Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest Valley
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 01:52.

Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest Valley Development Properties

Views of Mittal and surrounding property to be converted to brightest greenest economic development, transforming the Cuyahoga River Valley into an Eden.

mittal (s)crap
they're dumping salvage trash behind the mounds of "dirt"?
I don't see any solid waste dumping - just massive air polluting
I don't see any solid waste dumping - just massive air polluting
Hard to hide the solid waste from a massive polluting site like Mittal - it gets hauled away in big belching polluting spilling dumptrucks spewing diesel fumes as they fly in and out of the Flats day and night... adding considerably to the pollution there... gotta connect all the dots in the system of pollution killing us if we are going to end the genocide...
My understanding is they have the solid waste management side of steel down to a science - can sell the ash and other byproducts - the waste is what goes up in smoke, as that is easy to hide in a community that doesn't want the truth about their air pollution.
I'm sure the same applies to the water, which I don't have the resources to personally monitor... although plenty of other people do!
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