Sustainable Development

Knowing coal fired industry and freeways cause pollution that causes genetic mutation and Alzheimer's-like conditions:

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/23/2009 - 06:40.

Question of the day: does it make sense to build public-subsidized housing near pollution?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 12/23/2009 - 06:00.

New government-subsidized market-rate Tremont Pointe development located next to Mittal Cleveland Works steel mill and expanding I-490 freeway, in the toxic Cuyahoga River valley

The 2002 Canadian scientific report "Air pollution induces heritable DNA mutations" finds "Integrated steel production generates chemical pollution containing compounds that can induce genetic damage." And, the 2009 German report "Long-term exposure to traffic-related particulate matter impairs cognitive function in the elderly" finds "chronic exposure to traffic-related PM (particulate matter) may be involved in the pathogenesis of AD (Alzheimer's Disease)"

So, who thought it was a good idea to spend $43 million of scarce government and quasi-public funding to build Tremont Pointe government-subsidized housing, located within scent and fallout of the Mittal Cleveland Works Steel mill, and other highly polluting industry of the Cleveland Flats, and directly adjacent to the I-490 freeway, planned to have increased polluting traffic through expansion as the "Opportunity Corridor"?

Pro-Single-Payer Physicians Call for Defeat of Senate Health Bill

Submitted by Eternity on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 12:54.
Physicians for National Health Program @ Common Dreams - A national organization of 17,000 physicians who favor a single-payer health care system called on the US Senate today to defeat the health care legislation presently before it and to immediately consider the adoption of an expanded and improved Medicare-for-All program.

While noting that the Senate bill includes some "salutary provisions" like an expansion of Medicaid, increased funding for community clinics and the curbing of some

EPA & USDA encourages farmers to spread toxic coal ash on crops

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 12/21/2009 - 17:03.
Rick Callahan @ The Huffington Post - The federal government is encouraging farmers to spread a chalky waste from coal-fired power plants on their fields to loosen and fertilize soil even as it considers regulating coal wastes for the first time.

The material is produced by power plant "scrubbers" that remove acid rain causing sulfur dioxide from plant emissions. A synthetic form of the mineral gypsum, it also contains mercury, arsenic, lead and other heavy metals.

Trillion-Dollar Islam Colonization: 2 million troops deployed since 9/11

Submitted by Eternity on Sat, 12/19/2009 - 22:49.

Copenhagen's Colossal Fail: Obama claims victory, others disagree

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 20:35.

Max Eternity - Late arriving for the historic climate talks taking place in Copenhagen in recent weeks, after protests and walkouts, President Obama has declared victory.  Notwithstanding, others fiercely disagree, particularly those speaking independent of governments.  "This deal will definitely result in massive devastation in Africa and small island states.

“If Bush Was in Kindergarten, Obama Is in First Grade”

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 11:35.


Max Eternity - In Copenhagen for international climate talks, lifelong Indian political and environmental activist, Sunita Narain, says what so many have been thinking all along.  Visit Democracy Now! for video and transcript.

Uncle Tom or Uncle Sam: Nader says criticism of Obama long overdue

Submitted by Eternity on Fri, 12/18/2009 - 11:20.

The Daily Beast - Democrats are steaming over the White House’s capitulation to liberal nemesis Joe Lieberman’s demands to remove a public option and Medicare buy-in from the Senate’s heath-care bill. Progressive figures including Howard Dean and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas have gone so far as to suggest scrapping the bill entirely and starting over, sparking rebukes from White House officials like David Axelrod, who called such a move “insane” in a Morning Joe interview on MSNBC on Thursday.

Time to end the Neocon con game

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 18:48.

Bruce Cameron @ Consortium News - As Washington’s long debate on the Afghan war unfolded, one group had an unhealthy advantage though – based on its record – it should have had no influence at all. These are the neoconservatives, and they have captured The Washington Post’s editorial pages along with other outlets of elite opinion.

Envisioning Your Perfect Global Virtual Community... Visioning Your Perfect REALNEO

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:07.

REALNEO website statistics dashboard

This was REALNEO, from December 16, 2008 - December 15, 2009.

Activity was significant, expanding, engaged, diverse, and global. REALNEO is a very healthy virtual community. But, who were those 277,070 absolute unique visitors attracted to our over 10,141 pages of original content on REALNEO?

Your Perfect REALNEO Community: what is the ideal distribution of visitors by age of visitor?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:05.

Your Perfect REALNEO Community: what is the ideal distribution of visitors by ethnic origin, worldwide?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:04.

Your Perfect REALNEO Community: what is the ideal distribution of visitors with children, by age?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:03.

Your Perfect REALNEO Community: What is the ideal distribution of household income among visitors?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:02.

Your Perfect REALNEO Community: What is the ideal distribution of education attainment among visitors?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 06:00.

Urban Depression: Detroit mayor says city's unemployment nearly 50%

Submitted by Eternity on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 18:53. - Despite an official unemployment rate of 27 percent, the real jobs problem in Detroit may be affecting half of the working-age population, thousands of whom either can't find a job or are working fewer hours than they want.

Using a broader definition of unemployment, as much as 45 percent of the labor force has been affected by the downturn.

Critical observers continue to raise their voice in solidarity

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 23:38.

Max Eternity - A network of Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats are rallying around Barack Obama, the man Michael Moore now describes as "New War President".  A core aspect of this Rovian strategy, concealing Obama's duplicity, is to hijack the Progressive Left through a campaign of infiltration, disinformation and COINTELPRO-styled intimidation.

Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu to Obama "Become What You Are"

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 12:24.

Democracy Now! - Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa also traveled to Copenhagen this weekend to urge world leaders to tackle the climate crisis. The longtime anti-apartheid campaigner and Nobel Peace Prize laureate spoke on Saturday at a candlelight vigil just outside the UN climate summit.  Visit site.

Not Likely: Germany Questions Obama's Afghan Troop Request

Submitted by Eternity on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 11:07.

The New York Times - German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg said the conflict in Afghanistan could not be won by military means and called for more development aid, before flying to visit troops there on Friday. "Afghanistan will not be won with military means," Guttenberg told German broadcaster ZDF. Read more.

"Power Concedes Nothing Without Demand" says Amy Goodman on Tavis Smiley Show (VIDEO)

Submitted by Eternity on Sat, 12/12/2009 - 09:13.

Max Eternity - Quoting Fredrick Douglass on the subject of politics and power, celebrated journalist and independent TV host of Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman, commented recently that "Power concedes nothing without a demand." Goodman was being interviewed by PBS TV host, Tavis Smiley, when she made the statement, referring to the fact that even with a Democrat in the White House, progressive change will not occur if citizens do not hold leadership to account.

Is leaving the lights on at night in downtown Cleveland an attempt to show signs of life to the world good policy?

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 14:45.

War is not peace. It never has been. It never will be.

Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 12:44.

Norman Solomon for TruthOut - Eloquence in Oslo cannot change the realities of war.

As President Obama neared the close of his Nobel address, he called for "the continued expansion of our moral imagination." Yet, his speech was tightly circumscribed by the policies that his oratory labored to justify.