A very good idea Norm--the imported Toledo-Republican regime in Ohio would only have your child warehoused in a new building contracted out to contributors to the party (ie. Bowen Architecture), loaded with more toxins and not LEED-certified.
Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to get the kids into one of the select charter schools left after the Transformation Plan lottery--but those slots go first to any one living in tax-abated housing in the NPI anointed neighborhoods.
Who wins? No one. We all lose--ultimately--but the biggest losers are residents who passed the 2001 CMSD school levy for warm, dry and safe schools IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS. East side residents, especially, will be left with no schools for their kids and will face long commutes by bus or by car to drop their kids off, where and if they can find a school that will accept them.
Or--as the Gund Foundation would have it--those kids will navigate the mine-field of abandoned city streets to get to their schools and along the way, get shot or learn how to mug some one to avoid getting mugged themselves. These children can look forward to a taxpayer education care of the new Quincy Ave. Juvenile Detention Center.
my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 21:16.
I'm already planning to get the new 4G Sprint phone, with 3D videoconferenecing... 10 Mbps download 2 Mbps upload speed is faster than I may buy for my home - preconfigured portable wifi hotspots in phones everywhere, when 4G comes here later this year... commercial WiMAX will soon be mixed with the public and private wifi here... we're building layers of connectivity and pipelines in meshes at this point.
Good old free market competition leveraging open source software development is driving IT innovation at a feverish clip, bringing some serious connectivity options to town - we'll be connecting ICEarth Bigbangs to everything fast that is made available.... mesh.
Free Open Source Software with cheap super fast bandwidth, processing and storage allow you to do amazing things, when used right.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 22:01.
Our internet access at our house in East Cleveland is poor - some nights it drops over and over again - some days it is so slow it is hardly worth trying to use the Internet... I believe that is a standard problem in the ghetto
For a huge monthly payment to Ameritech, that is about 1/4 the speed offered by Sprint's new 4G service, at its worst... about 1/60th 4G at its best... looks like I'll be getting rid of wired Internet for myself forever this year (and not waiting for fiber).
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 22:12.
I just saw the HD2 yesterday and it is a great phone but Windows native... may dual boot with Android 2.1... Sprint brings all the latest and greatest together this Summer...
If you love all gadgets...
4G smartphone by HTC. Sprint announced the first ever 4G Android handset, the HTC EVO 4G, to be available this Summer. Bearing many similarities with the HD2 (to be available soon with T-Mobile), the HTC EVO 4G is an even better device. It still has that massive 4.3-inch LCD screen and 1GHz Snapdragon processor, but also raises the bar by offering a total of 1 GB ROM and 512 MB RAM. But wait, it's not over yet. The HTC EVO 4G will bring forth an 8-megapixel camera with HD video capture capabilities, plus an additional front-facing 1.3-megapixel one for video calls (which we guess will be usable thanks to the 4G connection) - sweet! Keep in mind there will also be a 3G module inside the EVO, so that you can take advantage of the carrier's 3G network, when 4G is out of your reach.Unlike the HD2, the HTC EVO 4G will be running Android 2.1 with the manufacturer's acknowledged Sense UI. This being the first Android 4G smartphone, it means that developers will now be able to write some quite data-intensive apps for this smartphone (and hopefully the others that will follow). For the purpose, Sprint has also announced a 4G developer guide that will explain the ins and outs of utilizing 4G hardware and software, the front facing cam and the HTC EVO 4G's HDMI output.
LONDON — The race to bring phase-change non-volatile memory to market in integrated circuit form has been going on for 40 years and the two leading protagonists — Numonyx and Samsung — are only just out of the starting blocks.
So far it's a snail's-pace race but there is hope that Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is going to pick up the pace now — possibly leaving Numonyx in its dust. However, it is unlikely that Samsung will dash Usain Bolt-like down the track, and there are pro and contra indicators for the take up of phase-change memory (PCM) otherwise known as phase-change random access memory (PRAM).
For both Numonyx, jointly owned by Intel and STMicroelectronics, and Samsung the technology derives from licenses and cooperation with Ovonyx Inc. formed as a spin-off from Energy Conversion Devices Inc., which performed some of the original research into phase-change in chalcogenide materials.
In both camps research intensified in the early part of this decade but has yet to produce a substantial revenue stream. This is slow progress by any measure.
Now Samsung has announced that it has begun production of a 60-nm 512-Mbit PRAM and is aiming it at mobile phone handsets and other battery-operated applications. The announcement comes almost three-years to the day after Samsung announced the existence of a prototype 512-Mbit phase-change RAM in September 2006. So it is clear that characterizing the data retention and reliability of such a memory has proved non-trivial.
Samsung has, however, jumped out of the starting blocks and got ahead of rival Numomyx.
Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to 20% by changing what type of memory they use.
Samsung has announced plans to produce memory modules built of what is known as a phase change material.
These modules are built of a substance that records or erases data when it is heated and typically use far less power than existing equivalents.
Samsung said modules made of the memory material would roll off its production lines later in 2010.
It plans to produce phase change memory (PCM) chips in the same format as existing designs so they can easily be worked into production runs.
Speed test
The most widely adopted form of PCM is typically made from an alloy of germanium, antimony and titanium which forms a glass-like material. Heating it by applying a voltage makes the material turn into two separate forms that exhibit very different resistances to electricity.
As a result, the material can be used to represent the binary 0s and 1s used by computers.
At its mobile technology forum held in Taipei, Samsung announced plans to start producing PCM modules 512megabits (Mbit) in size.
These will be made to be compatible with traditional flash memory modules that have individual components only 40 nanometres wide. In addition, it said, PCM had a simpler structure than older formats so it should be easy to manufacture and start using in phones.
Samsung lab tests suggest that the 512Mbit phase change memory can read and write data up to 10 times faster than some existing flash memory types. Overall, said Samsung, phase change memory is about three times faster than existing flash memory.
While many firms are working on ways to use phase change memory, Samsung is thought to be the first to put it in a package of processors that can be put into phones.
The electronics giant said it eventually expects PCM to replace flash memory in many gadgets.
PD begins whitewash for Noe
A very good idea Norm--the imported Toledo-Republican regime in Ohio would only have your child warehoused in a new building contracted out to contributors to the party (ie. Bowen Architecture), loaded with more toxins and not LEED-certified.
Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to get the kids into one of the select charter schools left after the Transformation Plan lottery--but those slots go first to any one living in tax-abated housing in the NPI anointed neighborhoods.
Who wins? No one. We all lose--ultimately--but the biggest losers are residents who passed the 2001 CMSD school levy for warm, dry and safe schools IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS. East side residents, especially, will be left with no schools for their kids and will face long commutes by bus or by car to drop their kids off, where and if they can find a school that will accept them.
Or--as the Gund Foundation would have it--those kids will navigate the mine-field of abandoned city streets to get to their schools and along the way, get shot or learn how to mug some one to avoid getting mugged themselves. These children can look forward to a taxpayer education care of the new Quincy Ave. Juvenile Detention Center.
Bottomline--Cleveland taxpayers pay for non-taxpaying students to get an education. It's sick, it's blatantly racist--it's Positively CLE+
my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, my spouse, my cat, my neighbors, my extended family or anyone I happen to acknowledge on the street, bus, etc.
taxpayer education care of the Juvenile Detention Center
That's called Cleveland+Lead Poisoning Remediation
Disrupt IT
art doesn't get any better than this
Seeing this sculpture, in this light - it is hard to imagine a more beautiful or important work of art - especially since the explosion
Rodin was a genius - so were the museum leaders who left The Thinker in this most expressive state - art doesn't get any better than this.
Freedom of speech!
It's the real in NEO that makes all the difference.
Disrupt IT
Rodin would be pleased ...
Edward Steichen photographed Rodin with his sculpture in 1902, the CMA has a print
A nice thing about living in the University Circle area...
A nice thing about living in the University Circle area... when I need art for realNEO, something great is just a few blocks away, day or night...
Disrupt IT
Be Careful Norm...
The next thing you know you might decide to like Cleveburg because of the gigabit fiber that might be coming to your neighborhood: http://realneo.us/content/cleveland-goes-google-application-being-prepared-submission-tomorrow
What would your new super computer think/do with that sort of connectivity???
By refusing to deal honorably with others, you dishonor yourself.
The more bandwidth the better...
I'm already planning to get the new 4G Sprint phone, with 3D videoconferenecing... 10 Mbps download 2 Mbps upload speed is faster than I may buy for my home - preconfigured portable wifi hotspots in phones everywhere, when 4G comes here later this year... commercial WiMAX will soon be mixed with the public and private wifi here... we're building layers of connectivity and pipelines in meshes at this point.
Good old free market competition leveraging open source software development is driving IT innovation at a feverish clip, bringing some serious connectivity options to town - we'll be connecting ICEarth Bigbangs to everything fast that is made available.... mesh.
Free Open Source Software with cheap super fast bandwidth, processing and storage allow you to do amazing things, when used right.
Disrupt IT
Compared to what I get now from Ameritech DSL
Our internet access at our house in East Cleveland is poor - some nights it drops over and over again - some days it is so slow it is hardly worth trying to use the Internet... I believe that is a standard problem in the ghetto
I just ran a test of my DSL connection - twice - http://www.speedtest.net/ - results as follows:
Download speed - 1.45 Mbps
Upload speed - 0.43 Mbps
For a huge monthly payment to Ameritech, that is about 1/4 the speed offered by Sprint's new 4G service, at its worst... about 1/60th 4G at its best... looks like I'll be getting rid of wired Internet for myself forever this year (and not waiting for fiber).
Disrupt IT
I just saw the HD2
I just saw the HD2 yesterday and it is a great phone but Windows native... may dual boot with Android 2.1... Sprint brings all the latest and greatest together this Summer...
Disrupt IT
Analysis: Samsung leapfrogs Numonyx in phase-change memory
Norm, I wonder if Sprint is starting to use one of these chips in their phones for their 4G...
PClarke [at] cmp-europe [dot] com

-->Page 1 of 3
-->EE Times
(09/22/2009 7:36 AM EDT)
So far it's a snail's-pace race but there is hope that Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is going to pick up the pace now — possibly leaving Numonyx in its dust. However, it is unlikely that Samsung will dash Usain Bolt-like down the track, and there are pro and contra indicators for the take up of phase-change memory (PCM) otherwise known as phase-change random access memory (PRAM).
For both Numonyx, jointly owned by Intel and STMicroelectronics, and Samsung the technology derives from licenses and cooperation with Ovonyx Inc. formed as a spin-off from Energy Conversion Devices Inc., which performed some of the original research into phase-change in chalcogenide materials.
In both camps research intensified in the early part of this decade but has yet to produce a substantial revenue stream. This is slow progress by any measure.
Now Samsung has announced that it has begun production of a 60-nm 512-Mbit PRAM and is aiming it at mobile phone handsets and other battery-operated applications. The announcement comes almost three-years to the day after Samsung announced the existence of a prototype 512-Mbit phase-change RAM in September 2006. So it is clear that characterizing the data retention and reliability of such a memory has proved non-trivial.
Samsung has, however, jumped out of the starting blocks and got ahead of rival Numomyx.
Page 3: Related links and articles
From: http://www.eetimes.com/news/design/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=220100482
By refusing to deal honorably with others, you dishonor yourself.
Smartphones to get novel memory material
Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to 20% by changing what type of memory they use.
Samsung has announced plans to produce memory modules built of what is known as a phase change material.
These modules are built of a substance that records or erases data when it is heated and typically use far less power than existing equivalents.
Samsung said modules made of the memory material would roll off its production lines later in 2010.
It plans to produce phase change memory (PCM) chips in the same format as existing designs so they can easily be worked into production runs.
Speed test
The most widely adopted form of PCM is typically made from an alloy of germanium, antimony and titanium which forms a glass-like material. Heating it by applying a voltage makes the material turn into two separate forms that exhibit very different resistances to electricity.
As a result, the material can be used to represent the binary 0s and 1s used by computers.
At its mobile technology forum held in Taipei, Samsung announced plans to start producing PCM modules 512megabits (Mbit) in size.
These will be made to be compatible with traditional flash memory modules that have individual components only 40 nanometres wide. In addition, it said, PCM had a simpler structure than older formats so it should be easy to manufacture and start using in phones.
Samsung lab tests suggest that the 512Mbit phase change memory can read and write data up to 10 times faster than some existing flash memory types. Overall, said Samsung, phase change memory is about three times faster than existing flash memory.
While many firms are working on ways to use phase change memory, Samsung is thought to be the first to put it in a package of processors that can be put into phones.
The electronics giant said it eventually expects PCM to replace flash memory in many gadgets.
He who laughs last didn't get the joke.