Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 03:06.

Recently, ODOT announced that the very same incompetent bridge contractor--who has dragged the West Sixth St. bridge repair into costly overruns--has been awarded the Innerbelt contract.
Sickening, insane, UNREAL...but, what do we do? We take it. Over and over, again.
Doesn't anyone remember Russo's advice to folks submitting bids to Cuyahoga County?
"I tell all these guys -- go in low and just add a thing or two on as you go along," Russo said.
"Yeah," Dimora said.
"But they don't listen," Russo said.
"No," Dimora replied.
This must have been the very same advice successfully followed by the contractors awarded the Juvenile Detention Center. The Opportunity Corridor? Hell--if we are going to continue taking it, the way we keep taking it, can we just call it for what it is--the Exploitation Corridor.
BTW, I wonder how Fred Finley is doing these days??? Congress representative Kucinich, Fudge...what do you have to say for your part in all of this mess?
Blaxploitation Corridor
Plain Dealer is now going into overdrive to make money for their handlers:
Blacksploitation by black leaders
Blacksploitation by black leaders - the East Side has the most corrupt, ignorant, worthless leadership in America.
Start with Jones - add Fudge - add Jacksons - add Norton - add Johnson - add Conwells - add Randell McShepard and Terri Hamilton Brown - you have a black on black crime convention out to exterminate the black East Side population and all those who live in predominanatly black nighborhoods, like my family - it is astounding how much sell-out black leaders here seem to hate black city folk.
But they do kiss the ass of Browns.
And the proof is all in MCCO and the Opportunity Corridor...
... and especially our LEAD POISONING DATA
Disrupt IT
ODOT paves wave for developers
More of the same old ODOT...cost overruns and delays