I challenge President Obama, here in the most lead poisoned community in America today, surrounded by the worst leadership

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 09/08/2010 - 10:22.

How Do You Raise Lead Poisoned Children In A Community That Doesn't Care About Lead Poisoning? Best You Don't!

I have the misfortune of having begun doing that - raising children here in Northeast Ohio, where leadership refuses to do the right things about lead poisoning - and I have children who are lead poisoned, and there is not adequate help for them here, and we are moving them away. That they are lead poisoned and there is not adequate help for them here puts them at a disadvantage for life, globally, as most children around the world are now protected from the harm of this industrial poison spewed and spread across our land by evil industrialists for over a century - and still found in household products sold by evil industrialists in America today. Most communities have had better leaders - less polluted leaders - over time, than we have had here in Northeast Ohio. Most communities are far better, safer places to live, than Northeast Ohio.

I know and will not lose arguments on the subject. I will continue to educate people here and worldwide about the subject - I will write extensively about the subject.

I challenge President Obama, here in the most lead poisoned community in America today, surrounded by the worst leadership in America today, to do something about our lead poisoning crisis today.

I was a chair of the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council for years, and resigned because the leaders of that are failing to adequately address environmental problems here, and I refuse to be associated with them. I will go into extensive details over time.

I am currently challenging the same failing leaders to address their failure dealing with air pollution monitoring, and citizens here will soon realize the failure of these leaders didn't just lead poison my kids... they poisoned all of us... poison us today... and hide their tracks like all corrupt politicians here today.

They don't hide their tracks well, as documented by many FBI charges against many community leaders here, and more to come. I have proof they pollute us and deceive us and they have not hidden those facts well either. I will be pursuing legal action against those causing excessive pollution here.

First, I will find a way to get my children away from the excessive pollution here - especially from the MCCO coal plant in my neighborhood and the Mittal steel mill a few miles further away - and to get them to educators who actually care to protect children from such pollution, and lead exposure, and will educate them with the special attention lead poisoned children require.

I challenge Obama to help me make this a community my children may move back to when they are ready to help lead this nation to a better future themselves.

To do that, we need change in the Democratic Party in Northeast Ohio, and Ohio, and new democratic leaders to replace those who must go today.

$4.5 Million authorized within a year is a start

$4.5 Million authorized within a year is a start - bringing global attention to our problem is valued as well.

But just a start. What's next?

Disrupt IT

And our leadership has changed and is changing

And our leadership has changed and is changing and must change much more.

Disrupt IT