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Dear Sierra Club President: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and Begin Organizing!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/24/2011 - 10:47.
Dear Sierra Club President and Nachy Kanfer - Campuses Beyond Coal: Please Add Cleveland State University to your "Campuses Beyond Coal" Campaign and begin organizing against their primary energy provider, the astoundingly deadly, coal-polluting, private-investor-owned Cleveland Thermal coal furnace in the Cleveland Flats! Cleveland State University (CSU) is the largest customer of Cleveland Thermal, and so must take a lead in moving this community beyond coal. I don't imagine President Obama realized this sad situation, prior to his recent visit to Cleveland to meet with small business leaders and government representative at CSU about "jump-starting" our local economy, killed by pollution. I'm sure if he knew he was supporting environmental injustice here, in that way, he would have chosen a more socially-just venue to promote. Cleveland State University is not included in your "Campuses Beyond Coal" campaign, and should be added and activated immediately - Cleveland Thermal is one of the largest polluters in America - we must bring this to light and move them beyond coal to protect Clevelanders. From realNEO:
I have had recent excellent experience working with the Sierra Club on your Ohio "Beyond Coal" initiative, with Nachy Kanfer - Campaign Representative, Midwest States, Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign - and Organizer Mattie Reitman, moving Case Western Reserve University beyond coal by forcing their "district heat" Medical Center Company heat source to move beyond coal... and realNEO appreciates the "Hat-Tip" on your website for helping with that!
My family was fooled into buying a home and living, working and playing near the Medical Center Company coal steam plant, a few miles to the east of Cleveland Thermal, in University Circle, which serves Case Western Reserve University. I am confident most students, supporters and employees of Case were also fooled into believing their institution was better than to burn coal in a dangerous manner, with environmental injustice - which we all learned was wrong. Case Western Reserve University had in fact hidden their coal burning so effectively they had slipped past the radar of your "Campuses Beyond Coal" campaign to help all colleges and universities in America move from dirty, killing coal fuel to more environmentally and progressive energy sources... a campaign that has already succeeded in cleaning up 150+ dirty schools... soon to include Case
Nachy Kanfer realized the Sierra Club had not included Case in the Campuses Beyond Coal program - corrected your national program and campaign to include Case Western Reserve University - and the Sierra Club thus helped lead the campaign to shut down coal burning at MCCO. We appear to have succeeded in getting a concession from the management of MCCO, whose president is Senator Sherrod Brown's brother, Robert Brown... Cleveland Plain Dealer Pulitzer-winning journalist Connie Schultz's brother-in-law. With such politically-charged leadership, this was a force to be reckoned-with... but we won. While we do not know their exact plans, MCCO has posted to their website they are "Moving Beyond Coal" - in tribute to your campaign. I ask the Sierra Club to increase pressure on MCCO management to make clear their exact plans and include the community in their planning, as they have refused to do to date.
Sierra Club Campuses Beyond Coal Organizer Mattie Reitman testifying to the EPA As with MCCO, I am certain few people in the Cleveland community - in the Cleveland State University community - realize they are party to killing others with excessive pollution... who would think there could be such a social burden from paying to get a college degree. I am starting a scorched Earth campaign against Cleveland Thermal on my own, and I look forward to the Sierra Club joining me in the fight to move CSU beyond coal. I intent to identify all OTHER customers of Cleveland Thermal and demand they become activists against participating in the social and environmental injustice of this facility, and this wrongful situation... I intend to start a boycott of all institutions, businesses, government and individuals putting their own dirty comfort and economy above the needs of the community, harming the health of all people living here. I intend to use shame and economic force to shut-down Cleveland Thermal coal-burning in Cleveland. I've worked in an inefficient, over-heated Cleveland Thermal customer building before - the Caxton Building, at 812 Huron Road - and many of the private and government buildings downtown are connected to Cleveland Thermal's distributed steam heat system, connected to Cleveland Thermal's polluting downtown coal furnace in the Cleveland Flats - cheap heat makes building owners bad citizens, irresponsible, and wasteful. Most Cleveland Thermal victims and enablers certainly don't even know this coal burning takes place in the heart of their community... much less that our local government, businesses, many apartments and Cleveland State University are guilty of environmental injustice... without awareness and choice. While Cleveland Thermal appears to be owned by an outside predator - Chaired by a Mr. Donald Hoffman, in Oregon... a former International Paper Company executive - the direct enablers of his pollution, and all the vitims of his coal polluting, are right here in Ohio. I am organizing to fight against this outside power killing our community... corrupting our leadership for pennies on the dollar.
I'm sure Hoffman does not have a coal furnace in his back yard in Oregon. I intend to go see for myself... make things personal in HIS BACKYARD - I'm on my way to Oregon to research HIS community, operations and the harm caused to the world by this man further, in HIS BACKYARD - I doubt his neighbors and supporters there know he kills people in Cleveland. I believe most Clevelanders have been fooled by Cleveland Thermal propaganda for district power to believe this is an environmentally sensitive way to heat a classroom - just as people supporting Case were fooled into thinking MCCO was actually good for the community, since 1932. So many lives lost to deception over the years. Major, irresponsible MCCO customer The Cleveland Museum of Natural History - home of the industry-supported and funded Green City Blue Lake Institute (a Green-washing fabrication of industrial leaders here) - has been core to this deception. Cleveland Thermal has also funded the "Sustainable Cleveland 2019" propaganda campaigns with customer City of Cleveland. These "Kochs" corrupt science, economics, environmentalism, climate change activism and health awareness to profit an extra penny or so on the dollar, rather than invest in upgrading their facilities, saving lives, and bettering our community - like Shell Oil does not care for the well-being of Nigerians... BP does not care about Louisiana fishermen, or those who eat unhealthy fish. We must see this facility moved away from coal - it should be moved out of the hands of outside investors who kill here, while living elsewhere, with contempt... millionaires killing the heart, spirit, soul and economy of impoverished Cleveland in the process.
Just as MCCO was shut down by their management for economic reasons - to avoid boycotts and other actions against MCCO customers, like Case, University Hospitals, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Cleveland Institute of Art, the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History - I expect Cleveland Thermal will eventually be shut down due to fear by their management of boycott against their customers, leading to outrage by all their customers and the community against their coal furnace. Clearly, most Cleveland-area citizens are not customers of Cleveland Thermal and do not want coal burned in their backyards, to only benefit few outside investors, at the expense of our community's health. Most Clevelanders would prefer to pay an extra dollar a year in rent, tuition or taxes rather than be polluted AND personally guilty of environmental injustice - many would move, shop or study elsewhere rather than be part of killing with excessive pollution. So, I expect we shall find many important community leaders will be pleased to help shut down Cleveland Thermal... not everyone here lives to save pennies and kill... not every building-owner in Cleveland cares so little about the health of the community. Some landlords currently at economic disadvantage because they are not on the excessively polluting Cleveland Thermal grid will be pleased to help right these wrongs... to make all landlords as socially responsible as themselves. I will be organizing this community-wide boycott of Cleveland Thermal by their customers and the citizens of greater Cleveland, and I ask the Sierra Club to do whatever you may to organize the progressive students, faculty and administrators of Cleveland State University to get them to help move their institution off coal. That will be the greatest accomplishment of any CSU-stakeholders' lives... and one such "stakeholder" is "distinguished CSU alumnus" Frank Jackson, mayor of Cleveland. Many Cleveland leaders are CSU graduates, unwittingly supporting environmental injustice.
With the elimination of Cleveland Thermal's extreme coal-burning pollution point source here - in addition to the recent decision by FirstEnergy to shut down their Lake Shore Coal powerplant - and the decision of MCCO to move beyond coal - we are about to succeed in eliminating the three worst coal polluters in our city, and so save the community $ billions in healthcare costs and property damage - saving lives and preventing significant human suffering - fighting climate change. I doubt your Campuses Beyond Coal program has had so great an impact anywhere else in America - as we shut down THREE coal plants here - and this should be highlighted as one of your greatest achievements.... after we succeed moving Cleveland State University beyond coal. Thank you for the Sierra Club, for your efforts for the health of all people of America and the world, for fighting against climate change, by organizing Campuses Beyond Coal. Best regards, Norm Roulet
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Gee... I wonder why shitty Cleveland "leaders" hate realNEO
Gee... I wonder why shitty Cleveland "leaders" hate realNEO - because it is easier than doing their jobs and being decent citizens and human being.... fighting against "what we do for the least of us."
First we attacked lead poisoners... then we attacked MCCO... now Cleveland Thermal... Mittal is next, FOR REAL.
Do you all really want to die of cancer?
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Be judged on "what we do for the least of us."
From a Tribute To Mayor Frank Jackson, "Distinguised CSU Alumnus", from a CSU Fundraiser:
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We've all been fooled and sold a lot of sustainability "reconstruction," by the worst carpetbaggers in history--cue Lights, camera, ACTION!
The Greater University Circle promise of 40 acres and a mule...a
home for a $10,000 forgivable loan in the Circle...comes with a horrible price.
But, that price, that disaster, a NEW coal plant in East Cleveland--built on
LAND stolen from African-American families--that disaster has been diverted for now, right?
Should we broaden our attention to Cleveland State University and all of the college
and hospital campuses in NEO or should we continue to focus on the mothership, CWRU?
University campuses are essentially small cities (think OSU) and the potential exists to showcase breakthroughs in "sustainable" solutions on these mini-cities. One would hope.
The wheels are turning very slowly here in NEO. Many communities around the world are moving faster. There must be a REALLY progressive university campus in the United States. If CWRU doesn't get it together, it will be time to find a academic community that can do it. We are sitting on Freshwater....
CSU - the largest, single commercial footprint in Downtown
From the Cleveland Thermal website:
CSU represents a massive tax burden and bad corporate citizen... but it is our mayor's alma mater (for THREE DEGREES...he's a LAWYER if you can believe that)... most of our council went there ... sort of the leadership academy of the fascist state here - and power base for sell-outs in transitions like Rokakais and Chupp.
When they've made it... Associate Prof and tenure at CWRU - why any serious academics stay there is beyond me.
To me... Cleveland's worst gang of KILLERS
Not sustainable
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Wait until you see who else is Thermal Here
Wait until you see who else is Thermal tere... and you feared NUKES:
The Caxton is... where I had my office for a while.. and I'm sure our lovely loser stadiums and arenas... Treminal Tower City... and we'll be dying to make Gilbert rich at his new casnio, I assume...
More research and blacklist to follow...
There are scaps of evidence on the internet of the others... anyone know if there is a master list available to the public?
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Hello Jenita... Mayor Jackson... other Thermalites
Laura, one of the institutions in Cleveland that must move beyond coal pollution now is Cleveland Public Libraries... a Cleveland Thermal Customer... along with the Cleveland City Hall, where realNEO Administrator Jeff Schuler's friend Jenita McGowen is Sustainabillly Manager - NOT SUSTAINABLE - explaining so much about why Buster and his friend Schuler have refused to allow a board to come together to improve realNEO - they've been trying to kill realNEO and all Clevelanders like us for years, along with the sustainabillies at Cleveland Thermal buddies Green City Blue Lake Institute...
Guess what - I'm not dead yet and they are not going to kill realNEO! If it goes down for a while... you know why... and it will return better than ever!
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The good Christians at Trinity Cathedral - EJ criminals
The good Christians at Trinity Cathedral - EJ criminals... is that how you save the unholy... kill them? Get a conscience and soul, parishioners and supporters of Trinity... your leadership is full of hot coal-polluted air!
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WKYC-TV - why are you killing poor Clevelanders?
WKYC-TV - why are you killing poor Clevelanders? Where do all of your employees live... EJ victims or killers?
Get off the dope, cold-hearted coal-poisoning killers:
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Dear Mr. Beres:
Mr. Haggerty - Never followed up - breaking news
You all should be hearing from the NYTimes
You all should be hearing from the NYTimes
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From WKYC - a Customer but chilled water only
I've heard back from WKYC with good news - they are just a chilled water customer, so are not on the coal-steam grid - they share out concerns about the pollution... as such, they may apply pressure to help other customers be good corporate citizens like themselves:
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