the world to know the truth about lead poisoning in their fair city. And that is why there is such serious lead poisoning in their fair city...
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2011 realNEO Annual Report - Who really reads it anymore? Update on site statisticsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 04:40.
As I've reported over the past year, while sharing realNEO site statistics with members - most recently, in November, marking our 7th year - realNEO traffic demonstrates very consistent month-to-month and year-to-year growth for visitors, visits and pages viewed. Where there are dips, like each Christmas holiday season, there is year-to-year growth - we've always had strong, consistent, steady performance as illustrated above, since December 2008 (the first month we had reliable Google analytics).
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Can realNEO be improved, or even saved? (you do not have to log in to vote)Submitted by westward on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 14:06.
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HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims Will Present $4.5 million Federal Grant to Cuyahoga County to Protect Citizens from Lead PoisoningSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 15:56.
The Greater Cleveland Health Homes Advisory Council (formerly the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council) has announced a press conference, January 28, 2011, at 1:30 PM, at Cleveland State University Levin College Atrium, where HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims will present a $4.5 million federal HUD grant to Cuyahoga County to "conduct a wide range of activities intended to protect children and families from potentially dangerous lead-based paint and other home health and safety hazards". The press release states the "grant funding will clean up lead and other health hazards in hundreds of homes, train workers in lead safety methods, and increase public awareness about childhood lead poisoning. Lead is a known toxin that can impair children’s development and have effects lasting into adulthood." The obvious objective of this press conference is to encourage the MAINSTREAM MEDIA OF NORTHEAST OHIO to provide better information about lead poisoning prevention to the people of Northeast Ohio, to protect public health and improve our community. Encourage your favorite Media representatives (and politicians) to attend and serve the region better. Also expected to attend will be Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and various other elected and appointed officials.
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A Century of Challenges: Building Local Resilience in an Era of Economic Turmoil & Resource Depletion.Submitted by westward on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 12:03.
01/28/2011 - 19:00 01/28/2011 - 22:00 Etc/GMT-4 Nicole Foss will be speaking on A Century of Challenges: Building Local Resilience in an Era of Economic Turmoil & Resource Depletion. She writes at under the pseudonym Stoneleigh. The talk will be held at First Church in Oberlin,106 N. ( categories:
Nationally Consistent Environmental Justice Screening Approaches - NEJAC Recommendations to EPA - May 2010Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 09:48.
Nationally Consistent Environmental Justice Screening Approaches - text included below, without Appendices - download full 5 MB /PDF Report here A Report of Advice and Recommendations of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council - A Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - MAY 2010
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Top Environmental Development of 2010: EPA Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental JusticeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 01/06/2011 - 14:20.
In what I consider the most important positive environmental development in America in the 21st Century, on December 15, 2010, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley convened the First White House Environmental Justice Forum, where leadership of the recently-reconvened Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) met with over 100 environmental justice leaders (typically long-suffering EJ victims), in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, at the White House complex, to develop new federal interagency strategies and interactions with citizens to right current EJ wrongs in America, in anticipation of worse to come as results of climate change. This Forum was the public interface, and culmination of a year of expansive activity in the White House, throughout the Obama Administration, and nationwide, to advance EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson’s priority to “expand the conversation on environmentalism and work for environmental justice” in America, in clear recognition of harm caused disadvantaged citizens by current Environmental Injustice (aka Environmental Racism... Environmental Genocide... from the mouths of victims), and showing clear US government concern over "Climate Gaps" (e.g. in Heat Islands), and over those worsening, causing more environmental injustices, to be exacerbated by future Climate Change and resulting Climate Injustices that will harm life on Earth, in this age of human-caused global warming.
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With the deceptive headline "68% in poll say parents, not teachers, are to blame for students' poor performance" the Cleveland Plain Dealer published today results of a "poll", paid for by eugenics champions and world's richest "humans" Bill and Melinda Gates, which misrepresents poorly-surveyed, poorly-reported opinions of 1,001 Americans about public education in America as significant indicators regarding the failure of the American public schools system, and reports "68 percent of adults believe parents deserve heavy blame for what's wrong with the U.S. education system -- more than teachers, school administrators, the government or teachers unions." In fact, "government" was not a category in this poll... and, statistically, these Americans placed the same level of blame on State Education Officials (65%, with +/-3.9% sampling errors) as on parents... and all these answers are irrelevant. Science proves a primary cause of failure in education in America is lead poisoning and other toxins put in the environment by the industrialists partnered with the Gates to control the world.
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