Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 05/11/2012 - 18:03.
On the length of time we all silently sucked up Cuyahoga corruption (and still do - corruption - MedCon for one and the "LANDBANK" for another - is still vibrant, healthy, and ongoing) , Mr. Roberts comments:
"This question naturally falls upon Dimora’s former colleagues, county commissioners Tim Hagan and Peter Lawson Jones. They are smart men. Jones likes to bring up his Harvard education early in conversation, while Hagan wears the Kennedy family on his lapel as an expression of his political reach. Yet they say they were clueless about the corruption taking place around them. County prosecutor Bill Mason, missing in action on this issue from the day he took office, denies having had any knowledge of the rampant corruption.
None of these officials wanted to peer too closely into the activities of their colleagues. To do so would have been a threat to the system from which they, too, enjoyed patronage and privilege."
Cleveland is dead meat - a direct result of the historic and sadly ongoing total failure of the conventional media in town.
Vote NO on Port Levy
How many folks are reading the insightful articles penned by Erick Trickey and Michael Roberts at Cleveland Magazine?
Please take the time to read these two articles--if you prefer print--please visit your local library or pick up this month's issue at the newstand.
Port Nowhere by Michael Roberts
A Bridge Too Far by Erick Trickey
Michael Roberts article in Cleveland Magazine
This month's Cleveland Magazine has a damning article about Jacqueline Middleton, who fleeced taxpayers with her position at Council of Economic Opportunities. She should be in jail (she will be sentenced in December). She is a crook of the worst kind - and like Rokakis-Frangos - she has been protected for decades.
When the article appears - I will link to it here. In the meantime, please buy the copy at local stores. It is worth the read.