Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 12/05/2009 - 17:45.

If you attempt to ride RTA and the fare box machine at the station is not operating and you attempt to pay as you board the train, but the fare box on the train is not operating--does that make you a criminal?
Today, I had to witness RTA's Gestapo as they boarded the Redline train at the 79th St. station, grilled an African-American man for "his papers," confiscated his ID and forced him to get off the train at the Quincy Stop. He offered to pay then and there, but that was not good enough.
I am ashamed to say I could have filmed the incident, but I did not for fear that I, too, could be hauled off the train. I witnessed RTA treating an innocent human being like a criminal. I told the Gestapo that the fare box was not operating at West 25th St., but that didn't stop them from hauling the man off the train.
My fellow riders noted that we pay a sales tax to operate RTA and shouldn't be treated like criminals for a $5.00 fare, when the same RTA runs their tourist trolley for a "Smile," downtown. I have to ask: This is America?
Two standards in NEO!
Fare boxes often do not work
Fare boxes often do not work on train stops, buses. I ride the bus a lot and I am often waved onto the bus because it will not accept fares. It really brings into question the accuracy of the criteria used to make decisions by RTA. Essentially, my perception is that nothing said by RTA should be taken at face value. I truly believe they do not have accurate data nor do they want accurate data. Economic driver, bull****. For instance, 807 circulator route. Changes made to it caused ridership to go down, but that was the plan. The plan is not to promote ridership but to make it so people find other modes of transportation. Failure by abandonment. This can be the only reason for the way this transit system is evolving. Does anyone else notice that the service has constantly delined since we were name the #1 transit system in the U.S.
For years, I took the bus
For years, I took the bus everywhere. Some time out of necessity and sometimes out of convenience. When I worked downtown, the bus was the only way to go. Over the years I have been waived on many times.
I don't know how or why they have cut so many services because the buses were always crowded and with the economy and gas prices, many people would rather take the bus and same money, especially on fuel and having to pay for parking.
My bus time was always my reading time - or working a crossword. i always had both in my bag just in case. If so many services/connections weren't taken away, I'd probably still take the bus a lot. The 807 Cirrculator was great for getting to and from Metro, for shopping at West Side Market, Steelyard Commons and making connection to other routes.
Maybe they need to re-thing their actions?
RTA Gestapos
Blacks being ticketed in high
numbers for not paying RTA
fares in Cleveland
Published: Sunday, December 12, 2010, 5:45 AM
laura the african american girl in stokes court that i was helpi
laura the african american girl in stokes court that i was helpiing and prosecutor barnett threaten me with charges arrest as me and baliff attempted to have the hundreds dollar fine waived - was a rta no pay case but the girl pled no contest and denied the charge -
at one hearing kim told me to stop talking to a person in the hall way or she would have me charged and arrested because me and a baliff was telling a young african american student that got fined a few hundred that she should go back into the court room and tell judge stokes she has no job and can't afford the fine and or ask for community service - this after i over heard the case in the court room - the realy good baliff told the young lady that if she went back into the court room judge stokes would get angry so he went and asked her and came back and said that the judge won't reverse her order so me and the baliff suggested she go to the administative judge and request the same and she did - and after kim demand i stop talking to the person and i wouldn't stop - kim walked away-
kim barnett, asst. cleveland prosecutor files a false complaint aganist guy templeton black's advocate lily miller - is cantania
kim barnett, asst. cleveland prosecutor files a false complaint aganist guy templeton black's advocate lily miller - is cantania corruption so powerful-
kim barnett first asst. prosecutor for the city of cleveland representing guy templeton black the victim and prosecuting sammy catania for assault any menacing - filed a false and misleading complaint aganist lily miller at the county office that lily's works and lily is guy's advocate at court hearings - See more on this assault here
and lily is a great friend that happens to be a cuyahoga county employee - and lily was not representing the county while advocating for guy at court hearings and driving guy at times to court - (since the cuyahoga county victim services refuses to represent advocate for guy per the law at court hearings)- and lily has filed requested for vacation forms for time off work when advocating for guy - and also has a email to a supervisor to prove-
evidently kim barnett filed said complaint alleging that lily was representing the county and that lily was on county time as lily was advocating for guy - which is false-
lily has never represented to anyone at the court and prosecutors that she was representing the county - and guy introduced lily to kim as " my advocate" and kim asked lily for a business card and lily said i don't have one - guy has a video audio of this conversation-
guy said in open court judge stokes dec. 2, 2010 that lily is a county employee only to protect lily and that lily happens to be advocating for guy because the county victim services refused to show in court for guy and this happen only after judge stokes attempted to have lily in contempt for complaining under her breath and walking out of the court room and the door bumping making a noise and judge stokes thought lily was disrespectful of the court and ordered the baliff to get lily back in an court and put in a holding cell and kim told the judge at side bar per guy's request that lily is a county employee and is only advocating for me as kim well knows and judge stokes has lily to say she was sorry and lily explains that she has been coming to the many court hearings driving guy to court at times and taking off work and she can't come dec. 10, because she can't take off work - and thats why she left the court and didn't mean to be disrespectful-
and this happen after the catania's case file was missing and this case wasn't even on the docket and the court had to continue to dec. 10, 2010 for sentencing of catania-
on dec 6, guy faxed a letter to victor perez the city prosecutor and kim requesting that lily be subpoenaed to be my advocate- so lily would have to take off from work- so far lily hasn't been subpoenaed - if kim doesn't subpoena lily that will show bad faith and doesn't have guy's best interest at heart - or by law-
lily all her life has advocated for the elderly seniors and disabled and disadvantaged and is a twenty year public servant - eleven years with housing court and going on ten years with the county - just a month or so ago lily and commander keith sulzer of the second district cleveland police and officer jim simone advocated for a elderly woman that was having her civil rights violated in probate court - corruption-
lilys twenty year record as a pubic employee is spotless - no complaints - with above average reviews-
did kim barnett make a mistake wittingly or un-wittingly - is the catania mob so powerfull that a city prosecutor can be compromised - to even sabotage guys advocate in court-
at the first court hearing kim barnett said to guy "why did you bring an entourage with you" -" whats going with this federal agent" why are you making a circus of this" - " i think were going to only go with menacing" - "why are you bringing up the race card " - " is that a video camera turn your it off" -
as guy had jerleen justus a friend and reporter for the plain press and - two persons to advocate in court for guy - one was federal agent- as one baliff attempted to prevent the two persons from coming into court and taking their names and supposedly kim over heard this in the hall way as she walked out of the court room and motion me to follow her and this was in judge early court room - which was the first court hearing as i recall - lily wasn't there -
guy said to kim your treating me like a defendant - i thought your supposed to be my advocate and guy said this is classic case of the rich verses the poor in tremont and there isn't any african americans and low income disabled on the tremont west development corporations board and no businesses are african americans and catania is part of this injustice - and is the development director twdc and i filed complaints about this and this why catania assaulted me and kim said why are bringing up the race card stuff - also kim said we can't do anything about the politics of tremont and guy said yes you can - by knowing the back ground that led up to this crime by catania-
guy told kim that she not going to get away with plea bargin this case to a meancing and why are you treating me like a defendant - as guy is telling truth to power-kim starts to reassure guy that she will not automaticly plea bargin and kim starts to assure guy that she will be a good prosecutor and kim stops attempting to be an agent provocator-
at one hearing kim told me to stop talking to a person in the hall way or she would have me charged and arrested because me and a baliff was telling a young african american student that got fined a few hundred that she should go back into the court room and tell judge stokes she has no job and can't afford the fine and or ask for community service - this after i over heard the case in the court room - the realy good baliff told the young lady that if she went back into the court room judge stokes would get angry so he went and asked her and came back and said that the judge won't reverse her order so me and the baliff suggested she go to the administative judge and request the same and she did - and after kim demand i stop talking to the person and i wouldn't stop - kim walked away-
at one hearing kim told judge stokes that she has reached a plea agreement for menacing and i told the judge that i don't agree with this plea and told kim this and the the judge said ok mr. black and motioned for me to be quit and called for a side bar which guy objected and wanted an open court discussion and the judge called for an in chambers discussion and about one hour later kim and catanias lawyer came out and kim said in the hall way how about aggravated disorderly conduct instead of assault which is still a first degree misdemeaner with the same penalty and also charge the menacing -i said ok in the name of forgiveness and being spiritual to judge stokes - and the judge says whats the deal with the assault as i told the judge that catania is guilty of assault and kim told the judge that guy toke video of the crime and kim saw an assault but some one else may not and its not clear to everyone-
guy called and left a message for prosecutor perez about this story and requested that kim barnett be taken off this case in the name of justice but perez voice mail said he wouldn't be back till dec. 13, and that there is no need to leave a message - guy left said message-
guy left a few messages for kim about this story and why did she falsely accuse lily and requested that she not be my prosecutor any more and assign another also i told kim that i called the disciplinary counsel of the supreme court of ohio and requested advice about filing a complaint about said treatment of lily and guy and they faxed and emailed a grievance form for me to file-
guy was willing to give the benefit of doubt that kim wasn't compomised in this case and leaning on the side of the defendant and as guy has pointed out to kim that she has a very hard job in balancing the status qua justice system with the rights of victims especially when they are connacted like cantania - but when lily called me and told me what happen with kims false complaint - guy had to go public to help protect lily and guy and the justice system-
kim toke two weeks off of work and prosecutor perez appeared in court on guy's behalf and requested another statement and medical records - which guy faxed a 14 page statement about the back ground and politics injustice in tremont and the actual assault - prosecutor perez was very polite an didn't talk down to guy -
jerleen justus will provide an affidavit that will support lily and also guy-
is the part of the city and county corrupt system so angry at honest employees like lily that help donate their time to the disavantaged of the community that they will attempt to lump them in with the russo's dimora's and many others that are dishonest - the prosecutors office toke about 5 weeks to file charges aganist catania - why? - was that time enough the fix this case and discourage guy and others - was this case premeditatedly fixed for the wealthy and powerful -
yogi and guy
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Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to harass or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the judicial process and may result in sanctions against the offender.
A single action, even a frivolous one, is not enough to raise a litigant to the level of being declared vexatious, though repeated and severe instances by a single lawyer or firm can result in eventual disbarment.
Some jurisdictions have a list of vexatious litigants: people who have repeatedly abused the legal system. Because lawyers could be disbarred for participating in the abuse, vexatious litigants are often unable to retain legal counsel, and therefore represent themselves in court. Those on the list are usually either forbidden from any further legal action or required to obtain prior permission from a senior judge before taking any legal action. The process by which a person is added to the list varies among jurisdictions.
Six years later and crappy RTA ticket machines still SUCK
I think most folks know I ride RTA with some familiarity - this recent story defies human comprehension.
How a transit system employs Gestapo-like tactics to insure that riders pay their fare - instead, of just having a friendly ticket stand - and machines that actually work to dispense tickets:
A little civility goes a long way - RIDE HAPPY was a marketing promotion a few years back - how much did taxpayers pay for that idea???