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Jim Rokakis Land Bank case that boomerangedSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 03/22/2012 - 22:09.
Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge John P. O'Donnell just appropriately ruled for the low bidder on the Brown's stadium concrete work. So, I thought, maybe here's a judge who is doing his job. I Googled him. I got to this pretty cool site where Hon. J. John P. O'Donnell's rulings are available. That's progress. BIG PROGRESS! We, the public taxpayer, can read our employee's (the Hon. Judge's) rulings. From our Homes. From our Couch. Without any public records BS or fees. That's progress. And I salute every judge who publishes their opinions/rulings on the web. Hat Tip to Mr. Hon. O'Donnell et al! One 2009 ruling was a little existestial - requiring an Arizona company which leased a space at Legacy Village to continue to operate their lease hold space after they had performed a going out of business sale and closed. In the Judge's defense, the Court has to work with the precedent they have. Sometimes, precedent, and practicality don't jive. There was also this case involving the land bank attempting to take a parcel valued at $887,000 to the Land Bank to satisfy a $37,889.90 tax lien. Judge John P. O'Donnell didn't support the County Treasure's (Mr. Jim Rokakis's) position. While the plans of public officials like Mr. Rokakis are being rebuffed by public officials like Hon. J. O'Donnell, Mr. Rokakis is still collecting a "double dip" salary while at the same time making telephone calls to web site administrators (statement made on personal knowledge) and public employment personell managers (statement made on personal knowledge) - voicing complaints about negative opinions expressed about him. thank the L for public officials working for US! (Roldo, please take notice of my input here, thanks, Jeff)
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Board of Revision
It's a shame we lost a lot of content on this site related to the shady deals under prior Cuyahoga County Board of Revision administration.
Thank you JB, for the link to O'Donnell's decision:
) CV 10 729846
Plaintiff, )
GROUP, INC., et al. )
Defendants. )
John P. O’Donnell, J.:
The appellants – particularly Park View – claim the board violated the direct transfer statute by ignoring its liens and transferring an $887,000 parcel to the Land Bank to satisfy a $37,889.90 tax lien.
I would hope an astute attorney would see an opportunity to address the transparent wrongs committed by the prior Board of Revision administration upon so many families in NEO--decisions made that allowed so many to profit at the expense of folks without the legal means to challenge BOR decisions.
The board of revision decided the case before it on an amended complaint that is not authorized by the statute governing tax foreclosures before the board and in the absence of any rules of procedure that allow an amended complaint. The board also failed to comply with the provision of R.C. §323.78 requiring a notice of final hearing that describes the availability of the alternative redemption period as a remedy and the possibility that the property will be ordered directly transferred, free and clear of all liens, to a land bank. These were abuses of the board’s discretion and deprived the appellants of due process.
To undo the abuse of discretion the parties should be returned to where they were before the error was made. That point is October 23, 2009, just before the board continued the final hearing on the complaint.
Therefore, pursuant to R.C. §2506.04, the court hereby vacates all of the board of revision’s orders beginning October 23, 2009, including the adjudication of foreclosure and the order to the sheriff of direct transfer. The court further orders that the amended complaint be stricken from the record before the board and remands the treasurer’s complaint to the board of revision to be adjudicated in accordance with all applicable statutes.
Finally, because the adjudication of foreclosure is vacated, the court finds that the deed from the sheriff to the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation, recorded June 16, 2008 as instrument number 201006080284, is void and of no legal effect. The office of the fiscal officer of Cuyahoga County is ordered to record, without fee, a time-stamped copy of this journal entry in connection with permanent parcel number 956-33-017 upon presentation by Park View, Circle Development, or any other interested party.
2011 (pay in 2012) TAXBILL SUMMARY
2003 (pay in 2004)
2004 (pay in 2005)
2005 (pay in 2006)
2006 (pay in 2007)
2007 (pay in 2008)
2008 (pay in 2009)
2009 (pay in 2010)
2010 (pay in 2011)
2011 (pay in 2012)
function changeYear(obj) { var ls_parcel; ls_parcel = "956-33-017"; if (obj.value != "") document.frm.year.value=obj.value; SubmitThisForm('taxbill.asp') }
SEE also:
must join City Club soon...
Jeff, I haven't been by here for a while. I enjoyed the comment about the 3 AM blog review. The video reminded me that we must get a family membership to the City Club.
Bad theatre
Tim, you must enjoy the bad theatre we call political leadership here in NEO....go and watch Cleveland City Council vote (AGAIN) to give more of your $$$ to another "waste-to-energy"'s free...
Taylor said the administration is seeking approval from City Council to hire another consultant to review the work done so far and even suggest possible alternatives to gasification.
"The City of Cleveland is committed to finding a sustainable model to manage our waste stream," Taylor wrote. "The (waste-to-energy plant) is still a project under consideration by the City of Cleveland as a means to increase recycling, reduce operating costs and generate electricity for CPP.
See also: