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Cleveland: Now you have a choice! Elect Pavarini for the Cleveland Municipal Clerk of CourtsSubmitted by pavman on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 20:14.
ELECT PAVARINI CLEVELAND MUNICIPAL CLERK OF COURTS NOVEMBER 8, 2011 *Do you wish the Cleveland Muni Clerk of Court would treat you like a client, a customer? *Would you like to be helped promptly, without taking an entire day off work just to wait in long lines at the Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court? *Could the Cleveland Muni Clerk of Courts be more knowledgable and helpful? The list goes on and on. We could have a better Clerk of Courts here in Cleveland. Do your own research, ask your friends and neighbors. I've taken the first step... I'm not a politician, but I've signed up as a candidate for this race. I feel I have the skill, means, and talent to effect positive change for my fellow citizens in Cleveland. But I can't do it alone! I need YOUR support... *It's going to take a lot of money... much more than I could ever afford alone. Consider donating a few dollars. I even accept paypal on my website. *I need volunteers, street canvasers, and people to spread the word. Can you help with a few blocks in your neighborhood? Visit my website. Do it now. We don't have much time. Paid for by Elect Pavarini, Edward Hendricks, Treasurer, 2012 W 25th St #501, Cleveland, OH 44113.
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Phil Pavarini
I don't know much about you Phil Pavarini, but you are welcome here. We need more candidates and choices--we have a completely disinterested and detached electorate. We need to shake up the status quo. I applaud you for trying.
Phil Pavarini might be a
Phil Pavarini might be a welcome substitute to Corrupt Cleveland Municipal Court Clerk Earle Turner where data show that he is falsifying case dockets to hurt innocent defendants and he is denying Blacks and others the bond forfeiture hearing required before a warrant can be issued. What is Pavarini's platform?
Just a little info. Phil
Just a little info. Phil lives in Tremont, owns an insurance and court bond serivce. He has served on the TWDC Board and I believe he served in the military.
He seems to be a decent guy - really nice and is active in the community.
What is is position on court
What is is position on court issues. ? Is he Democrat or Republican? Does he support the Heartbeat Bill and is he for or against Senate Bill 5? What will he do to attempt to help reform the legal syatem in his role as Clerk of Court if elected? Does he have any political big wigs behind him? Is he married with children? What is his position on the teacher merit pay issue? And how can he ensure that he will not be another Cleveland Municipal Court Clerk Earle Turner, who as a Black man with no respect for the Black communnity via his falsification of case docket data to hurt appeals, his defamation by lying on his online docket saying non-existing criminal convictions exist and his keeping Blacks and others in jail without a boind forgeiture hearing required by the Local Rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court.--Kathy Wray Coleman, The Imperial Women 216-932-3114 and ktcoleman8 [at] aol [dot] com. Also,
All Good Questions re: Turner
Hello Phil Pavarini,
You are very welcome to put out your platform here on realneo.
Thanks for taking the major dive and posting your candidacy here.
Good luck and kick A in your election operation.
Jeff b, unafilliated!
What is is position on court issues. ? Is he Democrat or Republican? Does he support the Heartbeat Bill and is he for or against Senate Bill 5? What will he do to attempt to help reform the legal system in his role as Clerk of Court if elected? Does he have any political big wigs behind him? Is he married with children? What is his position on the teacher merit pay issue? And how can he ensure that he will not be another Cleveland Municipal Court Clerk Earle Turner, who as a Black man has no respect for the Black community via his falsification of case docket data to hurt appeals, his defamation by lying on his online docket saying non-existing criminal convictions exist and his keeping Blacks and others in jail without the bond forfeiture hearing required by the Local Rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court.--Kathy Wray Coleman, The Imperial Women 216-932-3114 and ktcoleman8 [at] aol [dot] com. Also,