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Ohio Mayor to Blogger "You're a Worthless Piece of Shit"Submitted by Eternity on Sat, 10/03/2009 - 12:33.
Max Eternity - In a recent email, Mayor James (Jim) D. Kalb of Portsmouth, Ohio called a blogger a "worthless piece of s**t" and a "lonely, jealous old man" in response to a public record request. An exerpt from the email reads:
Read full coverage @ Huffing Post.
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Very funny thanks for sharing
Very funny thanks for sharing
How are things in Brazil??
Send us photos. Warm, sunny photos. Tricia-girl, I am envious. Can the politics south of the equator be any worse than here?
see?These "servants" of ours sure do not know their place HUH?
That is so sad, and it goes to show, some of these in power have been corrupted.
Gotta get that going here so all of us can band together to stop this nonsense!
They will speak and act more like public servants if they know they HAVE to, that they are being watched, and something can actually happen with these misteps.
Search county grand jury posts here and learn from that, and visit the site, and will take 25, do we have that many or 1/2 of that we can use as a start, and gather others from other places?
Regards, Betty B.