Song of the Day: Depeche Mode: "Master and Servant"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 13:44.

Song of the Day: Depeche Mode: "Master and Servant" - dedicated to many friends in the community... especially the Weblady. Blessings.

It's a lot
It's a lot
Like life

There's a new game
We like to play you see
A game with added reality
You treat me like a dog
Get me down on my knees

We call it master and servant
We call it master and servant

"Master and Servant" is Depeche Mode's eleventh UK single (released on August 20, 1984) and the second single from the Some Great Reward album. Despite a lot of controversy surrounding the song, it still managed to reach #9 in the UK Singles Chart.


rEALneosPIRITworld650.JPG293.5 KB

As communities age, do more spirits settle-in?

As I learn and sense more about what has gone down in my historic neighborhood and home, over more than a century, I realize more than ever that the energy or spirits from the past linger on. As more generations of people live longer, and more densely, in a place like East Cleveland, does it get crowded in the spirit world? Do all the spirits get along - black and white?

Do these spirits look happy?

Disrupt IT

norm-all sprinkel cayene red pepper powder in all door ways

norm-all sprinkel cayene red pepper powder  in all door ways this helps dive away the dispirits

yogi and guy

or do the opposite

Invite them in & welcome them . Having spirits does not have to be evil spirits. I wonder about my house, now 115 years old. I walk where others have walked, and if they are still around, this is cool. Maybe some wisdom will be shared.

Branches and the night sky

The same comment came up in our household last night--the man wanted to capture a picture of the night sky, housetops and tangled branches--but he hasn't mastered the digital camera, yet.  We both like your photos.  Thanks for posting here.